Game on October 16, 2024 at 05:21, 1 player
1. 547 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. G4 74 98
3. F8 37 135
4. F1 38 173
5. 2D 67 240
6. K2 68 308
7. 3I 38 346
8. 8J 36 382
9. 1A 33 415
10. O1 69 484
11. 3A 24 508
12. 2M 30 538
13. 4J 25 563
14. I6 39 602
15. L8 23 625
16. 14J 43 668
17. A3 33 701
18. B9 81 782
19. 15B 77 859
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6359 fatcat 2 13:38 -312 547 1.6359 fatcat 2 13:38 -312 547
On 1st draw, WALER H4 24 --- WALER an Australian-bred saddle horse [n]
Other moves: ALOWE H4 18, ALOWE H8 18, AWARE H4 18, AWARE H8 18, LAWER H4 18
AWARE H4 18 fatcat
On 2nd draw, ANATO(M)Y G4 74 --- ANATOMY the structure of an organism [n]
Other moves: ATONAL(L)Y 6C 70, ANATO(M)Y G6 68, ATONA(L)LY 6B 64, ANATO(M)Y G8 62, ANATRO(P)Y 8D 61
YO G7 20 fatcat
On 3rd draw, DAFT F8 37 --- DAFT insane [adj]
Other moves: FASTI F10 34, FASTS F10 34, FIATS F10 34, FISTS F10 34, FADS F10 32
FADS F10 32 fatcat
On 4th draw, OUIJAS F1 38 --- OUIJA a board used in seances [n]
Other moves: JIN F2 32, JUN F2 32, JUS F2 32, JIAOS E5 31, OUIJA F1 30
JOINT 11B 24 fatcat
On 5th draw, FOU(R)CHEE 2D 67 --- FOURCHEE having the end of each arm forked -- used of a heraldic cross [adj]
Other moves: CHOOFE(D) 1C 54, CHOOFE(D) 1D 51, CHOOF(S) 1C 51, CHOOF 1D 48, CHOOF(S) 1D 48
CHOOF 1D 48 fatcat
On 6th draw, ENROLLED K2 68 --- ENROL to insert on a register [v]
Other moves: ENROLLED J2 61, ROLLED 1J 28, RONDEL 1J 28, FORLEND D2 26, ENROLL 1J 25
DOLE 1A 24 fatcat
On 7th draw, MANGIER 3I 38 --- MANGEY affected with mange [adj]
Other moves: IMAGER L7 36, MANGER 3I 36, MAIGRE L8 34, MANGE 3I 34, MIRAGE L8 34
GAME 1A 30 fatcat
On 8th draw, BEGLAD 8J 36 --- BEGLAD to gladden [v]
Other moves: BAROLO 1A 35, BEDRAL 8J 33, BORDAR O1 33, DORBA O1 33, GARBO O1 33
BORD O1 27 fatcat
On 9th draw, PUCE 1A 33 --- PUCE [adj] --- PUCE a dark red colour [n]
Other tops: PICE 1A 33
Other moves: CINE 1A 27, CIRE 1A 27, CRUE 1A 27, CURE 1A 27, CURRIE O1 27
PUCE 1A 33 fatcat
On 10th draw, ZERKS O1 69 --- ZERK a grease fitting [n]
Other moves: ZERK O1 66, MARKER O1 51, MARKS O1 48, MERKS O1 48, KERMAS O1 45
ZERK O1 66 fatcat
On 11th draw, VIBS 3A 24 --- VIBS shoes with Vibram soles [n]
Other moves: GIVED L8 23, DEVS 3A 22, DIVS 3A 22, SAVED E11 22, VIDS 3A 22
DIVEST 11A 20 fatcat
On 12th draw, PYE 2M 30 --- PYE a book of ecclesiastical rules in the pre-Reformation English church [n] --- PYE to jumble or disorder [v]
Other moves: OYE 2M 24, PEATY N6 24, TYE 2M 24, GEY L3 23, GOETY L8 21
YE N2 20 fatcat
On 13th draw, TRIG 4J 25 --- TRIG neat [adj] --- TRIG to make tight and sound [v]
Other moves: TRIE 4J 22, GADGET L8 21, GADGIE L8 21, LIGATED M8 20, RIG 4K 20
BAG J8 13 fatcat
On 14th draw, EX I6 39 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: BOXEN J8 33, BOX J8 31, EXINE E11 28, EX N5 27, OX N5 27
BOX J8 31 fatcat
On 15th draw, GARVIE L8 23 --- GARVIE a sprat [n]
Other tops: VERIFY 10B 23
Other moves: LEAVIER M8 22, BEVER J8 21, BEVUE J8 21, GIVER L8 21, REDIAE 9I 21
GIVER L8 21 fatcat
On 16th draw, QIS 14J 43 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QANAT 5E 38, VERIEST A3 33, VERITES A3 33, VERIST A3 30, VERITE A3 30
QIS 14J 43 fatcat
On 17th draw, VAUNTIE A3 33 --- VAUNTIE boastful [adj]
Other moves: TAIN 15H 25, UNIT 15H 25, ANTI 15G 23, ETUI 15G 23, EUOI 15G 23
TAIN 15H 25 fatcat
On 18th draw, HIDEOUT B9 81 --- HIDEOUT a place of refuge [n]
Other moves: DHOTI 15F 38, DHUTI 15F 38, HEID 15H 38, THOUED B9 38, THIO 15H 34
HIVED 11J 24 fatcat
On 19th draw, TONTINER 15B 77 --- TONTINER the receiver of an annuity [n]
Other moves: ANOINTER N8 70, REANOINT N6 62, IRONE A11 34, NINE A12 28, NONE A12 28
TONE A12 28 fatcat
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