Game on October 16, 2024 at 18:14, 10 players
1. 250 pts LongJump22
2. 239 pts NNNNNN1112
3. 239 pts MMMMMM1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H6 36 36
2. 7E 65 101
3. 8A 44 145
4. B5 68 213
5. M7 81 294
6. 11F 82 376
7. J1 70 446
8. 8L 45 491
9. 1F 39 530
10. 12K 47 577
11. O2 68 645
12. A1 38 683
13. C3 35 718
14. 2D 54 772
15. D1 40 812
16. N5 28 840
17. A11 26 866
18. O12 24 890
19. 4H 26 916
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5718 LongJump22 4 3:48 -666 250 1.7298 VVVVVV1112 4 5:57 -703 213
2.5593 NNNNNN1112 2 8:01 -677 239 2.7635 queen66 1 2:32 -793 123
3.5654 MMMMMM1112 2 8:21 -677 239 3.7048 ArcticFox 1 1:32 -871 45
4.7298 VVVVVV1112 4 5:57 -703 213 4.7908 moonmonkey 1 0:24 -892 24
5.5645 LLLLLL1112 2 5:51 -731 185 5.7619 Mycophot 1 0:44 -892 24
6.5680 OOOOOO1112 2 6:18 -731 185 Group: novice
7.7635 queen66 1 2:32 -793 123 1.5718 LongJump22 4 3:48 -666 250
8.7048 ArcticFox 1 1:32 -871 45 2.5593 NNNNNN1112 2 8:01 -677 239
9.7908 moonmonkey 1 0:24 -892 24 3.5654 MMMMMM1112 2 8:21 -677 239
10.7619 Mycophot 1 0:44 -892 24 4.5645 LLLLLL1112 2 5:51 -731 185
5.5680 OOOOOO1112 2 6:18 -731 185
On 1st draw, JOKY H6 36 --- JOKY amusing [adj]
Other tops: JOKY H5 36, JOKY H7 36, JOKY H8 36
Other moves: KOJI H5 30, KOJI H6 30, KOJI H7 30, KOJI H8 30, JOY H6 26
JOKY H6 36 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, ACCOUT(R)E 7E 65 --- ACCOUTRE to accouter [v]
Other tops: ACCOUTE(R) 7E 65, OCCU(P)ATE 7H 65
Other moves: A(B)JECT 6F 22, CAJE(P)UT 6F 21, C(I)CUTA I1 21, T(O)EA I5 21, (F)AUCET I7 21
ACCOUT(R)E 7E 65 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 3rd draw, PLOWS 8A 44 --- PLOW to turn up land with a plow (a farm implement) [v]
Other moves: LOWPS 8A 41, PILOW 8A 38, PILOWS M2 37, POWINS M2 37, LOWPS M3 35
On 4th draw, ABALONES B5 68 --- ABALONE an edible shellfish [n]
Other moves: BO(R)ANES K5 32, BEANOS M2 31, BANES M3 29, BEANS M3 29, BONES M3 29
ABALONES B5 68 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 5th draw, SAIREST M7 81 --- SAIR sore [adj]
Other tops: SATIRES M7 81, TIRASSE M3 81
Other moves: ARSIEST M2 79, ARTSIES M1 79, SAIREST M2 79, SATIRES M1 79, TIRASSE M2 79
TIRASSE M3 81 LongJump22
On 6th draw, NOTAR(I)ZE 11F 82 --- NOTARIZE to certify through a notary [v]
Other moves: (B)ONZA A1 71, (F)ORZA A1 71, (M)OTZA A1 71, TOAZ(E) A1 70, (E)NTREZ L3 69
TOAZ(E) A1 70 NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112
On 7th draw, IMMOLATE J1 70 --- IMMOLATE to kill as a sacrifice [v]
Other moves: IMMOLATE 13G 66, MEZAIL L9 46, MAIM 8L 40, MALM 8L 40, MAMA 8L 40
On 8th draw, FADE 8L 45 --- FADE to lose colour or brightness [v]
Other tops: FARD 8L 45
Other moves: FARE 8L 42, FADED A11 41, AREFIED 1F 39, DEFIED 1G 39, FADDIER 1F 39
On 9th draw, EVITING 1F 39 --- EVITE to avoid [v]
Other tops: INVITE 1J 39
Other moves: EVITING 1H 36, UNITIVE 1F 33, UNITIVE 1H 33, GIVEN A1 32, ZEIN L11 32
On 10th draw, NOSEY 12K 47 --- NOSEY a prying person [n] --- NOSEY unduly curious [adj]
Other tops: FOGEY A11 47, GONEF 2B 47
Other moves: FOGEY A1 44, FOLEY A11 44, FONLY A11 44, FOYLE A11 44, FOYNE A11 44
On 11th draw, BEFINNED O2 68 --- BEFINNED having fins [adj]
Other moves: FIEND A11 38, FINED A11 38, DEIF N11 36, FINNED 2A 35, BINNED 2A 33
OF C8 18 OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
AE I11 2 MMMMMM1112
IN H1 2 NNNNNN1112
On 12th draw, EATHE A1 38 --- EATHE easy [adj]
Other moves: THETA H11 36, THETE H11 36, EATHE A11 32, AHI N2 30, YEAH O12 30
ST 12B 2 NNNNNN1112
EE 11B 2 MMMMMM1112
IO G10 2 LLLLLL1112
AL 5I 2 OOOOOO1112
On 13th draw, PARITOR C3 35 --- PARITOR an officer of the court [n]
Other moves: PARTI A11 31, PILAR A11 31, PYRAL O11 30, TYPAL O11 30, TAPIR A11 29
PARTI A11 31 queen66
TO G10 2 OOOOOO1112
ER 11B 2 LLLLLL1112
NA 10B 2 MMMMMM1112
IN 10A 2 NNNNNN1112
On 14th draw, HOX 2D 54 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: DUX 2D 52, LOX 2D 51, LUX 2D 51, OX 2E 50, HOX D2 48
HOX 2D 54 queen66
On 15th draw, WHID D1 40 --- WHID to move quickly and quietly [v]
Other moves: WADER A11 38, WAIDE A11 38, WARED A11 38, WEIRD A11 38, WIDER A11 38
WIRED A11 38 queen66
On 16th draw, QI N5 28 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ARIL N2 25, AYRIE O11 24, EYRIE O11 24, AERIE A11 23, LARE N1 23
On 17th draw, REGIE A11 26 --- REGIE a system of government monopoly [n]
Other moves: EYRIE O11 24, EGER A12 21, EUGE A12 21, TIGER H11 21, URGE A12 21
TIGER H11 21 ArcticFox
On 18th draw, YUGA O12 24 --- YUGA an age of time in Hinduism [n]
Other tops: VIOLA 4H 24, YAGI O12 24
Other moves: VAR 10K 23, GARI 10K 22, LARI 10K 20, GAR 10K 19, LAV 10I 19
VIOLA 4H 24 ArcticFox
YUGA O12 24 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 19th draw, VIOLD 4H 26 --- VIOLD contained in a vial [adj]
Other moves: DIVAS E4 23, VOR N1 22, Y*DYID 9H 22, YOD 9H 22, DE N11 21
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