Game on October 17, 2024 at 16:26, 1 player
1. 203 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 78 78
2. 8A 86 164
3. C8 38 202
4. D1 76 278
5. A5 64 342
6. 14E 67 409
7. D10 37 446
8. 2A 86 532
9. K8 72 604
10. 3A 37 641
11. 1H 27 668
12. 15A 58 726
13. 1A 49 775
14. E11 38 813
15. 2J 31 844
16. M2 75 919
17. N5 59 978
18. O1 52 1030
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.9965 Pacific 4 5:05 -827 203 1.9965 Pacific 4 5:05 -827 203
On 1st draw, ENTOPIC H8 78 --- ENTOPIC situated in the normal place [adj]
Other tops: ENTOPIC H6 78, NEPOTIC H2 78, NEPOTIC H6 78
Other moves: ENTOPIC H2 74, ENTOPIC H3 74, ENTOPIC H4 74, ENTOPIC H7 74, NEPOTIC H3 74
On 2nd draw, EYES(H)ADE 8A 86 --- EYESHADE a visor for shading the eyes [n]
Other moves: EYES(H)ADE 8H 83, E(S)SAYED I5 81, ES(S)AYED I5 80, SA(V)EYED I5 80, CA(U)SEYED 14H 76
On 3rd draw, EYEBATH C8 38 --- EYEBATH a small vessel for washing the eye [n]
Other moves: BOHEA 7A 35, HOYA 7A 35, CHAYOTE 14H 34, ABYE 7A 33, BAYE 7A 33
On 4th draw, MURRIONS D1 76 --- MURRION a disease of cattle [n]
Other moves: ONIUM B11 32, YOM B8 29, MUON B12 28, MON B10 27, RIMU D12 27
On 5th draw, UNDERLAP A5 64 --- UNDERLAP to extend partly under [v]
Other moves: PENDULAR A7 62, UPLANDER A2 62, UPHAND 14A 32, LAUNDRY B2 30, PAD B10 29
On 6th draw, EDUCATES 14E 67 --- EDUCATE to teach [v]
Other moves: AUDITEES 13E 62, EASTED 15A 40, EASED 15A 37, DUST 15A 34, EASE 15A 31
On 7th draw, FAW D10 37 --- FAW a gypsy [n]
Other tops: FEW D10 37
Other moves: FIERE 15K 35, FERMI 1A 30, FRAME 1A 30, REEF E2 30, FARE D10 29
On 8th draw, ADJU(R)ING 2A 86 --- ADJURE to command solemnly [v]
Other moves: JAMD(A)NI 1B 48, JAM(B)ING 1B 48, JAM(M)ING 1B 48, JA(M)MING 1A 48, J(A)MDANI 1B 48
On 9th draw, REVOLTER K8 72 --- REVOLTER one that revolts [n]
Other moves: LEVER E11 32, LOVER 15K 32, REVEL E11 32, REVET E11 32, ROVER 15K 32
On 10th draw, BEAR 3A 37 --- BEAR a furry animal [n] --- BEAR to act like a bear, [v] --- BEAR to endure [v]
Other tops: BASE 15A 37, BISE 15A 37
Other moves: BEAUS 1F 36, GEAR 3A 34, ABIES 1H 33, ABUSE 1H 33, AGUISE 1H 33
BEAR 3A 37 Pacific
On 11th draw, ALOIN 1H 27 --- ALOIN a laxative [n]
Other tops: AULOI 1H 27
Other moves: ALIEN E11 26, AULOI 1G 26, LI 1A 25, LO 1A 25, LOAN 1F 25
On 12th draw, ZEST 15A 58 --- ZEST to fill with zest (invigorating excitement) [v]
Other moves: ZOS 15A 52, EISH 15A 49, TOSH 15A 49, ROZET 15K 48, ROZIT 15K 48
ZEST 15A 58 Pacific
On 13th draw, KI 1A 49 --- KI the vital force in Chinese thought [n]
Other moves: CAKE E11 40, CAFE E11 38, FAE E10 37, CAGE E11 34, FECK 2K 33
KI 1A 49 Pacific
On 14th draw, MEVE E11 38 --- MEVE to move [v]
Other moves: METE E11 32, LEVE E11 30, RIVEL 15K 30, RIVET 15K 30, LEME E11 28
On 15th draw, WOE 2J 31 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other moves: ROWAN 15K 30, ROWEN 15K 30, WO 2J 28, RAWIN 8K 27, REWAN 8K 27
On 16th draw, SURGEON M2 75 --- SURGEON one who practices surgery [n]
Other moves: ERGONS 8J 27, ORGUES 8J 27, URGERS 8J 27, VOGIEST 13E 27, ERUGOS 8J 24
On 17th draw, IXIA N5 59 --- IXIA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: XI N6 52, XI 13G 34, XU G13 34, XI L11 31, AXING 9E 30
IXIA N5 59 Pacific
On 18th draw, FIGHT O1 52 --- FIGHT to contend in war, battle or single combat [v]
Other moves: GLIFT O1 43, LIGHT O1 43, GLIFT O8 42, LITHO O1 40, HILT O8 39
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