Game on October 18, 2024 at 05:10, 1 player
1. 550 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 40 40
2. I3 76 116
3. 12G 84 200
4. H1 42 242
5. 13A 69 311
6. A10 42 353
7. 3F 82 435
8. E7 86 521
9. M6 80 601
10. 4L 48 649
11. F10 35 684
12. 8A 60 744
13. 1H 83 827
14. 14J 81 908
15. O4 30 938
16. 15G 35 973
17. D11 24 997
18. F6 36 1033
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6368 fatcat 2 15:41 -483 550 1.6368 fatcat 2 15:41 -483 550
On 1st draw, GA(L)AX H8 40 --- GALAX an evergreen herb [n]
Other moves: ZAX H6 38, ZAX H7 38, ZAX H8 38, Z(A)X H6 36, Z(A)X H7 36
ZAX H7 38 fatcat
On 2nd draw, RECLAIM I3 76 --- RECLAIM to make suitable for cultivation of habitation [v]
Other moves: MICE(L)LAR 10D 69, MI(L)LRACE 10F 69, MICEL(L)AR 10C 65, MIL(L)RACE 10E 65, CARAMEL 11E 44
MEAL G11 20 fatcat
On 3rd draw, EXPIA(T)ED 12G 84 --- EXPIATE to make complete atonement for [v]
Other moves: (B)EDIAPER 3B 76, DI(S)PEACE 5C 74, EPICED(I)A 5F 74, EP(I)CEDIA 5F 74, AIR(S)PEED 3G 72
DEEP H1 39 fatcat
On 4th draw, BOAB H1 42 --- BOAB a tropical tree with a swollen trunk [n]
Other moves: NABOB 11K 30, BATON 11K 28, BIDON N10 28, BIB 11K 27, BOAB J7 27
BOAB H1 42 fatcat
On 5th draw, ELUSION 13A 69 --- ELUSION the act of eluding [n]
Other moves: INSOULED N5 63, UNSOILED N5 63, NUBILOSE 1F 61, ULIGINOSE 8E 61, GA(L)AXIES H8 45
OI(L)S 10F 17 fatcat
On 6th draw, DEFEAT A10 42 --- DEFEAT to win a victory over [v]
Other moves: FANE 12A 39, FADDLE N10 38, DEFLATE A7 36, ENDLEAF A9 36, FADED N10 36
FEED A12 36 fatcat
On 7th draw, PEARWOODS 3F 82 --- PEARWOOD the wood of the pear tree [n]
Other moves: SWOOPED B5 81, WOOPSED B5 75, SWOOPED 14G 68, SCOWPED 5H 39, WOOPSED M7 36
OP 14E 22 fatcat
On 8th draw, WALKYRIE E7 86 --- WALKYRIE a maiden in Norse mythology [n]
Other moves: WEARY 14F 43, WEAKLY 14F 42, KYAR 11J 41, ASKEW N2 40, KAW 11K 38
WEAK 2L 34 fatcat
On 9th draw, HINDERER M6 80 --- HINDERER one that hinders [n]
Other moves: HINDERER M8 76, HIDDEN N10 38, HIDDER N10 38, HIDED N10 36, REDEFEAT A8 36
HIDDEN N10 38 fatcat
On 10th draw, FEHM 4L 48 --- FEHM a medieval German criminal court [n]
Other moves: HOOF 4L 43, OOHED N8 37, FEH 4L 36, FOH 4L 36, HELM B11 36
HERO 11K 28 fatcat
On 11th draw, YE F10 35 --- YE you [pron]
Other moves: ENVY 8L 33, EYEN 14E 31, EYE 14E 30, MEINY O4 30, MEYNT O4 30
YE F10 35 fatcat
On 12th draw, RIOJA 8A 60 --- RIOJA a dry red Spanish wine [n]
Other moves: JIRGA 8A 45, JINGO 8K 42, JINNE 8K 39, JOINER B6 38, JINGO 2B 36
JOINER J10 31 fatcat
On 13th draw, BUSTLINE 1H 83 --- BUSTLINE the distance around the bust (the upper torso of a woman) [n]
Other moves: LUNIEST 14H 81, UTENSIL 14I 81, MUSLINET O4 80, INSULTER A1 77, ELUTIONS C3 70
SILENT 15E 37 fatcat
On 14th draw, QUIST 14J 81 --- QUIST a pigeon [n]
Other moves: SQUIT 15E 61, QUOIST 14I 47, SUQ J8 41, SQUIT L6 39, QUIETS 10J 37
QUIET 10J 36 fatcat
On 15th draw, MUTAGEN O4 30 --- MUTAGEN a substance that causes biological mutation [n]
Other tops: MUCATE O4 30
Other moves: CANGUE 4A 28, MAGNET O4 27, CENTU 2B 24, CENTU 8K 24, MANGE O4 24
CAGE 4C 18 fatcat
On 16th draw, VAGI 15G 35 --- VAGUS a cranial nerve [n]
Other moves: ACTIN 15G 34, VAIN 15H 34, CAIN 15H 31, ANTIC J6 30, INCAVO C3 30
VAIN 15H 34 fatcat
On 17th draw, ROSTI D11 24 --- ROSTI (Swiss German) a cheese-topped fried Swiss dish consisting of grated potato and onion [n]
Other moves: NOLO 9C 23, SHOOT N3 23, IN 2N 20, INTRO 2B 20, IT 2N 20
INTO 4C 12 fatcat
On 18th draw, ZO F6 36 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZOIC B6 35, DZO 10A 33, ZONE 10J 33, CONVO 2B 30, COZ 5I 28
ZONE 10J 33 fatcat
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