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Game on October 18, 2024 at 15:49, 8 players
1. 508 pts vendanges
2. 265 pts Mycophot
3. 224 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceilnuw   H7    30    30   unclew
 2. ?eeirtt  11D    78   108   reinette
 3. almooty  12K    32   140   mooly
 4. eginors   O5    86   226   seignory
 5. aaeorss   9D    62   288   rosaceas
 6. eiinpuw   8A    33   321   wipe
 7. ablorst   M7    78   399   barstool
 8. afhiorr   N4    32   431   fah
 9. ?abeeko   L1    78   509   peekabo
10. cdgiotu   M3    31   540   dig
11. ceinotu   F2    68   608   counties
12. aaegjnr   K5    62   670   jagas
13. deennty   E4    30   700   yeed
14. adilntx  D11    42   742   radix
15. afiinrv  15A    42   784   faix
16. dlmnouv  14J    28   812   mould
17. eilntuv   B3    65   877   vituline
18. hinnpqt   A4    44   921   qi

Remaining tiles: hnnprrtvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6876 Filevendanges   3 20:54  -413  508     1.7610 Mycophot    3  9:16  -656  265 
  2.7610 FileMycophot    3  9:16  -656  265     2.7248 VVVVVV1112  3  4:45  -697  224 
  3.5725 FileLongJump22  3  3:06  -697  224            Group: intermediate
  4.7248 FileVVVVVV1112  3  4:45  -697  224     1.6876 vendanges   3 20:54  -413  508 
  5.5595 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:24  -891   30            Group: novice
  6.5586 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:47  -891   30     1.5725 LongJump22  3  3:06  -697  224 
  7.5525 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:24  -895   26     2.5595 OOOOOO1112  1  1:24  -891   30 
  8.5477 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:49  -895   26     3.5586 LLLLLL1112  1  1:47  -891   30 
                                             4.5525 MMMMMM1112  0  1:24  -895   26 
                                             5.5477 NNNNNN1112  0  1:49  -895   26 

On 1st draw, UNCLEW H7 30 --- UNCLEW to unwind [v]
Other moves: WINCE H4 28, UNCLEW H3 24, UNCLEW H4 24, UNCLEW H8 24, UNCLEW H5 22
UNCLEW H7 30 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
WINCE H4 28 vendanges

On 2nd draw, REI(N)ETTE 11D 78 --- REINETTE an apple [n]
Other moves: RE(B)ITTEN 8A 74, T(H)IRTEEN 8A 74, NETT(L)IER 8H 71, WITTERE(D) 12H 70, TE(S)TIER 13F 69
REI(N)ETTE 11D 78 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
REI(N)ETTE 11D 28 Mycophot
WETTER 12H 18 vendanges

On 3rd draw, MOOLY 12K 32 --- MOOLY a hornless cow [n]
Other tops: MALTY 12K 32
Other moves: ATOMY 12K 30, LOAMY 12K 30, ROOMY D11 28, WOOLY 12H 28, ATOMY 10J 26
LOOM 10C 26 Mycophot
TOOM 10C 26 MMMMMM1112
LOAM 10C 26 NNNNNN1112
MAYO G5 24 vendanges

On 4th draw, SEIGNORY O5 86 --- SEIGNORY the power of a seignior [n]
Other moves: ERINGOS 13B 80, IGNORES 13B 80, NEGRONIS 8H 80, REGIONS 13B 80, IGNORERS D7 72
SEIGNORY O5 86 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
SEIGNORY O5 36 Mycophot
GRONES 13C 28 vendanges

On 5th draw, ROSACEAS 9D 62 --- ROSACEA a chronic inflammation of parts of the face [n]
Other moves: SOARES 13C 26, SAROS 13H 25, SASER 13H 25, SORES 13H 25, AROSE 13I 23
SORES L11 14 vendanges

On 6th draw, WIPE 8A 33 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other moves: PEW 10J 31, PEW N4 31, WIPE 12A 30, NEW N4 29, PEIN 10J 29
WIPE 8A 33 vendanges
WIPE 12A 30 LongJump22, Mycophot, VVVVVV1112

On 7th draw, BARSTOOL M7 78 --- BARSTOOL a stool in a barroom [n]
BALLOT N10 40 Mycophot
SOBA 13K 29 vendanges

On 8th draw, FAH N4 32 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other tops: FOH N4 32
Other moves: HO N6 31, OAF N4 29, RAH N4 29, RIF N4 29, AH N5 28
FAH N4 32 Mycophot
HO N6 31 vendanges

On 9th draw, (P)EEKABO L1 78 --- PEEKABO a peeping game played by small children [n]
Other moves: (P)EEKABOS K2 76, (P)EEKABO G1 67, (P)EEKABOS F2 65, (D)EBEAK L3 47, (R)EEBOK L3 47
K(I)BE 12A 32 vendanges

On 10th draw, DIG M3 31 --- DIG to break up, turn over, or remove earth [v]
Other moves: COEDIT 2J 30, DOC K5 29, COULD 14J 28, TIG M3 27, DOG K5 26
DIG M3 31 Mycophot
COULD 14J 28 vendanges

On 11th draw, COUNTIES F2 68 --- COUNTY an administrative division of a state [n]
Other moves: NOCTULE 14H 30, CENS 10J 29, ENTO(P)IC 1H 24, OLEIC N11 23, CINE 12A 22
CUTE 12A 22 vendanges

On 12th draw, JAGAS K5 62 --- JAGA a watchman (Indonesia) [n]
Other moves: JANES K5 59, JAG K5 58, JAR K5 55, RAJAS K5 52, RAJES K5 52
JANE 12A 42 vendanges

On 13th draw, YEED E4 30 --- YEED to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: ENDEW 12D 28, YEDE 12A 28, TYEE E3 27, TYNED 12A 27, DEELY 14J 26
YEDE 12A 28 vendanges

On 14th draw, RADIX D11 42 --- RADIX the root of a plant [n]
Other moves: CALIX 2F 30, AXLE 2I 27, OXIDATED 3F 27, DITA D1 26, LAD D3 24
RADIX D11 42 Mycophot
LAX 14M 20 vendanges

On 15th draw, FAIX 15A 42 --- FAIX faith [interj]
Other moves: VINA D1 34, ARF D4 33, INVAR D1 33, FIAR D2 29, RIVA D1 28
FAIX 15A 42 vendanges

On 16th draw, MOULD 14J 28 --- MOULD to work into a particular shape [v]
Other moves: MODI C12 27, MOIL 14B 22, UNMOLD 14I 22, NODI C12 21, NOVUM I3 21
MOI 14B 20 vendanges

On 17th draw, VITULINE B3 65 --- VITULINE pertaining to a calf [adj]
Other moves: LEVIN 15G 30, LIVEN 15G 30, LUTEIN 15G 30, ELINT 15H 27, VEIN 15H 27
VINE 15G 25 vendanges

On 18th draw, QI A4 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: PHI 14B 29, PHI 15H 28, HIP G2 27, THIN 15H 27, TIPI C12 24
QI A4 44 vendanges

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