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Game on October 19, 2024 at 13:21, 5 players
1. 188 pts sunshine12
2. 109 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 109 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ailnprt   H4    22    22   plaint
 2. ?eosstx  10H    90   112   sextons
 3. aeefilw   9G    36   148   atweel
 4. ?agiotv   6D    65   213   avigator
 5. agossty   L2    30   243   yogas
 6. deinrrv   C1    33   276   verdin
 7. aeilnrt   E1    72   348   interval
 8. ceffnor   8A    54   402   coffle
 9. einortu   A1    83   485   neurotic
10. aacdiry   F2    33   518   yad
11. ehkorrw   2J    38   556   wryer
12. einosuu   9A    23   579   sue
13. eeiimoz   1M    48   627   moz
14. adeghin   N7    76   703   deashing
15. abdhimn   O4    63   766   bimah
16. aeiijop   1H    40   806   jiao
17. denotuu  O12    31   837   doun
18. bcekrtu  10B    43   880   kerb
19. eilpqtu  D10    32   912   requit

Remaining tiles: clp

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7216 Filesunshine12  0  8:26  -724  188     1.7216 sunshine12  0  8:26  -724  188 
  2.7444 FileGLOBEMAN    1  2:11  -803  109     2.7444 GLOBEMAN    1  2:11  -803  109 
  3.7121 Fileroocatcher  1  5:08  -803  109     3.7121 roocatcher  1  5:08  -803  109 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:30  -900   12            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:58  -906    6     1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:30  -900   12 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:58  -906    6 

On 1st draw, PLAINT H4 22 --- PLAINT a complaint [n]
Other tops: PLIANT H4 22
Other moves: ATRIP H8 20, PAINT H4 20, PARTI H4 20, PATIN H4 20, PILAR H4 20

On 2nd draw, SEXTO(N)S 10H 90 --- SEXTON a maintenance worker of a church [n]
Other tops: SEX(P)OTS 10H 90
Other moves: EXPOS(I)TS 4F 82, SEXTO(N)S 10B 76, SEX(P)OTS 10B 76, (C)OEXISTS 7D 73, SEXTO(N)S G9 68

On 3rd draw, ATWEEL 9G 36 --- ATWEEL well [adv]
Other moves: FETWA 9F 34, LIEF 11I 34, TWEEL 9H 34, TWAE 9H 31, TWEE 9H 31

On 4th draw, AVIGATO(R) 6D 65 --- AVIGATOR one that navigates aircraft [n]
Other tops: AVIGATO(R) 6H 65
Other moves: OVALIT(Y) 5E 36, VIOLAT(E) 5E 36, TOA(D) 11I 30, (B)OAT 11I 30, (D)OAT 11I 30

On 5th draw, YOGAS L2 30 --- YOGA a Hindu philosophy involving physical and mental disciplines [n]
Other tops: GASSY L3 30
Other moves: NAYS 8H 29, NOSY 8H 29, NOYS 8H 29, GAYS L3 28, G*YS L3 28

On 6th draw, VERDIN C1 33 --- VERDIN a small bird [n]
Other tops: DRIVEN C1 33
Other moves: RIVEN C2 29, VEIN C3 27, DRYER 2J 26, DINNER 8E 25, INNED 8F 25

On 7th draw, INTERVAL E1 72 --- INTERVAL a space of time between periods or events [n]

On 8th draw, COFFLE 8A 54 --- COFFLE to chain slaves together [v]
Other moves: FOYER 2J 38, FOYNE 2J 38, INFORCE 1E 36, VOICER 1C 36, CLOFF L8 32
FON M3 27 sunshine12

On 9th draw, NEUROTIC A1 83 --- NEUROTIC one affected with a neurosis [n]
Other tops: UNEROTIC A1 83
Other moves: ROUTINES N3 60, VOITURE 1C 33, ENVOI 1A 27, OURIE M1 24, TENOR M1 24
NO 11I 18 sunshine12

On 10th draw, YAD F2 33 --- YAD a stick with a small pointing hand at the tip, used to follow text in the Torah [n]
Other tops: Y*D F2 33
Other moves: RAY D2 32, CAY M1 31, YAR F2 31, Y*D M3 30, DAY M1 29
CAY M1 31 sunshine12

On 11th draw, WRYER 2J 38 --- WRY contorted [adj]
Other moves: HOW M3 36, KOW M1 35, HEW M1 33, HOW M1 33, OH 11J 32
YOKE 2L 22 sunshine12

On 12th draw, SUE 9A 23 --- SUE to institute legal proceedings against [v]
Other moves: FUSION C8 20, OE D3 20, OI D3 20, OU D3 20, ES 9D 19
NO 11I 18 sunshine12

On 13th draw, MOZ 1M 48 --- MOZ a curse [n]
Other moves: ZEA 5J 37, ZOA 5J 37, OUZO B8 33, SEIZE N10 28, ZEE M1 28

On 14th draw, DEASHING N7 76 --- DEASH to remove ash from [v]
Other moves: ODAH 3L 31, DEIGN 10B 27, MEDIA M1 27, NAH 8H 25, ODEA 3L 25

On 15th draw, BIMAH O4 63 --- BIMAH a platform in a synagogue [n]
Other moves: MIHA O6 47, IAMB O6 43, NIMB O6 43, BAH O6 42, BIMA O6 41
BAH O6 42 sunshine12

On 16th draw, JIAO 1H 40 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JIAO 1G 38, JAAP 5J 37, P(R)OJET K5 36, FEIJOA C8 32, PEA 10B 28
JOIN 13K 22 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
PIE 12M 6 chunk88

On 17th draw, DOUN O12 31 --- DOUN (Scots) down [adv]
Other tops: DOUT O12 31
Other moves: DONE 3K 27, DOTE 3K 27, DOUT 3K 27, TOED 3K 27, TONE 3K 24
DOUT O12 31 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
DO O12 12 BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, KERB 10B 43 --- KERB to provide a street with a concrete border [v]
Other moves: KEB 10B 42, KET 10B 40, KUE 10B 40, BLOCKER L8 36, TRECK 10B 34
BEAK 5J 26 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 19th draw, REQUIT D10 32 --- REQUIT to repay (pa p REQUITTED) [v]
Other tops: LIQUID 12J 32
Other moves: EQUID 12K 30, QUID 12L 28, QUINO 13K 28, QI I3 25, TEIL 11C 25
EQUID 12K 30 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12

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