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Game on October 19, 2024 at 15:39, 3 players
1. 439 pts vendanges
2. 162 pts Pacific
3. 127 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiimnr   H4    22    22   marine
 2. aceilnt   5D    90   112   laitance
 3. efimrtt   6C    36   148   titfer
 4. abijlrt  10F    36   184   jarl
 5. ?adiopp  11A    82   266   oppidan
 6. eegmrty   B9    38   304   empery
 7. ?aagluw  12A    35   339   wean
 8. deoorsu   J3    79   418   decorous
 9. aeefnuy   A5    35   453   fayne
10. aeikort   8J    45   498   oakier
11. egisuwx  12F    36   534   wex
12. acilnot   M2    78   612   talionic
13. begilsu   H1    42   654   submariner
14. deghitu   L1    33   687   hide
15. eegistt   O7    60   747   grisette
16. abdgino  14J    32   779   bodgie
17. agnoquv  15E    52   831   quango
18. hnorsuv  15M    44   875   ons
19. hloruvv   N6    31   906   hoe

Remaining tiles: lruvvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.6878 Filevendanges   2 17:26  -467  439     1.9935 Pacific     3  4:05  -744  162 
  2.9935 FilePacific     3  4:05  -744  162            Group: advanced
  3.7040 FileArcticFox   1  4:17  -779  127     1.7040 ArcticFox   1  4:17  -779  127 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6878 vendanges   2 17:26  -467  439 

On 1st draw, MARINE H4 22 --- MARINE a soldier trained for service at sea and on land [n]
Other tops: MAINER H4 22, MINIER H4 22
Other moves: ENARM H8 20, INARM H8 20, INERM H8 20, MAIRE H4 20, MINAE H4 20
MARINE H4 22 ArcticFox, vendanges

On 2nd draw, LAITANCE 5D 90 --- LAITANCE a milky deposit on the surface of fresh concrete [n]
Other moves: ANALCITE 5F 70, ANALCITE 5H 70, LAITANCE 5G 70, CLARINET 6E 64, EMICANT 4G 22
LAITANCE 5D 40 ArcticFox
MINCE 4H 18 vendanges

On 3rd draw, TITFER 6C 36 --- TITFER a hat [n]
Other moves: FEM I7 33, FIRE 6F 32, METIF 4K 32, FRITTER 6B 30, FER 6F 29
FIRE 6F 32 ArcticFox, vendanges

On 4th draw, JARL 10F 36 --- JARL a Scandinavian nobleman [n]
Other moves: JAR 10F 35, RAJ 10H 35, BAJRI 4K 34, BAJRI 10E 25, BAJRI G9 25
JIN I3 22 vendanges

On 5th draw, OPPIDA(N) 11A 82 --- OPPIDAN a townsman [n]
Other moves: DIP(L)OPIA 7G 74, OPPIDA(N) 11I 74, PEPO(N)IDA K4 74, OPPIDAN(S) 8B 65, P(E)PONIDA 8D 65
PAD(S) 11E 33 ArcticFox
PAD 11E 24 vendanges

On 6th draw, EMPERY B9 38 --- EMPERY absolute dominion [n]
Other moves: MEET 12A 37, TEME 12D 33, EMERY 4K 30, GEMOTE A8 30, MPRET B10 30
TOY A10 10 vendanges

On 7th draw, WEA(N) 12A 35 --- WEAN to withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment [v]
Other moves: WAUL(S) L1 32, (T)AWA 12D 32, AGL(O)W A5 29, (D)AW 12D 28, (F)AW 12D 28
LAW A7 23 vendanges

On 8th draw, DECOROUS J3 79 --- DECOROUS proper [adj]
Other moves: DOUSER A4 29, CODERS J5 27, CREDOS J5 27, CRUDES J5 27, DEROS L1 27
WEA(N)ER 12A 21 vendanges

On 9th draw, FAYNE A5 35 --- FAYNE to feign [v]
Other moves: FAY A7 32, FEY A7 32, FY A14 32, FY A8 29, FA(N)NY G9 27
OYE 8J 7 vendanges

On 10th draw, OAKIER 8J 45 --- OAKY tasting of oak sap [adj]
Other moves: KAPA C9 31, MEERKAT 4H 30, KA A14 27, KARITE 12F 27, KI A14 27
KA A14 27 vendanges

On 11th draw, WEX 12F 36 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: TEX G5 35, XI 7G 35, XIS L3 31, WEXES K2 29, EXIES N5 28
TEX G5 35 vendanges, Pacific

On 12th draw, TALIONIC M2 78 --- TALIONIC pertaining to a talion [adj]
Other moves: CONTRAIL O4 63, TALIONIC M5 62, CILANTRO O2 61, LACTATION E1 61, ENATIC 4J 24
AT A14 11 vendanges

On 13th draw, SUBMARINER H1 42 --- SUBMARINER [n]
Other moves: GIBE L1 28, UGLIES 13H 27, BILE L1 26, LUBE L1 24, BEE N6 23
BEE N6 23 vendanges

On 14th draw, HIDE L1 33 --- HIDE to conceal [v] --- HIDE to flog [v]
Other moves: DELIGHT D3 32, THEE N5 32, HUE N6 29, GUDE L1 25, HIDE N3 24
HUE N6 29 vendanges

On 15th draw, GRISETTE O7 60 --- GRISETTE a young French working-class girl [n]
Other tops: TERGITES O6 60
Other moves: TESTIER 7D 25, LIEGES I10 23, SETT N2 23, ERS 13A 22, LIEGE I10 22
ES N1 10 vendanges

On 16th draw, BODGIE 14J 32 --- BODGIE a male cult figure of the 1950s [n] --- BODGIE useless or fraudulent [adj]
Other moves: BAND N1 28, DOB N4 28, BONDAGE 14I 26, DINGBAT 13I 26, DOGBANE 14I 26
BAG N1 23 vendanges

On 17th draw, QUANGO 15E 52 --- QUANGO a public administrative board [n]
Other moves: QUA 15H 40, QUOIF F2 37, GUANO 15H 31, QUOAD L10 30, QUAD L11 28
QUANGO 15E 52 Pacific
QUA 15H 40 vendanges

On 18th draw, ONS 15M 44 --- ON the side of the wicket where a batsman stands in cricket [n] --- ON to go on [v]
Other tops: UNS 15M 44
Other moves: OS 15N 38, SHOE N5 34, SOH N4 32, HOE N6 31, GRISETTES O7 30
UNS 15M 44 Pacific
HOE N6 31 vendanges

On 19th draw, HOE N6 31 --- HOE to use a hoe (a gardening tool) [v]
Other moves: OH N5 28, VOLVE 11K 22, OH A14 20, HO I2 18, UH 13H 18
HOE N6 31 vendanges, Pacific

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