Game on October 19, 2024 at 16:26, 2 players
1. 159 pts Pacific
2. 124 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 4G 74 98
3. O4 68 166
4. K4 82 248
5. 7B 62 310
6. 8A 35 345
7. N9 78 423
8. O12 37 460
9. J10 33 493
10. 3C 39 532
11. A8 92 624
12. 15F 36 660
13. M10 41 701
14. 4A 39 740
15. 3M 38 778
16. A1 54 832
17. B1 31 863
18. 5B 29 892
19. 2G 37 929
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.9935 Pacific 0 3:10 -770 159 1.9935 Pacific 0 3:10 -770 159
2.7040 ArcticFox 1 4:56 -805 124 Group: advanced
1.7040 ArcticFox 1 4:56 -805 124
On 1st draw, MILAGE H4 24 --- MILAGE the total distance expressed in miles [n]
Other moves: ALGUM H8 22, GLAUM H8 22, GLEAM H8 22, MILAGE H8 22, MULGA H4 22
On 2nd draw, EMPATRON 4G 74 --- EMPATRON to patronize [v]
Other moves: ATROPINE 5C 70, PRONATE G9 70, PROTEAN G9 70, OPERANT G9 64, PANTER G7 25
PRONATE G9 70 Pacific
On 3rd draw, SCRUZE O4 68 --- SCRUZE to squeeze [v]
Other moves: ZEAS O1 56, AZURES G6 55, AZURE G6 54, SAZ 3K 50, SEZ 3K 50
ZEAS O1 56 Pacific
On 4th draw, TENTIGO(S) K4 82 --- TENTIGO morbid lasciviousness [n]
Other moves: INGOTE(D) 10I 78, GOONIE(S)T M2 70, TEN(T)IGO N9 70, GENI(Z)OT 3A 69, TEN(T)IGO 3A 69
On 5th draw, TALU(K)DAR 7B 62 --- TALUKDAR the holder of a taluk [n]
Other tops: ULT(R)ARED 9B 62
Other moves: RADUL(A)TE 9A 61, R(A)DULATE 9A 61, ULTRA(R)ED 9B 61, DOTAR(D) 10J 29, DOUAR(S) 10J 29
On 6th draw, VEGA 8A 35 --- VEGA a low fertile plain [n]
Other moves: GOADED 10J 34, GRAVED 3B 31, VERA 8A 31, VADED 3C 29, ADD 10M 28
On 7th draw, NOYADES N9 78 --- NOYADE an execution by drowning [n]
Other moves: NOYADES 10B 77, NOYADES G9 67, NOYADES I9 67, ANDESYTE B1 40, SAYED J8 36
On 8th draw, DELI O12 37 --- DELI a delicatessen [n]
Other tops: DESI O12 37
Other moves: YIELDS J10 36, YIELD J10 35, YULES J10 32, SUDSY 15K 30, YELD J10 30
On 9th draw, HENNAS J10 33 --- HENNA to dye with a reddish colouring [v]
Other tops: HANSEL J10 33, LEASH 3C 33, SELAH 3C 33
Other moves: HALES J10 32, HALSE J10 32, HANSE J10 32, HEALS J10 32, HENNA J10 32
On 10th draw, WALTY 3C 39 --- WALTY unsteady [adj]
Other moves: LUSTY 15H 36, TASTY 15H 36, TAUTLY 3B 35, TWAYS 15F 33, YAWLS 15F 33
TWAYS 15F 33 Pacific, ArcticFox
On 11th draw, VERISTIC A8 92 --- VERIST one who practices verism [adj] --- VERISTIC pertaining to a verist [adj]
Other moves: ERISTICS 15C 83, ERISTIC 2F 73, CLARITIES D6 72, SERICITE(S) 11C 70, ERISTIC 2G 67
RICIEST 15E 27 ArcticFox
On 12th draw, FORKS 15F 36 --- FORK to work with a fork (a pronged implement) [v]
Other moves: KRAFT D1 34, PORKS 15F 33, POUKS 15F 33, FOP L8 32, FRO M11 32
FORKS 15F 36 ArcticFox
On 13th draw, TOWIE M10 41 --- TOWIE a form of contract bridge for three players [n]
Other tops: TAWIE M10 41
Other moves: THEW 4A 37, WHET 4A 37, WHOA 4A 37, WHOT 4A 37, HEW 4B 33
WHAT D1 28 ArcticFox
On 14th draw, HAEM 4A 39 --- HAEM a component of hemoglobin [n]
Other moves: AHEM 4A 33, BEMA 4B 31, HAME 2B 29, HEM 4B 29, HM I9 28
On 15th draw, JO 3M 38 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other tops: BANJO 2G 38, JA 3M 38
Other moves: JAB 2B 37, JOB 2B 37, BANJOE(S) 11E 30, JAI 2D 30, JIAO J2 29
On 16th draw, QOPH A1 54 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: QUOP 2A 43, QUA J2 32, FOP I9 31, PIX 5D 31, POX 5D 31
On 17th draw, IF B1 31 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other tops: BUFO 5C 31, FOB I9 31
Other moves: OAF B12 26, BIO 5C 23, OAF L6 23, UVA 6B 23, FA 2N 22
On 18th draw, BEANO 5B 29 --- BEANO a form of bingo [n]
Other moves: BEANO 2D 28, BEAN 2D 27, BEAN 5B 27, BEIN 2D 27, BEIN 5B 27
On 19th draw, BRUX 2G 37 --- BRUX to grind teeth together [v]
Other moves: BRUXED 9D 31, VIBEX 9E 28, VEX 9G 25, IBEX 9F 24, BRUX G9 23
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