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Game on October 19, 2024 at 19:26, 10 players
1. 703 pts Muincunx
2. 650 pts ArcticFox
3. 605 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?beioru   H8    72    72   ourebis
 2. ?bdeity   G3    80   152   bedirty
 3. aloorst  12H    72   224   barstool
 4. aeflnor  13B    79   303   forelain
 5. aelrttw   L8    63   366   twattler
 6. afhiqtu  B10    80   446   quiff
 7. aegkmoo   F3    47   493   amok
 8. aenrsuv   O6    83   576   unravels
 9. ejosstx   E3    54   630   jets
10. aeegins   D8    74   704   gesneria
11. eeeghiy   3C    34   738   hejab
12. adnoryz   N1    65   803   zonary
13. acdehlp   O1    75   878   ahed
14. iilmopx   D1    38   916   poem
15. acgiluv  15K    30   946   vraic
16. degnotu   I2    65  1011   tongued
17. degiilp   1A    36  1047   gipped
18. ciilnwx   H1    29  1076   xi

Remaining tiles: ciilnw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7754 FileMuincunx    4 14:49  -373  703     1.7754 Muincunx    4 14:49  -373  703 
  2.7040 FileArcticFox   2 16:46  -426  650     2.7040 ArcticFox   2 16:46  -426  650 
  3.7207 Filesunshine12  3 16:41  -471  605     3.7207 sunshine12  3 16:41  -471  605 
  4.7821 FileInkey       0  4:23  -823  253     4.7821 Inkey       0  4:23  -823  253 
  5.5725 FileLongJump22  3  4:36  -870  206            Group: novice
  6.  -  FileHHHHHH1144  2  2:53  -921  155     1.5725 LongJump22  3  4:36  -870  206 
  7.5413 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:48 -1030   46     2.5413 NNNNNN1112  0  1:48 -1030   46 
  8.5525 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:53 -1044   32     3.5525 MMMMMM1112  0  1:53 -1044   32 
  9.5595 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:27 -1054   22     4.5595 OOOOOO1112  0  1:27 -1054   22 
 10.5586 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:59 -1054   22     5.5586 LLLLLL1112  0  1:59 -1054   22 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  HHHHHH1144  2  2:53  -921  155 

On 1st draw, OUREBI(S) H8 72 --- OUREBI an African antelope [n]
Other tops: BOU(S)IER H4 72, BOU(V)IER H4 72
Other moves: BOU(S)IER H2 68, BOU(S)IER H3 68, BOU(S)IER H6 68, BOU(S)IER H7 68, BOU(S)IER H8 68
BOU(S)IER H4 72 LongJump22
BOU(S)IER H4 22 Muincunx, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
BRUI(S)E H4 20 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, BEDI(R)TY G3 80 --- BEDIRTY to make dirty [v]
Other tops: D(U)BIETY G3 80
Other moves: DEBI(L)ITY 13C 78, BEDI(R)TY G2 69, BEDI(R)TY I2 69, D(U)BIETY G2 68, D(U)BIETY I2 68
B(O)YED G7 32 Muincunx, ArcticFox, MMMMMM1112
YET G9 23 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, BARSTOOL 12H 72 --- BARSTOOL a stool in a barroom [n]
Other tops: BARSTOOL 3G 72, TOOLBARS 3C 72
Other moves: TOOLBARS 12D 70, ISOLATOR 13H 68, ISOLATOR 6G 62, OSTIOLAR 6D 62, OSTIOLAR 13E 60
ROOT H1 22 Muincunx
LOOT H1 22 sunshine12
BORSTAL 3G 20 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, FORELAIN 13B 79 --- FORELAY to wait in ambush [v]
Other moves: FARNESOL K7 72, FORELAIN 6A 65, FARNE(S)OL 14C 64, FLOREANT L5 62, ALEF H1 46
LEAF H1 46 Muincunx, NNNNNN1112
LOAF H1 46 sunshine12
FLOOR N10 32 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, TWATTLER L8 63 --- TWATTLER a babbler [n]
Other moves: WRATE H1 37, LAWER 14A 35, TAWER 14A 35, WETA 12A 33, WROTE N10 32
WRATE H1 37 sunshine12
WETA 12A 33 Muincunx
WATTLE O8 27 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, QUIFF B10 80 --- QUIFF a forelock [n]
Other tops: QUAFF B10 80
Other moves: QUOTHA N10 76, QUOIF N10 74, QUOTH N10 74, QUOIT N10 68, QUOTA N10 68
QUIFF B10 80 Muincunx, LongJump22
QUOTHA N10 76 ArcticFox
QUAT H1 49 sunshine12

On 7th draw, AMOK F3 47 --- AMOK a murderous frenzy [n]
Other moves: MAKE F4 44, MAKO F4 44, MOKE F4 44, MOKO F4 44, MAK F4 42
MOKE F4 44 ArcticFox
OKA F5 37 sunshine12
MIKE 12A 36 Muincunx

On 8th draw, UNRAVELS O6 83 --- UNRAVEL to separate the threads of [v]
Other moves: RAVENOUS N7 76, UNREAVES E7 72, USNEA 15A 39, USER 15A 36, UVAE H1 35
USER 15A 36 Muincunx
SAVER 15B 33 ArcticFox
RAVE 15L 21 sunshine12

On 9th draw, JETS E3 54 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other tops: JESS E3 54, JESTS H1 54
Other moves: EXO N5 53, SEX N4 51, SOX N4 51, TEX N4 51, EX N5 50
JETS E3 54 Muincunx, LongJump22
SOX N4 51 sunshine12, ArcticFox, Inkey

On 10th draw, GESNERIA D8 74 --- GESNERIA a flowering plant [n] --- GESNERIA designating a type of flowering plant [adj]
Other moves: AGENISE M2 70, AGENISE K2 68, AGENISE I2 64, ISNAE 15A 39, ESNE 15A 36
EASING N1 29 sunshine12, Inkey, Muincunx
SEEING 15B 29 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, HEJAB 3C 34 --- HEJAB a covering for a Muslim woman's head and face [n]
Other tops: HIJAB 3C 34
Other moves: HYE N5 32, HEY N4 30, HI C9 30, EYE N5 29, GEY N4 28
HYE N5 32 sunshine12, Muincunx
HEY N4 30 Inkey, ArcticFox

On 12th draw, ZONARY N1 65 --- ZONARY pertaining to a zone [adj]
Other moves: DONARY N1 49, DRONY N2 47, RANDY N2 47, DOOZY N11 41, ZED D2 40
DONARY N1 49 Muincunx
DRONY N2 47 Inkey
RANGY 8A 27 sunshine12
ZOA 4A 27 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, AHED O1 75 --- AH to make a sound of delight [v]
Other moves: APED O1 71, HAZE 1L 60, APE O1 54, AH O1 53, DAZE 1L 48
AHED O1 75 Muincunx, sunshine12, HHHHHH1144
APED O1 71 ArcticFox
HAZE 1L 60 Inkey

On 14th draw, POEM D1 38 --- POEM a composition in verse [n]
Other moves: OX A11 36, P*M M2 34, OX A14 32, LIMP I6 28, POL M2 28
OX A11 36 Inkey, ArcticFox, Muincunx
OX A14 32 sunshine12

On 15th draw, VRAIC 15K 30 --- VRAIC a seaweed used as a fertiliser [n]
Other moves: CULPA 1A 27, GARLIC 15J 27, PICAL 1D 27, PICUL 1D 27, PLICA 1D 27
CULPA 1A 27 ArcticFox, sunshine12
VUGG 8A 27 Muincunx

On 16th draw, TONGUED I2 65 --- TONGUE to touch with the tongue (an organ of the mouth) [v]
Other moves: DOGE M2 32, PONGED 1D 30, DOTE M2 29, NODE M2 29, DEG M2 28
DOGE M2 32 sunshine12, Muincunx
PONGED 1D 30 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, GIPPED 1A 36 --- GIP to swindle [v]
Other moves: LIPPED 1A 33, PED M2 31, PEG M2 31, LIPPIE 1A 30, PIPED 1D 30
GIPPED 1A 36 Muincunx, sunshine12, ArcticFox

On 18th draw, XI H1 29 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: (S)IX 14H 28, SIX 10D 26, NIX J1 25, NIXIE 11D 24, WING 8A 24
XI H1 29 ArcticFox, sunshine12
SIX 10D 26 Muincunx

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