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Game on October 20, 2024 at 15:50, 9 players
1. 402 pts sunshine12
2. 192 pts LongJump22
3. 154 pts Pacific

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. achnory   H8    36    36   onycha
 2. ?afrsuu  12H    78   114   hausfrau
 3. ?adeors   O8   122   236   savoured
 4. egiinor  14J    22   258   girnie
 5. aeeimot  15H    32   290   emote
 6. degottw   N4    23   313   towted
 7. aeoopst   9A    62   375   teaspoon
 8. bdelpsu   A6    36   411   bustled
 9. aekmorr   O1    41   452   maker
10. deeiruv   B1    30   482   derive
11. cehilow  10F    39   521   hwyl
12. egiiloy   1A    39   560   edgy
13. efgilno   C7    30   590   foaling
14. aaeinpz   4A    46   636   zine
15. aaejptx  13G    39   675   pax
16. ilottuv   8F    23   698   ovoli
17. aeiijnt   M3    33   731   taj
18. abeinqu  14F    35   766   qi
19. aaceint  15A    38   804   centai
20. abiinru   E3    30   834   abrin

Remaining tiles: aiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7202 Filesunshine12  5  7:40  -432  402     1.9935 Pacific     2  3:29  -680  154 
  2.5465 FileLongJump22  2  2:38  -642  192            Group: advanced
  3.9935 FilePacific     2  3:29  -680  154     1.7202 sunshine12  5  7:40  -432  402 
  4.6995 FileArcticFox   2  4:24  -733  101     2.7422 GLOBEMAN    1  2:39  -771   63 
  5.7422 FileGLOBEMAN    1  2:39  -771   63            Group: intermediate
  6.5610 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:14  -812   22     1.6995 ArcticFox   2  4:24  -733  101 
  7.5536 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:38  -812   22            Group: novice
  8.5480 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:30  -813   21     1.5465 LongJump22  2  2:38  -642  192 
  9.5434 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:51  -813   21     2.5610 OOOOOO1112  0  1:14  -812   22 
                                             3.5536 LLLLLL1112  0  1:38  -812   22 
                                             4.5480 MMMMMM1112  0  1:30  -813   21 
                                             5.5434 NNNNNN1112  0  1:51  -813   21 

On 1st draw, ONYCHA H8 36 --- ONYCHA an ingredient in ancient incenses [n]
Other moves: CHARY H8 34, OCHRY H8 34, CHARY H4 32, HOARY H4 30, HOARY H8 30
ONYCHA H8 36 LongJump22
CHARY H8 34 Pacific

On 2nd draw, H(A)USFRAU 12H 78 --- HAUSFRAU a housewife [n]
Other tops: HAUSFR(A)U 12H 78
Other moves: (H)AUSFRAU 13B 74, (H)AUSFRAU 13G 72, FRAC(T)US 11E 44, FURCU(L)A 11E 44, RAUC(O)US 11E 32
HAUSFR(A)U 12H 78 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, SA(V)OURED O8 122 --- SAVOUR to taste or smell with pleasure [v]
Other tops: (C)AROUSED O8 122
Other moves: OREAD(E)S 14B 87, OR(E)ADES 14B 87, (S)ARODES 14B 87, (T)ROADES 14B 87, SARODE(S) 14B 86
ARO(U)SED 14D 78 LongJump22

On 4th draw, GIRNIE 14J 22 --- GIRNIE ill-tempered [adj]
Other moves: GEO 11J 20, GIE 11J 20, GIO 11J 20, GIRONIC 11B 20, GOE 11J 20

On 5th draw, EMOTE 15H 32 --- EMOTE to express emotion in an exaggerated manner [v]
Other tops: CAMEO 11H 32
Other moves: CAME 11H 25, CAMO 11H 25, EMIT 15H 23, MAE 11J 23, MEE 11J 23
MOTI 15G 21 MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112

On 6th draw, TOWTED N4 23 --- TOWT to pout [v]
Other moves: WODGES K7 22, DAW 13G 21, DEAW 13F 21, DEG G13 21, DOG G13 21
DAW 13G 21 sunshine12

On 7th draw, TEASPOON 9A 62 --- TEASPOON a small spoon [n]
Other moves: STOOPE O1 39, OPERONS M9 33, ESTOP O1 31, STOEP O1 31, STOOP O1 31
STOOPE O1 39 sunshine12, Pacific

On 8th draw, BUSTLED A6 36 --- BUSTLE to move energetically [v]
Other tops: BEDUST A4 36, DUPLETS A4 36
Other moves: PUBES O1 35, BLUED O1 33, BLUEST A4 33, BUSED O1 33, BUTLED A7 33
PUBES O1 35 sunshine12

On 9th draw, MAKER O1 41 --- MAKER one that makes [n]
Other moves: KAME O1 36, MAKE O1 36, MAKO O1 36, MARKER B2 36, MOKE O1 36
MAKER O1 41 sunshine12

On 10th draw, DERIVE B1 30 --- DERIVE to obtain or receive from a source [v]
Other moves: DRIVE B2 28, DEPRIVE E7 26, PREDIVE E9 26, PREVUED E9 26, PRIEVED E9 26
DERIVE B1 30 sunshine12

On 11th draw, HWYL 10F 39 --- HWYL emotional fervour [n]
Other tops: HEW 10D 39, HOW 10D 39
Other moves: WHY 10F 38, HOYLE 10F 36, OWE A1 34, HEY 10F 32, HIE 13K 32
HOW 10D 39 sunshine12

On 12th draw, EDGY 1A 39 --- EDGY tense, nervous, or irritable [adj]
Other moves: EDGILY 1A 36, IDLY 1A 36, OYE A1 34, ODYLE 1A 30, OY A1 29
OYE A1 34 sunshine12

On 13th draw, FOALING C7 30 --- FOAL to give birth to a horse [v]
Other tops: FEALING C7 30
Other moves: FEG G13 29, FIG G13 29, FOG G13 29, FILING 4A 28, GONEFS D4 28
FILING 4A 28 sunshine12

On 14th draw, ZINE 4A 46 --- ZINE a magazine for specialist interests, especially a Web-based one [n]
Other moves: ZA G13 42, PIZE 4A 36, PIZE D4 35, AZINE D3 33, AZAN M2 32
ZINE 4A 46 Pacific, sunshine12, ArcticFox

On 15th draw, PAX 13G 39 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other tops: VEXT 5B 39
Other moves: JAAP M5 37, TAX 13G 35, EXPAT M1 34, JA G13 34, AX 13H 33
PAX 13G 39 GLOBEMAN, ArcticFox, sunshine12

On 16th draw, OVOLI 8F 23 --- OVOLO a convex moulding [n]
Other tops: LOU 13K 23
Other moves: LUV M3 21, VOLTI 5B 20, LOUT M5 19, TOIL M5 19, TOIT M5 19
LUV M3 21 sunshine12
VOLT 8G 16 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, TAJ M3 33 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: TINAJA 2J 30, JA 14F 29, JAI M5 29, JANITOR 5I 28, JEAN M2 28
JA 14F 29 sunshine12

On 18th draw, QI 14F 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: NIQAB 5D 34, QUIN J6 33, QUINATE 4I 32, EQUANT 7I 31, ABUNE E3 30
QI 14F 35 Pacific

On 19th draw, CENTAI 15A 38 --- CENTAS a monetary unit of Lithuania [n]
Other moves: ANSATE D7 30, ETIC L1 28, VENATIC 5B 28, CATENATE 4H 26, TEC L2 24

On 20th draw, ABRIN E3 30 --- ABRIN a poisonous protein [n]
Other tops: NUBIA E2 30, RUBAI E2 30, RUBIN E2 30, UNBAR E2 30, URBAN E2 30, URBIA E2 30
Other moves: ABRI E3 28, BANI E4 28, BARN E4 28, BAUR E4 28, BAUR L1 28

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