Game on October 20, 2024 at 22:01, 1 player
1. 351 pts Papa_Sloth
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 46 46
2. 8H 89 135
3. O5 71 206
4. K3 70 276
5. N2 32 308
6. 1L 58 366
7. 11G 38 404
8. 13I 92 496
9. 12A 100 596
10. N10 28 624
11. 12L 28 652
12. A8 149 801
13. 14A 34 835
14. 15D 36 871
15. 14H 35 906
16. 4G 24 930
17. 6G 37 967
18. H1 27 994
19. B6 28 1022
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6949 Papa_Sloth 0 16:50 -671 351 1.6949 Papa_Sloth 0 16:50 -671 351
On 1st draw, FOREX H8 46 --- FOREX short for foreign exchange [n]
Other moves: FLEXOR H4 40, FLEXO H4 38, FOREX H4 38, BOXER H4 34, FLEXOR H3 34
On 2nd draw, FAT(I)GUES 8H 89 --- FATIGUE to weary [v]
Other moves: GATE(A)US G9 77, G(A)TEAUS G9 77, TU(B)AGES G9 75, (O)UTAGES G9 73, TU(B)AGES G3 69
On 3rd draw, HORSEWAY O5 71 --- HORSEWAY a road for horses [n]
Other moves: HAYER G9 41, HOWE G9 39, HOYA G9 39, YOWE G9 39, HYRAX 12D 36
HYRAX 12D 36 Papa_Sloth
On 4th draw, GROUP(I)ST K3 70 --- GROUPIST someone who belongs to a group [n]
Other moves: GROUP N2 43, STROUP N1 43, STOUP N2 41, STROP N2 41, GROUPS 13J 36
STOP N3 27 Papa_Sloth
On 5th draw, AILED N2 32 --- AIL to cause pain or discomfort to [v]
Other tops: ALODIA N10 32, ALOED N2 32, ELIAD N2 32, OILED N2 32
Other moves: ALOED N10 30, IDEAL N2 25, ALOED L1 24, LADE G9 23, LODE G9 23
LODE N2 15 Papa_Sloth
On 6th draw, KEWL 1L 58 --- KEWL cool, hip [adj]
Other moves: KEW(L) 1L 55, KOW(S) 1L 55, K(E)WL 1L 55, WO(N)K 1L 48, WO(R)K 1L 48
On 7th draw, MEVE(S) 11G 38 --- MEVE to move [v]
Other moves: VEGE(S) 11G 36, VEGO(S) 11G 36, MOVE(S) 13K 35, VEGO(S) 13K 33, EVE(S) 11H 32
On 8th draw, PORINAS 13I 92 --- PORINA (New Zealand) the larva of a moth that damages grassland [n]
Other moves: APRONS 13J 34, ORPINS 13J 34, PIANOS 13J 34, PRIONS 13J 34, PROINS 13J 34
PAR M3 26 Papa_Sloth
On 9th draw, CARNIFEX 12A 100 --- CARNIFEX an executioner [n]
Other moves: FANCIER 14D 74, REFACING 3D 66, CAFE 14H 36, ENFIX 12D 34, NIFE 14H 34
RIFE 14H 34 Papa_Sloth
On 10th draw, ANNAT N10 28 --- ANNAT a benifice paid to the Pope [n]
Other moves: TUNY 12L 22, CANG A12 21, NAG 13E 21, TAG 13E 21, ANNA N10 20
CANG A12 21 Papa_Sloth
On 11th draw, BONY 12L 28 --- BONY full of bones [adj]
Other moves: TAB 14H 25, AB 14I 24, BAIT 11B 24, BOAT 11B 24, BOOT 11B 24
COOT A12 18 Papa_Sloth
On 12th draw, LOGICIST A8 149 --- LOGICIST one who practices logic [n]
Other moves: OLIGIST 15I 86, LOGISTIC A5 83, TOILINGS D7 60, GIST 15L 27, GLOST 15K 27
GIST 15L 27 Papa_Sloth
On 13th draw, STAITH 14A 34 --- STAITH a wharf [n]
Other tops: STOUTH 14A 34
Other moves: AH 14I 30, OH 14I 30, OATH B11 28, TATH B11 28, HAPU 7I 27
AH 14I 30 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, DIENE 15D 36 --- DIENE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: NIDED 14H 30, ENDUED 15F 29, INDEED 15F 29, INDUED 15F 29, DENET 14J 27
DID 14H 20 Papa_Sloth
On 15th draw, DOY 14H 35 --- DOY dear, a loved one (Scots) [n]
Other moves: OY 14I 30, OY J5 28, Y*DYID 14H 27, YOD 14H 27, IVORY 4H 24
OY 14I 30 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, OBDURE 4G 24 --- OBDURE to become hard-hearted [v]
Other tops: COURB 4H 24
Other moves: BOURD 4H 22, COURD 4H 22, BUDA B9 21, CUED J2 21, BODES 9G 20
OB 11D 18 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, MANQUE 6G 37 --- MANQUE frustrated in the fulfillment of one's aspirations [adj]
Other tops: MARQUE 6G 37
Other moves: QUA 6J 32, ENARM 3C 27, QORMA G3 27, VERB H1 27, MAVEN 3C 25
QUA 6J 32 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, VERB H1 27 --- VERB a word used to express an act, occurrence, or mode of being [n]
Other tops: ELUVIA 3C 27
Other moves: VELA 5E 24, VELARIA C8 22, AIVER 10D 21, ERVIL 3C 21, ERVIL 5C 21
On 19th draw, JAI B6 28 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: GJU 10A 27, JAIL 5D 27, JOL 9G 22, JAI E10 20, CAJUN D8 17
JO 9G 17 Papa_Sloth
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