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Game on October 20, 2024 at 22:47, 5 players
1. 329 pts sunshine12
2. 119 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 118 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deegux   H8    42    42   deluxe
 2. ?aaahsz  10E    96   138   chalazas
 3. efilmor   K5    48   186   femoral
 4. aaeghnr   8A    95   281   hangared
 5. deejlnu  13G    50   331   dejeune
 6. abeimsy   L4    54   385   beamy
 7. ceinost   E3    90   475   oscitance
 8. aiinrtu  N10    32   507   nutria
 9. eiilosu  O13    34   541   sol
10. deinoru   O4    82   623   dourine
11. eginrtw   B7    78   701   watering
12. adelost  15B    90   791   solated
13. eiioort  15A    27   818   isolated
14. afiilot  14I    38   856   oft
15. begiory   N2    57   913   beigy
16. ilortvw   M1    32   945   vow
17. aoppqrt   4B    26   971   qats
18. ikloppv  12A    34  1005   kipp
19. ciilorv   C2    26  1031   clarion

Remaining tiles: iiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7213 Filesunshine12  0 17:16  -702  329     1.7213 sunshine12  0 17:16  -702  329 
  2.7422 FileGLOBEMAN    1  4:10  -912  119     2.7422 GLOBEMAN    1  4:10  -912  119 
  3.7110 Fileroocatcher  2  3:41  -913  118     3.7110 roocatcher  2  3:41  -913  118 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     1  1:16  -999   32            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:47 -1005   26     1.  -  chunk88     1  1:16  -999   32 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:47 -1005   26 

On 1st draw, DE(L)UXE H8 42 --- DELUXE of special elegance or luxury [adj]
Other tops: EXUDE(D) H3 42, EXUDE(S) H3 42, EXU(D)ED H3 42
Other moves: DE(S)EX H8 40, (F)EDEX H8 40, (R)EDUX H8 40, DE(L)UXE H4 30, EXU(D)ED H7 30
DEXE(S) H4 28 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, (C)HA(L)AZAS 10E 96 --- CHALAZA a band of tissue in an egg [n]
Other moves: (C)HA(L)AZA 10E 45, (G)HAZA(L)S 10C 37, AZA(L)(E)AS 10E 36, HAZ(E)(L)S 10D 36, (G)HAZA(L) 10C 36
HAZES 13E 28 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, FEMORAL K5 48 --- FEMORAL pertaining to the femur [adj]
Other moves: FAME G9 35, ORIFEX 12C 32, FEM 9G 31, FOREX 12D 30, REFIX 12D 30
FAME G9 35 sunshine12

On 4th draw, HANGARED 8A 95 --- HANGAR to place in an aircraft shelter [v]
Other moves: GERAH L4 46, HAG J6 35, HANGAR L1 35, HANGER L1 35, GORHEN 8J 33
REH J4 32 sunshine12

On 5th draw, DEJEUNE 13G 50 --- DEJEUNE breakfast [n]
Other moves: JEUNE L1 45, JOULED 8J 45, DEJEUNE 6H 33, DEJEUNE 13B 32, JEANED B6 32
JEED L3 32 sunshine12

On 6th draw, BEAMY L4 54 --- BEAMY beaming [adj]
Other moves: SAMEY L4 50, SEAMY L4 50, IMBASE N9 48, ABYSM N10 44, MAISE N10 42
MASE N11 28 sunshine12

On 7th draw, OSCITAN(C)E E3 90 --- OSCITANCE [n]
Other moves: NOTICES N7 77, ACONITES B8 74, CANOEIST B7 74, ESCOTING D1 74, SONICATE B3 64
NOISE N10 30 sunshine12

On 8th draw, NUTRIA N10 32 --- NUTRIA an aquatic rodent [n]
Other moves: INTRA N10 30, NAIRU N10 30, RUINATE 9B 27, ARNUT 14I 26, AIRN N11 24
TARN N11 24 sunshine12

On 9th draw, SOL O13 34 --- SOL the fifth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other moves: ISO O12 26, LOUIES M1 25, LOUSE O8 25, ES O12 23, ILEUS 12A 23
OES 14I 20 sunshine12

On 10th draw, DOURINE O4 82 --- DOURINE a disease of horses [n]
Other moves: DOURINE 14A 73, UNIRONED C3 72, UNIRONED C7 72, DOUANIER B5 63, ROYNED 8J 30
OD 14I 23 sunshine12

On 11th draw, WATERING B7 78 --- WATERING the act of one that waters [n]
Other moves: WRESTING 4B 76, WRETHING A4 69, TWANGIER B6 68, TOWERING 3D 64, TWINGE N2 42
GREW M2 29 sunshine12

On 12th draw, SOLATED 15B 90 --- SOLATE to change to a fluid colloidal system [v]
Other tops: SALTOED 15B 90
Other moves: DESOLATE G1 61, TSADE 15A 37, OSTEAL 15A 34, DEAL A12 31, DOAT A12 31

On 13th draw, ISOLATED 15A 27 --- ISOLATE to set apart from others [v]
Other moves: TOZE J8 23, TIER M3 21, OORIE M1 20, ORT 14I 20, TOONIE C5 19

On 14th draw, OFT 14I 38 --- OFT often [adv]
Other tops: AFT 14I 38
Other moves: OF 14I 35, FAR F6 29, FIR F6 29, FOR F6 29, FILA D1 28

On 15th draw, BEIGY N2 57 --- BEIGY relating to the color beige [adj]
Other moves: GOBY N3 38, BOGY N3 37, BOGEY M1 35, BYE N5 35, YOB N6 35
BOGEY N1 30 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 16th draw, VOW M1 32 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: VROWS 4A 30, LOW M1 26, ROW M1 26, TOW M1 26, OW M2 24
VOW M1 32 roocatcher, chunk88
TOW M1 26 BadBoyBen

On 17th draw, QATS 4B 26 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: TROPPO 3C 26
Other moves: APOOP 3C 24, PARPS 4A 24, PARTON C3 24, PATRON C3 24, PROA D1 24
QATS 4B 26 roocatcher

On 18th draw, KIPP 12A 34 --- KIPP a gymnastic movement [n]
Other moves: KILP 12A 30, KILO 12A 26, PIKI 12A 26, KI A12 24, KO A12 24
KILP 12A 30 roocatcher

On 19th draw, CLARION C2 26 --- CLARION to proclaim by blowing a medieval trumpet [v]
Other moves: COZ J8 24, CLAVI C2 20, NOIL 13B 20, NOIR 13B 20, VICAR C1 20
VICAR C1 20 sunshine12

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