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Game on October 20, 2024 at 23:33, 5 players
1. 201 pts sunshine12
2. 71 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 41 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. iknorsw   H7    88    88   inworks
 2. aeesttx  11E   110   198   extreats
 3. ?abeimn   8A    83   281   benjamin
 4. cdeggin  12C    26   307   cedi
 5. adfnosu  10J    35   342   fauns
 6. ?aghino   M3    82   424   gnathion
 7. eiioqrt   7G    42   466   qi
 8. befilor   C7    34   500   inforce
 9. eimprst   I1    76   576   permits
10. eglnopt   5E    40   616   eloping
11. adnrtuy   1H    45   661   updry
12. abehnot   8J    39   700   ethion
13. aeilort   O1    77   777   relation
14. cdeeiry  14A    54   831   cidery
15. ablotuz  B10    64   895   za
16. aeglotu   3C    70   965   outglare
17. abelovw  15F    35  1000   avow
18. abdeijl   D1    34  1034   bluid

Remaining tiles: aejuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7188 Filesunshine12  0  4:04  -833  201     1.7188 sunshine12  0  4:04  -833  201 
  2.7396 FileGLOBEMAN    0  2:14  -963   71     2.7396 GLOBEMAN    0  2:14  -963   71 
  3.7110 Fileroocatcher  0  1:21  -993   41     3.7110 roocatcher  0  1:21  -993   41 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:10 -1017   17            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:00 -1020   14     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:10 -1017   17 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:00 -1020   14 

On 1st draw, INWORKS H7 88 --- INWORK to work in [v]
Other moves: INWORKS H2 86, INWORKS H3 80, INWORKS H4 80, INWORKS H6 80, INWORKS H8 80

On 2nd draw, EXTREATS 11E 110 --- EXTREAT an extraction [n]
Other moves: EXTREAT 11E 56, EXEAT G6 48, TAXES 6H 43, TEXAS 6H 43, TEXES 6H 43

On 3rd draw, BEN(J)AMIN 8A 83 --- BENJAMIN a kind of overcoat [n]
Other moves: (P)EMBINA 6H 82, MISBE(G)AN 13F 80, AMBIEN(T) 6B 78, BIMENSA(L) L6 78, EMBASIN(G) L7 78

On 4th draw, CEDI 12C 26 --- CEDI a monetary unit of Ghana [n]
Other moves: DEIGN 10J 24, EDGINGS 13B 24, CIDE 10C 23, DEIGN 12J 23, ICED 12L 22

On 5th draw, FAUNS 10J 35 --- FAUN a woodland deity of Roman mythology [n]
Other moves: FOUNDS I3 33, AUFS I5 32, FAUN 10J 32, OAFS 10H 32, OAFS I5 32

On 6th draw, GNA(T)HION M3 82 --- GNATHION the tip of the chin [n]
Other moves: SHOA(L)ING 13H 80, GNA(T)HION C1 74, HOAS(T)ING N7 72, OB(E)AHING A7 64, NIHO(N)GAS N3 63

On 7th draw, QI 7G 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI G7 42
Other moves: QI N2 25, RIOTISE N5 23, QI 8L 21, RIOT 6E 21, RITE 6F 21

On 8th draw, INFORCE C7 34 --- INFORCE to compel [v]
Other moves: BOUSIER L8 33, BRIEF 8K 33, FIER 8L 33, FILE 8L 33, FILO 8L 33
FILE 8L 33 sunshine12

On 9th draw, PERMITS I1 76 --- PERMIT to allow [v]
Other moves: IMPIES 8J 39, ESPRIT 14B 33, MIPS 8L 33, MISTER 14A 33, REMITS 8J 33
RISP 14A 25 sunshine12

On 10th draw, ELOPING 5E 40 --- ELOPE to run away to be married secretly [v]
Other tops: PELTING 5E 40, POLTING 5E 40
Other moves: LOPING 8J 36, PONTILE 5E 36, POTLINE 5E 36, TOPING 8J 36, TOPLINE 5E 36
OPE H1 33 sunshine12

On 11th draw, UPDRY 1H 45 --- UPDRY to dry completely [v]
Other tops: UNPRAY 1G 45
Other moves: NUDITY 8J 36, YIRD 8L 36, TRYPAN 1F 33, UNTIDY 8J 33, ADRY 14B 30
YIRD 8L 36 sunshine12

On 12th draw, ETHION 8J 39 --- ETHION a pesticide [n]
Other moves: AHINT 8K 36, OBTUSE L7 36, THINE 8K 36, HOUSE L8 35, HEBONA 4A 34

On 13th draw, RELATION O1 77 --- RELATION a significant association between two or more things [n]
Other tops: TAILERON O1 77
Other moves: AEROLITE 2B 72, AEROLITE B1 72, RETAILOR 3B 68, SOTERIAL 13H 68, LABORITE A6 61

On 14th draw, CIDERY 14A 54 --- CIDERY like cider [adj]
Other moves: CYDER 14A 36, CERED D1 34, CREED D1 34, CRIED D1 34, YEED 12J 34
YEDE 14A 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 15th draw, ZA B10 64 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: ZO B10 64
Other moves: AZO 15F 41, TOUZLE B3 37, ZOOT 10B 37, AZOTE 2E 36, AZO 10A 32
AZO 15F 41 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 16th draw, OUTGLARE 3C 70 --- OUTGLARE to surpass in glaring [v]
Other moves: GLACE A11 31, GUACO A11 31, LEUCO A11 27, TELCO A11 27, OUTAGE 15F 26
AGE 15F 17 chunk88
ATE 15F 14 BadBoyBen

On 17th draw, AVOW 15F 35 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other tops: ABLOW 15F 35, ABOVE 15F 35, ELBOW 15F 35
Other moves: ALOWE 15F 29, AWE N1 28, OWE N1 28, BLAW A8 27, ALEW 15F 26
WOE B6 16 sunshine12

On 18th draw, BLUID D1 34 --- BLUID Scots form of BLOOD [n]
Other tops: BLUED D1 34
Other moves: BICE A12 33, FALAJ J10 31, JABBED A5 31, JIBBED A5 31, JAB 2A 28
JIB 2A 28 sunshine12

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