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Game on October 21, 2024 at 22:12, 5 players
1. 336 pts sunshine12
2. 296 pts Papa_Sloth
3. 33 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdeeint   H4    24    24   betide
 2. aehmnos  10F    86   110   hoseman
 3. ?deeiix  11I    51   161   dexes
 4. aaelnor   9F    25   186   anele
 5. ceinoos   6D    64   250   coonties
 6. abegiil  12L    27   277   biga
 7. ?adeopr   D6    80   357   copyread
 8. gintuuy  C11    31   388   tying
 9. alnortu   8A    30   418   tarpon
10. adeilrs   A1    83   501   lardiest
11. iijlmor  O11    42   543   major
12. egnotuu  15A    30   573   nugget
13. achirtu  14E    75   648   haircut
14. eisuvwz   8J    63   711   suivez
15. afilorw  H12    33   744   faro
16. eiklprv   5J    30   774   piker
17. aloqtvw   2A    28   802   avowal
18. filqtuw   M1    34   836   fique

Remaining tiles: ltwy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7221 Filesunshine12  4 14:33  -500  336     1.7221 sunshine12  4 14:33  -500  336 
  2.6927 FilePapa_Sloth  1 14:39  -540  296     2.7379 GLOBEMAN    0  0:38  -803   33 
  3.7379 FileGLOBEMAN    0  0:38  -803   33     3.7110 roocatcher  0  0:27  -810   26 
  4.7110 Fileroocatcher  0  0:27  -810   26            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:06  -824   12     1.6927 Papa_Sloth  1 14:39  -540  296 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  1:06  -824   12 

On 1st draw, BETIDE H4 24 --- BETIDE to befall [v]
Other tops: BIDENT H4 24
Other moves: BEEDI H4 22, BETED H4 22, BETID H4 22, BETIDE H8 22, BIDET H4 22

On 2nd draw, HOSEMAN 10F 86 --- HOSEMAN a fireman who directs the stream of water [n]
Other tops: HOSEMAN I5 86
Other moves: HAMBONES 4E 80, HOSEMAN G9 78, HOSEMAN I9 78, HOSEMAN I1 77, HOASTMEN 6D 67

On 3rd draw, DEXE(S) 11I 51 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: EX(O)DOI G6 49, (F)IXED 11I 49, (H)EXED 11I 49, (M)IXED 11I 49, (N)IXED 11I 49

On 4th draw, ANELE 9F 25 --- ANELE to anoint [v]
Other moves: ELAN 9J 23, ERA 9J 21, LEANER 9D 21, LOANER 9D 21, ALANE I4 20

On 5th draw, COONTIES 6D 64 --- COONTIE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: SENECIO 5E 36, COOSEN 8A 33, COOSIN 8A 33, CONENOSE L8 28, COOSIN 11B 25

On 6th draw, BIGA 12L 27 --- BIGA a two horse chariot [n]
Other moves: BILE 12L 25, GIBE 12L 25, GLIB 11D 25, BAGEL 5J 24, BAGIE 5J 24

On 7th draw, COP(Y)READ D6 80 --- COPYREAD to copyedit [v]
Other moves: PRE(L)OAD 11A 78, CRO(U)PADE D6 76, E(N)DOCARP D2 76, (S)COREPAD D5 76, CO(M)PADRE D6 74
PARED O11 24 Papa_Sloth

On 8th draw, TYING C11 31 --- TIE to fasten with a cord or rope [v]
Other moves: TYING E11 30, NUDITY 13B 28, TANGY O11 27, TYIN C11 27, TYIN E11 26
TANGY O11 27 Papa_Sloth
YIN 7G 23 sunshine12

On 9th draw, TARPON 8A 30 --- TARPON a marine game fish [n]
Other moves: LATRON 8J 27, TORULA 8J 27, URAO B11 25, RAGOUT 15A 24, RUGOLA 15A 24
UNGOT 15A 21 sunshine12

On 10th draw, LARDIEST A1 83 --- LARDY resembling lard [adj]
Other moves: BEDRAILS 4H 74, DISABLER 4D 72, RAILBEDS 4D 72, DERAILS 13F 66, DIALERS 13F 66
GLARED 15C 27 Papa_Sloth
GRISED 15C 27 sunshine12

On 11th draw, MAJOR O11 42 --- MAJOR to pursue a specific principal course of study [v]
Other moves: JO 5E 38, RIOJA O8 36, JIG 15A 33, JOG 15A 33, JOMO E5 30
MAJOR O11 42 sunshine12
JO 5E 38 Papa_Sloth

On 12th draw, NUGGET 15A 30 --- NUGGET a mass of solid matter [n] --- NUGGET to polish shoes or boots [v]
Other tops: TONGUE 8J 30
Other moves: NOGG 15A 24, TEGG 15A 24, GENTOO 14J 22, TOGUE 15A 21, UNGET 15A 21
NUGGET 15A 30 sunshine12
NOGG 15A 24 Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, HAIRCUT 14E 75 --- HAIRCUT a cutting of the hair [n]
Other moves: AUTARCH 2A 36, CH E11 33, TAURIC 8J 33, ETHIC 5H 31, CUATRO 14J 28
CH E11 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
HIC 5J 25 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, SUIVEZ 8J 63 --- SUIVEZ to follow (music) [v]
Other moves: WIZES 5J 43, AVIZES 2A 40, WIZ 5J 39, AVIZE 2A 34, WIZES K2 34
WIZES 5J 43 sunshine12
ZO E5 22 Papa_Sloth

On 15th draw, FARO H12 33 --- FARO a card game [n]
Other tops: FARL H12 33, FORA H12 33
Other moves: AIRFLOW 2A 30, FIAR B6 30, FOAL B6 30, FOWL 5J 29, WAIF 5J 29
FARO H12 33 Papa_Sloth
FORA H12 33 sunshine12

On 16th draw, PIKER 5J 30 --- PIKER a stingy person [n]
Other moves: PERK 5J 28, PIKE 5J 28, KREEP N6 27, IRK C7 26, KEVILS K1 26
PIKER 5J 30 sunshine12
KI 5E 26 roocatcher, Papa_Sloth
KO 14N 12 chunk88

On 17th draw, AVOWAL 2A 28 --- AVOWAL an open declaration [n]
Other moves: AW E11 25, TWAE 5E 25, VAU B13 23, AW B1 22, LAWK L2 22
WO N14 22 sunshine12
WO 5E 22 Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, FIQUE M1 34 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: QUIRT N2 32, FIAT B6 30, QUIET M2 28, QUITE M1 28, QI I3 25
QUIRT N2 32 sunshine12
QUIET M2 28 Papa_Sloth

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