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Game on October 23, 2024 at 16:31, 5 players
1. 390 pts sunshine12
2. 303 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 238 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiloot   H7    64    64   oolites
 2. addeiln  12A    74   138   deadline
 3. aehosuy  11C    37   175   yeah
 4. ?destuw   8H    86   261   outweeds
 5. abntuvw  13B    30   291   aw
 6. beeinqs  14B    28   319   sneb
 7. aefglru  15D    93   412   rageful
 8. cegimnr   K5    52   464   crewing
 9. aiiiklt  10D    44   508   tak
10. adilnrs   4E    73   581   aldrins
11. ciopqru   3I    44   625   qi
12. aeginpu   A5    86   711   anguiped
13. emooopt   2J    37   748   potoo
14. behjmot   1M    47   795   job
15. efmoruy   3L    42   837   orfe
16. eemosxy   1F    57   894   myxos
17. aehimru   2B    44   938   harim
18. aceeruv   N8    38   976   decurve
19. aeinttv   1A    34  1010   vane

Remaining tiles: iittz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7259 Filesunshine12  2 12:59  -620  390     1.7259 sunshine12  2 12:59  -620  390 
  2.7336 FileGLOBEMAN    3  9:50  -707  303     2.7336 GLOBEMAN    3  9:50  -707  303 
  3.7146 Fileroocatcher  3  6:58  -772  238     3.7146 roocatcher  3  6:58  -772  238 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:16  -985   25            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:54  -995   15     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:16  -985   25 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:54  -995   15 

On 1st draw, OOLITE(S) H7 64 --- OOLITE a variety of limestone [n]
Other tops: OOLITE(S) H2 64, OOLITE(S) H3 64, OOLITE(S) H4 64, OOLITE(S) H8 64, O(S)TIOLE H2 64, O(S)TIOLE H4 64, O(S)TIOLE H6 64, O(S)TIOLE H7 64, O(S)TIOLE H8 64, T(R)OOLIE H2 64, T(R)OOLIE H4 64, T(R)OOLIE H6 64, T(R)OOLIE H7 64, T(R)OOLIE H8 64, (S)TOOLIE H2 64, (S)TOOLIE H3 64, (S)TOOLIE H6 64, (S)TOOLIE H7 64, (S)TOOLIE H8 64, (Z)OOLITE H2 64, (Z)OOLITE H3 64, (Z)OOLITE H6 64, (Z)OOLITE H7 64, (Z)OOLITE H8 64
Other moves: OOLITE(S) H5 62, OOLITE(S) H6 62, O(S)TIOLE H3 62, O(S)TIOLE H5 62, T(R)OOLIE H3 62

On 2nd draw, DEADLINE 12A 74 --- DEADLINE a time limit [n] --- DEADLINE to set a time limit on something [v]
Other moves: I(S)LANDED 13G 72, DEADLINE 12G 70, TIDELAND 11H 70, LAND(S)IDE 13D 62, DIALED G7 28

On 3rd draw, YEAH 11C 37 --- YEAH an affirmative reply [n] --- YEAH yes [adv]
Other moves: HAYED A8 36, HOYED A8 36, HYE 13B 36, ASHY I11 35, HYES G7 34
HAYED A8 36 sunshine12

On 4th draw, OUTWE(E)DS 8H 86 --- OUTWEED to root out [v]
Other moves: OUTW(E)EDS 8H 83, WOU(L)DEST 7G 67, U(N)STOWED 7D 66, WIDE(O)UTS 10G 65, W(I)DEOUTS 8D 65
D(O)WED A8 27 sunshine12

On 5th draw, AW 13B 30 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other moves: BAVIN 10E 25, DAWN A12 24, DAWT A12 24, TWA 7L 23, BUAT I7 22
AW 13B 30 sunshine12

On 6th draw, SNEB 14B 28 --- SNEB to snib [v]
Other tops: SNIB 14B 28
Other moves: ESNE 14A 24, NEWBIES K6 24, SNEE 14B 24, ENS 14A 22, INS 14A 22
QIS 10G 12 sunshine12

On 7th draw, RAGEFUL 15D 93 --- RAGEFUL full of rage [adj]
Other moves: GRATEFUL J5 72, FELDGRAU N5 67, RAGEFUL G1 67, FERULA 15D 52, FARLE 15D 49
FARLE 15D 49 sunshine12

On 8th draw, CREWING K5 52 --- CREW to serve aboard a ship [v]
Other moves: CRIMING 10F 34, CRIMED A7 33, CRIMINE 10F 33, CRINGE 10F 33, CRINGED A6 33
CRIM G4 18 sunshine12

On 9th draw, TAK 10D 44 --- TAK to take [v]
Other moves: KAIL 10F 38, KAI 10F 37, TILAK G3 26, LAIK G4 24, TALK G4 24
KAIL 10F 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 10th draw, ALDRINS 4E 73 --- ALDRIN an insecticide [n]
Other moves: ISLAND(E)R M2 72, ALDRINS G1 64, ISLAND 4J 32, DIRNDL A8 30, SLAID 4K 30
SLAID 4K 30 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 11th draw, QI 3I 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: PIROQU(E) M2 36, CIRQU(E) M3 34, QUIP 3B 34, QUOP 3B 34, CUPID A8 30
QI 3I 44 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 12th draw, ANGUIPED A5 86 --- ANGUIPED having feet like snakes (mythology) [adj]
Other tops: ANGUIPED N1 86
Other moves: PUNGA 2J 39, UNPAGED A6 33, GENIP 2J 32, GAUPED A7 30, GUINEA 2J 30

On 13th draw, POTOO 2J 37 --- POTOO a type of bird [n]
Other moves: TEMPO 2J 27, POMO 5C 26, MOOP B5 25, POEM 2J 25, POME 2J 25

On 14th draw, JOB 1M 47 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other tops: METHO 1K 47
Other moves: JOE 1M 41, JOT 1M 41, JO 1N 36, HEJAB E1 34, METHO B2 33
JOB 1M 47 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN

On 15th draw, ORFE 3L 42 --- ORFE a golden-yellow fish [n]
Other moves: ERF 3L 40, ORF 3L 40, OY 3L 38, FUMY B3 37, EF 3M 36
ERF 3M 35 roocatcher, sunshine12

On 16th draw, MYXOS 1F 57 --- MYXO myxomatosis, a disease introduced to control rabbits [n]
Other moves: OXEYES 1E 54, MYXO 5C 52, MOSEY B2 51, YEXES 1F 51, SEXY B3 44
YEXES 1F 51 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, HARIM 2B 44 --- HARIM a group of wives and concubines [n]
Other tops: HAREM 2B 44, IHRAM 2B 44, RHEUM 2B 44
Other moves: HERMAI 2C 43, HERMAI B2 37, MEU 2F 37, HERMAI 3B 34, HERMA 2C 33
HAREM 2B 44 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, DECURVE N8 38 --- DECURVE to curve downwards [v]
Other moves: (E)VACUEE M8 30, VAE 1A 25, VARE 3A 25, VEE 1A 25, ACE 1A 24
VAE 1A 25 chunk88, sunshine12
CHAVE B1 15 BadBoyBen

On 19th draw, VANE 1A 34 --- VANE a device for showing the direction of the wind [n]
Other tops: VENA 1A 34
Other moves: TANE 1A 25, TATE 1A 25, VAE 1A 25, VAN 1A 25, VANE 3A 25
VAE 1A 25 sunshine12

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