Game on October 23, 2024 at 19:34, 5 players
1. 205 pts sunshine12
2. 139 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 139 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 96 96
2. 15H 146 242
3. O10 72 314
4. N8 64 378
5. O4 42 420
6. M8 33 453
7. L11 28 481
8. 10C 67 548
9. D8 78 626
10. 14A 42 668
11. 8A 30 698
12. A11 39 737
13. E2 79 816
14. F5 52 868
15. N1 33 901
16. A1 92 993
17. M2 35 1028
18. 4C 44 1072
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7231 sunshine12 1 7:04 -867 205 1.7231 sunshine12 1 7:04 -867 205
2.7383 GLOBEMAN 1 4:46 -933 139 2.7383 GLOBEMAN 1 4:46 -933 139
3.7169 roocatcher 1 5:34 -933 139 3.7169 roocatcher 1 5:34 -933 139
4. - chunk88 0 0:10 -1039 33 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:52 -1051 21 1. - chunk88 0 0:10 -1039 33
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:52 -1051 21
On 1st draw, BRI(N)JAL H8 96 --- BRINJAL the aubergine [n]
Other moves: BRI(N)JAL H4 86, BRI(N)JAL H2 82, BRI(N)JAL H3 82, BRI(N)JAL H6 82, BRI(N)JAL H7 82
On 2nd draw, SA(K)IYEH 15H 146 --- SAKIYEH an Eastern water wheel [n]
Other moves: YESHI(V)A 15F 137, ASHE(R)Y 15G 93, ASH(K)EY 15G 93, HEA(R)SY 15D 93, HYE(N)AS 15C 93
On 3rd draw, OUBAAS O10 72 --- OUBAAS (Afrikaans) someone senior in years or rank [n]
Other moves: ABUTS O11 69, ABOUTS O10 66, BAAS O12 66, BATS O12 66, BOAS O12 66
On 4th draw, ADZ N8 64 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: ZA G13 44, HAZILY L10 42, HAZY L12 38, DIAZIN 10G 36, DIZAIN 10D 36
On 5th draw, FELON O4 42 --- FELON a person who has committed a felony [n]
Other moves: FAAN 8L 33, FEAL 8L 33, FLAN 8L 33, FOAL 8L 33, NEAFE O4 33
On 6th draw, VIDEO M8 33 --- VIDEO a recording for playing on a television set [n] --- VIDEO to make a video recording [v]
Other tops: VODUN M8 33
Other moves: JIVED 12H 32, VIDE M8 32, OVINE N2 31, VID M8 31, VINED M6 31
On 7th draw, MOORY L11 28 --- MOORY marshy [adj]
Other moves: MIRY L12 26, ROOMY L11 26, GROOM N1 25, OOM I11 25, MOA 14M 24
OOM I11 25 sunshine12
On 8th draw, ESCOTING 10C 67 --- ESCOT to maintain financially [v]
Other moves: COSTA 13K 34, COGENT K8 33, COOS 13J 32, ECOS 13J 32, COS 13K 30
COOS 13J 32 sunshine12
On 9th draw, MISENTER D8 78 --- MISENTER to enter erroneously [v]
Other moves: METERING J3 63, TIMONEER F7 62, RETIME N1 33, ERMINE N1 31, ENTIRE N1 27
On 10th draw, HUGELY 14A 42 --- HUGE very large [adv] --- HUGELY in a huge manner [adj]
Other moves: ELEGY 14B 34, GAUMY 8A 33, HUGELY E3 33, LAUGHY E3 33, LEHUA C9 32
On 11th draw, DWAM 8A 30 --- DWAM to swoon [v]
Other tops: DOGMAN 8A 30
Other moves: INDOW N1 28, WAGED C7 28, AG 15A 27, AW I12 27, DAIMON 8A 27
On 12th draw, FIGHT A11 39 --- FIGHT to contend in war, battle or single combat [v]
Other moves: EIGHT A11 30, AG 15A 27, FAH N13 27, FEH N13 27, OAF 7A 27
On 13th draw, NACROUS E2 79 --- NACROUS pertaining to mother of pearl [adj]
Other moves: CANOROUS F5 62, COOS 13J 32, COS 13K 30, SOCA E8 29, NAOS 13J 28
CORNS E4 25 sunshine12
On 14th draw, EX F5 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: XENIC 4A 44, XERIC 4A 44, TAXER C7 40, AXE C8 35, XI 9C 35
EX F5 52 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 15th draw, LAWINE N1 33 --- LAWINE an avalanche [n]
Other moves: ECLAIR 4D 28, AW I12 27, LARINE N1 27, ALINE N2 25, CLAWER 4E 25
ALEW N2 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 16th draw, DIVERTED A1 92 --- DIVERT to turn aside [v]
Other moves: EVIRATED 3A 76, INVERTED 2D 72, TAIVERED 3D 67, VERDITE I2 67, EVICTED 4B 40
VILD 1L 36 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
VILE 1L 33 chunk88
DELT 1L 21 BadBoyBen
On 17th draw, PARE M2 35 --- PARE to shave or cut off the outer surface [v]
Other moves: PAR M2 30, NARE M2 29, PICRA 4C 28, PALE 1L 27, PELA 1L 27
PALE 1L 27 roocatcher
PILE 1L 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 18th draw, PICKET 4C 44 --- PICKET to stand outside of some location, as a business, to publicize one's grievances against it [v]
Other moves: TICKEN 4C 40, TICKET 4C 40, PECK 4C 38, PICK 4C 38, NECK 4C 34
KEP D1 20 sunshine12
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