Game on October 23, 2024 at 23:24, 5 players
1. 126 pts sunshine12
2. 64 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 34 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 3G 23 47
3. 2J 99 146
4. M2 84 230
5. 8K 36 266
6. O1 33 299
7. 5D 126 425
8. 6F 42 467
9. L7 94 561
10. D2 24 585
11. 2B 38 623
12. O6 64 687
13. 11F 76 763
14. 14F 66 829
15. 1F 25 854
16. 8B 62 916
17. C1 44 960
18. 15D 41 1001
19. 13B 40 1041
Remaining tile:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7246 sunshine12 2 4:49 -915 126 1.7246 sunshine12 2 4:49 -915 126
2.7358 GLOBEMAN 0 1:47 -977 64 2.7358 GLOBEMAN 0 1:47 -977 64
3.7169 roocatcher 0 1:58 -1007 34 3.7169 roocatcher 0 1:58 -1007 34
4. - chunk88 0 1:07 -1024 17 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:45 -1026 15 1. - chunk88 0 1:07 -1024 17
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:45 -1026 15
On 1st draw, VENTS H4 24 --- VENT to provide with a vent (an opening for the escape of gas or liquid) [v]
Other tops: VENUS H4 24
Other moves: NEVUS H4 18, NEVUS H8 18, VENTS H8 18, VENUS H8 18, NEVUS H5 16
On 2nd draw, PEBA 3G 23 --- PEBA a type of armadillo [n]
Other moves: BOEP 3F 21, PUBE 3E 20, BEAU 3G 19, BEAU G5 18, PEA 3G 18
On 3rd draw, Z(O)RINO 2J 99 --- ZORINO shrunk fur used for garments [n]
Other tops: ZIR(C)ON 2J 99, ZORIN(O) 2J 99
Other moves: ZIN(C)O 2J 97, ZON(E)R 2J 97, ZORI(L) 2J 97, ZORI(S) 2J 97, Z(A)X 2J 69
On 4th draw, IDOLATRY M2 84 --- IDOLATRY the worship of idols [n]
Other moves: DILATORY M1 76, TODAY 1K 54, DAY 1M 41, DOY 1M 41, LAY 1M 37
On 5th draw, AFRIT 8K 36 --- AFRIT an evil spirit in Arabic mythology [n]
Other tops: FRAG 8L 36, FR*GFRIG 8L 36, FROG 8L 36, GOAF O1 36, GODETIA 5E 36, GOOF O1 36
Other moves: FRAG L1 33, FRAT 8L 33, FR*GFRIG L1 33, FRIT 8L 33, FROG L1 33
On 6th draw, LOSH O1 33 --- LOSH lord [interj]
Other moves: EH 1N 32, SHEEVE 4D 32, HIVES 4F 31, HOLIES O1 30, LEVIS 4F 28
LOSH O1 33 sunshine12
On 7th draw, JA(C)KETED 5D 126 --- JACKET to provide with a jacket (a short coat) [v]
Other moves: JA(C)KETED 5B 88, R(O)JAK L2 58, DEJE(C)TA 5E 56, JADE(I)TE 5E 56, JAK L4 54
J(I)NKED 6F 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 8th draw, HONAN 6F 42 --- HONAN a fine silk [n]
Other moves: NOAH 6C 38, HONE 6F 35, HIYA 6J 34, HOYA 6J 34, HAN 6F 32
HOYA 6J 34 roocatcher
On 9th draw, EFFACING L7 94 --- EFFACE to rub or wipe out [v]
Other moves: *FF*NGEFFING L7 36, AFFINE L7 34, FANFIC L8 33, FRAG L1 33, FR*GFRIG L1 33
CAFE 6L 17 chunk88
FA 4E 15 BadBoyBen
On 10th draw, RIOJA D2 24 --- RIOJA a dry red Spanish wine [n]
Other tops: REATE 7E 24
Other moves: ARTI 7F 23, AJEE D4 22, ROJI D3 22, REJA(C)KETED 5B 21, RAJ D3 20
RAJ D3 20 sunshine12
On 11th draw, VERRY 2B 38 --- VERRY variegated with vair [adj]
Other moves: VAGUER 14J 36, ARTY 7F 35, VAGUE 14J 34, YAGER 14J 34, VIRTUE 7E 31
VERRY 2B 38 sunshine12
On 12th draw, UPTOWNER O6 64 --- UPTOWNER one that lives uptown [n]
Other moves: PREVENTS H1 39, PROW L1 37, NEWT 7E 30, EWT 7F 29, WEPT 7E 29
On 13th draw, BENEDICT 11F 76 --- BENEDICT a newly married man [n]
Other moves: BENDIEST 8B 62, TENTED 7E 30, TINTED 7E 30, BRED L1 29, DRIB L1 29
On 14th draw, DISUSAGE 14F 66 --- DISUSAGE gradual cessation of use [n]
Other moves: DISSEAT 7B 36, SAIST 7D 32, SISTED 7E 30, ASIDES 12D 28, EGADS 14K 28
On 15th draw, MUG 1F 25 --- MUG to assault with intent to rob [v]
Other tops: GEM 13G 25, GUM 13G 25, MEG 13G 25, MEG 1F 25, MELL 1F 25, MELT 1F 25, MUG 13G 25, MULE 1F 25, MULL 1F 25, MUTE 1F 25
Other moves: MULLET 13B 24, GULLET 13B 22, MEG 15M 22, MEL 1F 22, MET 1F 22
On 16th draw, EGLOMISE 8B 62 --- EGLOMISE made of glass with a painted picture on the back [adj]
Other moves: GOLEM 13C 32, GLIME 12D 29, GRIM L1 29, ELEMI 13F 28, GOLEM 13E 27
On 17th draw, WEX C1 44 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: LAX 13G 41, LOX 13G 41, TAX 13G 41, WAX 13E 41, WOX 13E 41
On 18th draw, COATI 15D 41 --- COATI a tropical mammal [n]
Other moves: ONCOST H10 33, OCTROI 15A 30, ARIOT 15D 29, CITO 15E 29, COOT 15E 29
On 19th draw, LIQUOR 13B 40 --- LIQUOR to intoxicate with liquor (an alcoholic beverage) [v]
Other moves: QUIRE 12D 39, LIQUOR 12B 36, QUEER B6 36, ROQUE B4 34, QUA 6B 32
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