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Game on October 24, 2024 at 15:17, 8 players
1. 467 pts Inkey
2. 374 pts HollyIvy
3. 241 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeiinq   H3    48    48   equine
 2. ?eeiimt   9C    75   123   itemise
 3. adikntx   8A    48   171   taxi
 4. eeinnrt   A1    77   248   renitent
 5. aeghhps   3H    34   282   ephahs
 6. einotuy   4J    36   318   eyot
 7. aeioprt   2J    43   361   trope
 8. bdegirw   1G    42   403   wired
 9. aioorrs  10C    27   430   sari
10. aeegllt  11E    25   455   allege
11. acdoosw   K8    36   491   woods
12. abortuy   6F    67   558   obituary
13. acefgno   B4    31   589   oaf
14. abcdesu   O2    97   686   scubaed
15. acdfnov  10J    32   718   fonda
16. ijmoruz   5D    49   767   jiz
17. agkmnor  H11    33   800   emong
18. acgnouv   7C    26   826   avo
19. iklnruv  12K    28   854   slunk
20. cgilruv  O12    24   878   kuri

Remaining tiles: cglv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7838 FileInkey       2 15:30  -411  467     1.7838 Inkey       2 15:30  -411  467 
  2.7560 FileHollyIvy    5 10:49  -504  374     2.7560 HollyIvy    5 10:49  -504  374 
  3.5756 FileLongJump22  3  3:14  -637  241            Group: novice
  4.5682 FileNNNNNN1112  1  2:25  -799   79     1.5756 LongJump22  3  3:14  -637  241 
  5.  -  FileJJJJJJ1144  1  1:56  -829   49     2.5682 NNNNNN1112  1  2:25  -799   79 
  6.5635 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:35  -830   48     3.5635 OOOOOO1112  1  1:35  -830   48 
  7.5587 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:08  -847   31     4.5587 MMMMMM1112  0  1:08  -847   31 
  8.5562 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:38  -847   31     5.5562 LLLLLL1112  0  1:38  -847   31 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  JJJJJJ1144  1  1:56  -829   49 

On 1st draw, EQ(U)INE H3 48 --- EQUINE a horse [n]
Other tops: Q(U)INIE H4 48
Other moves: Q(U)EEN H4 46, Q(U)INE H4 46, EQ(U)INE H4 30, EQ(U)INE H7 30, EQ(U)INE H8 30
EQ(U)INE H3 48 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 2nd draw, ITEMI(S)E 9C 75 --- ITEMISE to set down the particulars of [v]
Other moves: EME(R)ITI G7 68, EME(R)ITI I7 68, ITEMI(S)E G7 66, ITEMI(Z)E G7 66, EME(R)ITI G8 64
EME(R)ITI G7 68 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, TAXI 8A 48 --- TAXI to travel in a taxicab [v]
Other moves: TAXI I1 47, XI I3 45, TAKIN 8A 41, DIKA 8A 39, NIX 8A 39
TAXI 8A 48 LongJump22
TAXI I1 47 Inkey

On 4th draw, RENITENT A1 77 --- RENITENT resisting physical pressure [adj]
Other tops: INTERNET A1 77
Other moves: INTERNE J5 70, INTERNEE 3B 70, RETINENE 3C 70, RETINENE 3G 70, INTERNEE 3A 68
INTERNET A1 77 LongJump22
TIN I3 19 Inkey

On 5th draw, EPHAHS 3H 34 --- EPHAH a Hebrew unit of dry measure [n]
Other moves: EPHAHS 2A 32, PHASE E5 32, PHESE E5 32, EPHAHS J4 31, AH B5 28
EH B5 28 Inkey

On 6th draw, EYOT 4J 36 --- EYOT a small island [n]
Other moves: OYE 4J 32, YETI 4K 31, YITE 4K 31, NY 10E 30, YO 10F 30
YETI 4K 31 Inkey, NNNNNN1112

On 7th draw, TROPE 2J 43 --- TROPE the figurative use of a word [n] --- TROPE to provide with a metaphor [v]
Other moves: PEA 5J 36, PET 5J 36, REP 5J 36, TROP 2J 33, TOPER 2K 31
PET 5J 36 HollyIvy

On 8th draw, WIRED 1G 42 --- WIRE to fasten with wire (a slender rod, strand, or thread of ductile metal) [v]
Other tops: GIBED 1G 42, WRIED 1G 42
Other moves: BRIDGE 1E 37, DIEB 1H 37, BRED 1H 36, DREG 1H 33, GIED 1H 33
WIRED 1G 42 HollyIvy
DIB O2 18 Inkey

On 9th draw, SARI 10C 27 --- SARI an outer garment worn by Hindu women [n]
Other moves: ARIOSE E4 24, RAISER E5 24, ROOSER E5 24, OSAR O1 23, ARISE E5 22
SARI 10C 27 HollyIvy
ARISE E5 22 Inkey

On 10th draw, ALLEGE 11E 25 --- ALLEGE to assert without proof or before proving [v]
Other tops: GLEET 11E 25
Other moves: AGLEE 11E 24, AGLET 11E 24, DRAYAGE K1 24, GLEE 11E 23, AGEE 11E 22
ALLEGE 11E 25 HollyIvy
ELATE B1 22 Inkey

On 11th draw, WOODS K8 36 --- WOOD to furnish with wood (the hard, fibrous substance beneath the bark of a tree or shrub) [v]
Other tops: WOADS K8 36
Other moves: CAWS K8 34, CODAS K9 34, COWS K8 34, DAWS K11 34, DOCOS K11 34
CAWS K8 34 HollyIvy
COWS K8 34 Inkey

On 12th draw, OBITUARY 6F 67 --- OBITUARY a published notice of a death [n]
Other moves: WARBY 8K 42, BAYOU 13I 39, BOYAR 13I 39, BOYAU 13I 39, BEATY J10 36
WARBY 8K 42 HollyIvy
BEATY J10 36 Inkey

On 13th draw, OAF B4 31 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other tops: NEF B4 31
Other moves: FANE B2 30, FANO B2 30, FONE B2 30, WAGON 8K 30, WONGA 8K 30
NEF B4 31 Inkey
FOG 10J 28 HollyIvy

On 14th draw, SCUBAED O2 97 --- SCUBA to swim underwater using a breathing device with compressed air [v]
Other moves: ECADS H11 33, EDUCE H11 30, WADES 8K 30, USED O1 29, BEADS J10 28
WADES 8K 30 HollyIvy
BEADS J10 28 Inkey

On 15th draw, FONDA 10J 32 --- FONDA a tavern [n]
Other moves: DOF 12F 29, FOND 10J 29, FOOD 10J 29, FON 10J 27, OAF 12F 27
FONDA 10J 32 HollyIvy
FOOD 10J 29 Inkey

On 16th draw, JIZ 5D 49 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: MIZ 5D 39, MOZ 5D 39, ZO 2F 36, RIZ 5D 35, DURZI M10 30
JIZ 5D 49 Inkey, HollyIvy, JJJJJJ1144

On 17th draw, EMONG H11 33 --- EMONG among, in the midst of [prep]
Other moves: KAM 12F 31, ENGRAM 2A 30, SNARK 12K 28, KARO 12F 27, MOGS 12H 27
MAKO 2D 25 Inkey
RAJ D3 20 HollyIvy

On 18th draw, AVO 7C 26 --- AVO a monetary unit of Macao [n]
Other moves: GAJO D3 24, GJU D4 22, SCOUG 12K 20, AVO 2E 19, GONZO F2 19
GAJO D3 24 Inkey
CON 13G 9 HollyIvy

On 19th draw, SLUNK 12K 28 --- SLINK to move stealthily [v]
Other tops: SLINK 12K 28
Other moves: KI G13 24, ERUVIN 2A 22, DRINK M10 20, DRUNK M10 20, SKIRL 12K 20
KI G13 24 Inkey

On 20th draw, KURI O12 24 --- KURI (New Zealand) a mongrel, an extinct native dog [n]
Other moves: CURVING 14C 21, YRIVD M6 17, ERVIL 2A 16, LUG G11 15, RUNIC 14F 15

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