Game on October 25, 2024 at 00:21, 5 players
1. 126 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 107 pts sunshine12
3. 46 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 42 42
2. I1 81 123
3. 9C 77 200
4. 1H 158 358
5. C2 68 426
6. J4 46 472
7. D8 35 507
8. 4A 42 549
9. A1 48 597
10. L1 22 619
11. K7 31 650
12. J10 34 684
13. L10 45 729
14. 15F 45 774
15. N1 28 802
16. M12 22 824
17. N12 34 858
18. E2 32 890
19. 8K 30 920
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7352 GLOBEMAN 1 4:10 -794 126 1.7352 GLOBEMAN 1 4:10 -794 126
2.7285 sunshine12 0 4:36 -813 107 2.7285 sunshine12 0 4:36 -813 107
3.7177 roocatcher 1 1:44 -874 46 3.7177 roocatcher 1 1:44 -874 46
4. - chunk88 1 1:19 -885 35 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:58 -899 21 1. - chunk88 1 1:19 -885 35
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:58 -899 21
On 1st draw, JAGER H4 42 --- JAGER a German army marksman [n]
Other moves: G*DJ*GADJE H4 32, G*DJ*GADJE H8 30, FADGE H4 28, G*DJ*GADJE H5 28, G*DJ*GADJE H6 28
On 2nd draw, I(N)DAMIN I1 81 --- INDAMIN a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: DIAMIN(E) I2 81
Other moves: INDAMI(N) I1 78, AMIDIN(S) 9B 76, DIAMIN(S) 9B 74, MAIDIN(G) G7 72, IMAGIN(E)D 6E 69
DAM I3 21 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, SELFIST 9C 77 --- SELFIST one who is dedicated to self [n]
Other moves: SELFIST 9H 76, STIFLES 9B 76, STIFLES 9H 76, SELFIST J6 73, STIFLERS 8B 72
FLITES 1G 30 sunshine12
On 4th draw, LI(N)IMENT 1H 158 --- LINIMENT a medicinal liquid [n]
Other tops: LINIME(N)T 1H 158
Other moves: LIMNETI(C) 1H 140, LIM(O)NITE 1H 140, TIMELIN(E) 1H 140, TIM(E)LINE 1H 140, MELINIT(E) 1D 86
On 5th draw, ARNATTOS C2 68 --- ARNATTO a yellowish-red dye [n]
Other moves: ARNATTO 10I 63, RAN J4 26, RAT J4 26, TRONA 8A 25, JARTA 4H 24
On 6th draw, PUBE J4 46 --- PUBE a pubic hair [n]
Other moves: ADOBE 8A 42, BAP J4 42, PUB J4 42, BADE J4 40, DAUBE B2 38
PUBE J4 46 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 7th draw, HEARD D8 35 --- HEAR to perceive by the ear [v] --- HEARD herd [n]
Other tops: HOOD 8A 35
Other moves: HAUD B2 33, HERON D8 33, NODULAR E5 32, DEHORN D8 29, JAPAN 4H 28
HOOD 8A 35 chunk88
HEAD D8 21 BadBoyBen
On 8th draw, XENIAL 4A 42 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [adj] --- XENIAL concerning hospitality [adj]
Other moves: XENIA 4A 40, AXE 2L 37, AXE D4 35, AX D4 31, EX D4 31
AXE 2L 37 sunshine12
On 9th draw, COAXERS A1 48 --- COAXER one that coaxes [n]
Other moves: COAXER A1 45, COAXES A1 45, COAX A1 39, SCARER 8J 36, SCARRE 8J 36
On 10th draw, MAGPIE L1 22 --- MAGPIE a black and white crow- like bird [n]
Other moves: BEA(N)O 2F 19, BOI G7 19, EPILOG F1 19, PIA(N)O 2F 19, POI G7 19
POI G7 19 sunshine12
On 11th draw, WIVED K7 31 --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: QADI E3 28, QAID E3 28, VIE B2 27, LWEI E9 26, WIDEN K7 25
On 12th draw, FIENT J10 34 --- FIENT a fiend [n]
Other tops: FEINT J10 34
Other moves: FEEN J10 31, FEET J10 31, FENI J10 31, FENT J10 31, FETE J10 31
On 13th draw, ZERO L10 45 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other moves: ZEL L10 43, (N)OTARY 2I 37, TOLZEY 14J 36, OYEZ C12 35, REZ L10 34
On 14th draw, VUGHS 15F 45 --- VUGH a small cavity in a rock [n]
Other moves: GRAVS 15F 36, GURSH 15G 36, VAGUS 15F 36, GASH 15H 33, GUSH 15H 33
On 15th draw, NAUTIC N1 28 --- NAUTIC relating to ships [adj]
Other moves: IOTA M3 22, WAI M13 22, WAT M13 22, WIT M13 22, WO 5E 22
On 16th draw, EBON M12 22 --- EBON a hard wood like stone [n]
Other tops: ELAND 5A 22
Other moves: INDOL 8K 21, BED M13 20, BOD M13 20, EON B6 19, BEL M13 18
On 17th draw, DENY N12 34 --- DENY to declare to be untrue [v]
Other moves: DEY N12 33, DOY N12 33, YO 10F 31, NOY N12 30, OYE N13 29
On 18th draw, QUAY E2 32 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other moves: YO 10F 31, O(N)Y 2H 27, WOLLY F2 27, QUOD 12A 24, ROQUE 12F 24
On 19th draw, IROKO 8K 30 --- IROKO a large African timber tree [n]
Other moves: WORK 11B 22, WOO I11 20, LOW F4 19, GOUK 3L 18, WOLF F6 18
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