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Game on October 25, 2024 at 11:52, 9 players
1. 497 pts ArcticFox
2. 462 pts Chelsea
3. 209 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaafgt   H4    24    24   fanga
 2. efnoqrt   4G    24    48   effort
 3. bceorst   8G    63   111   cabresto
 4. aadeelm   3C    29   140   adeem
 5. aeirtuw   2E    34   174   awe
 6. eeinotu   L1    60   234   teutonise
 7. ehirstt   O2   122   356   hitters
 8. ?diiopv   1A    37   393   pavid
 9. ahilnqv   4A    30   423   vali
10. aaklnsu   N8    78   501   oulakans
11. deinoop   1G    34   535   dipnet
12. beinotu  15G    83   618   bounties
13. egiorwy   1N    57   675   ow
14. acdeghl   N1    39   714   oche
15. alnoryz  14F    47   761   zany
16. aeijmnu  M13    40   801   jee
17. aiilnor   A1    39   840   parvolin
18. dgiloru  O11    31   871   gird
19. iloqsuy  10J    42   913   qis
20. glmoory   2I    30   943   oy
21. glmorux   2A    34   977   ax

Remaining tiles: glmoru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7029 FileArcticFox   4 12:08  -480  497     1.9949 Pacific     0  1:17  -902   75 
  2.7012 FileChelsea     6 11:47  -515  462            Group: advanced
  3.5752 FileLongJump22  3  3:02  -768  209     1.7029 ArcticFox   4 12:08  -480  497 
  4.7423 FileVVVVVV1112  1  0:47  -855  122     2.7012 Chelsea     6 11:47  -515  462 
  5.9949 FilePacific     0  1:17  -902   75     3.7423 VVVVVV1112  1  0:47  -855  122 
  6.5562 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:07  -953   24            Group: novice
  7.5587 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:13  -953   24     1.5752 LongJump22  3  3:02  -768  209 
  8.5635 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:30  -953   24     2.5562 LLLLLL1112  1  1:07  -953   24 
  9.5682 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:36  -953   24     3.5587 MMMMMM1112  1  1:13  -953   24 
                                             4.5635 OOOOOO1112  1  1:30  -953   24 
                                             5.5682 NNNNNN1112  1  1:36  -953   24 

On 1st draw, FA(N)GA H4 24 --- FANGA a Spanish unit of dry measure [n]
Other tops: FAG(O)T H4 24
Other moves: FATA(L) H4 22, FAT(W)A H4 22, G(R)AFT H4 20, FAG(O)T H8 18, FA(N)GA H8 18
FAG(O)T H4 24 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112

On 2nd draw, EFFORT 4G 24 --- EFFORT a deliberate exertion [n]
Other moves: FONE G3 19, AFRONT 5H 18, FORANE 5E 18, ORFE I7 18, TREF G2 18

On 3rd draw, CABRESTO 8G 63 --- CABRESTO cabestro [n]
Other tops: CABESTRO 8G 63
Other moves: ESTOC M3 33, BESORT M2 31, COSTER M2 31, ESCORT M3 31, COBS M1 29
CABESTRO 8G 63 LongJump22

On 4th draw, ADEEM 3C 29 --- ADEEM to take away [v]
Other moves: MEALED 5J 28, LEAMED 3B 27, MEALED 3B 27, MEALED 3J 26, LAMED 3C 25

On 5th draw, AWE 2E 34 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other tops: WATER 4A 34
Other moves: WEAR 2F 33, WEIR 2F 33, WERT 2F 33, WETA 2F 33, WET 2F 32

On 6th draw, TEUTONISE L1 60 --- TEUTONISE
Other moves: NETE 1E 27, NOTE 1E 27, ETEN 1F 24, ETUI 1F 24, TENUE 1G 21

On 7th draw, HITTERS O2 122 --- HITTER one that hits [n]
Other tops: TITHERS O2 122
Other moves: HITTERS 10F 80, THEIRS O3 78, HEIRS O4 75, HIRES O4 75, SIETH O8 75
HITTERS O2 122 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
HIRES O4 75 ArcticFox, Pacific

On 8th draw, P(A)VID 1A 37 --- PAVID timid [adj]
Other tops: V(A)PID 1A 37
Other moves: PIVOT(E)D 1H 36, O(W) 1N 33, PIVO(T) 1A 32, VOID(S) 1A 32, DIVI 1G 31
(C)HITTERS O1 30 Chelsea

On 9th draw, VALI 4A 30 --- VALI a governor [n]
Other tops: AHI 2A 30, HAIL 1G 30, HAIN 1G 30, HILA 1G 30, HILA 4A 30, VINA 4A 30
Other moves: AHI N2 29, HAO N6 29, AH N5 28, VALI N1 28, HAN 1G 27
HAIL 1G 30 Chelsea
AH N5 28 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, OULAKANS N8 78 --- OULAKAN the candlefish [n]
Other moves: LAKSA N1 38, SKUA N2 36, AUKS N1 34, KULAS N1 34, AKA N2 32
AUKS N1 34 ArcticFox
SUNK 1G 30 Chelsea

On 11th draw, DIPNET 1G 34 --- DIPNET to scoop fish with a type of net [v]
Other moves: ROOPED K4 31, DOPE N1 30, POINTED 1H 30, DOPE 1G 28, NOPE N1 28
POSE 15L 27 ArcticFox, Chelsea

On 12th draw, BOUNTIES 15G 83 --- BOUNTY a reward [n]
Other moves: BONIEST 15I 30, EBONIST 15I 30, TUBE N1 28, BEST 15L 27, BET O13 27
BONIEST 15I 30 ArcticFox
BEST 15L 27 Chelsea

On 13th draw, OW 1N 57 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other moves: VIEWY A4 42, WHITTERS O1 42, EYRE 2I 34, YWROKE 12J 34, VOWER A4 33
OW 1N 57 Chelsea
VIEWY A4 42 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, OCHE N1 39 --- OCHE in darts, the line from which players throw [n]
Other moves: OCH N1 35, CADGE 14F 31, ACHED 10H 30, CHEKA 12K 30, LAKH 12L 30
HEAD N3 28 Chelsea
AH N5 28 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, ZANY 14F 47 --- ZANY a zany person [n] --- ZANY ludicrously comical [adj] --- ZANY to play the zany to [v]
Other moves: AZON 14E 39, LAZY 14F 38, ZOL 14F 38, LAZO 14D 37, AZO 14E 36
ZANY 14F 47 Chelsea
AZO 14E 36 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, JEE M13 40 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: MUJIK 12J 36, JAKE 12L 32, JUKE 12L 32, JINNEE 6J 31, JAUK 12K 30
JEE M13 40 Chelsea, ArcticFox

On 17th draw, PARVOLIN A1 39 --- PARVOLIN an oily liquid obtained from fish [n]
Other moves: RAKI 12L 29, VIOLIN A4 27, VIRINO A4 27, VIRION A4 27, OAK 12L 25
OAK 12L 25 Chelsea
VIRAL A4 24 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, GIRD O11 31 --- GIRD to surround [v]
Other moves: LOID O11 29, LORD O11 29, ROUGED K4 28, DIG O11 27, DOG O11 27
DOG O11 27 ArcticFox, Chelsea

On 19th draw, QIS 10J 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: SUQ 9A 36, OY 2I 30, QUOIST K10 30, QUILT K11 28, QUIST K11 28
QIS 10J 42 ArcticFox, Chelsea

On 20th draw, OY 2I 30 --- OY a grandchild [n] --- OY used to express dismay or pain [interj]
Other moves: GYM 5D 23, MOY 5D 22, MERIL K7 20, MY 5D 20, G*Y 5D 19
OY 2I 30 ArcticFox
(A)Y B1 18 Chelsea

On 21th draw, AX 2A 34 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: (A)X B1 34
Other moves: MUX 5D 30, GOX 5D 27, (N)OX 6H 25, ROUGE K4 21, MERIL K7 20
(A)X B1 34 ArcticFox, Chelsea

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