Game on October 25, 2024 at 22:35, 5 players
1. 341 pts sunshine12
2. 51 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 39 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 20 20
2. 12H 74 94
3. O8 149 243
4. 14J 56 299
5. 15H 40 339
6. 13A 72 411
7. A12 42 453
8. K5 82 535
9. 14D 53 588
10. 8A 92 680
11. B10 51 731
12. 6J 36 767
13. L1 32 799
14. 12D 42 841
15. D3 74 915
16. G1 62 977
17. 1C 104 1081
18. 10F 33 1114
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7238 sunshine12 2 11:51 -773 341 1.7238 sunshine12 2 11:51 -773 341
2.7352 GLOBEMAN 0 2:31 -1063 51 2.7352 GLOBEMAN 0 2:31 -1063 51
3.7245 roocatcher 0 1:06 -1075 39 3.7245 roocatcher 0 1:06 -1075 39
4. - chunk88 0 0:11 -1080 34 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:45 -1080 34 1. - chunk88 0 0:11 -1080 34
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:45 -1080 34
On 1st draw, AUDADS H8 20 --- AUDAD a wild sheep [n]
Other moves: AUDAD H8 18, AUDADS H3 18, AUDADS H4 18, AUDADS H7 18, DADAS H4 18
On 2nd draw, DIARISED 12H 74 --- DIARISE to keep a diary [v]
Other tops: AIRSIDE I6 74, DIARISED 12A 74
Other moves: DIARISE I6 73, DIARISES 13C 72, AIRSIDES 13A 70, DIARISES 13A 70, DIARISE I4 68
On 3rd draw, SPEEDIER O8 149 --- SPEEDY swift [adj]
Other moves: PEERIES I3 69, SEEPIER I3 67, SPEEDIER 10D 65, PEERIES I2 63, SEEPIER I2 63
On 4th draw, JAUN(S)E 14J 56 --- JAUNSE to prance [v]
Other tops: JAUN(C)E 14J 56
Other moves: QUAS(H) M9 46, QUAS(I) M9 46, QUAS(S) M9 46, AQU(A)E 11K 44, (A)QUAE 11K 43
J(E)AN J10 26 sunshine12
On 5th draw, FLAB 15H 40 --- FLAB flabby body tissue [n]
Other moves: FEEB(S) N10 36, FELON 15G 35, BELON 15G 32, FEAL 15H 32, FEEL(S) N10 32
FLAB 15H 40 sunshine12
On 6th draw, APTEROUS 13A 72 --- APTEROUS having no wings [adj]
Other moves: APTEROUS M5 62, TOUPEE N7 32, PREA(S)E N10 29, ROUP N7 28, OUP N8 27
On 7th draw, YAWN A12 42 --- YAWN to open the mouth wide with a deep inhalation of air [v]
Other tops: WANY A12 42
Other moves: MANY A12 36, MAWN A12 36, MAYA A12 36, MAYO A12 36, MOAN 12A 35
On 8th draw, ORIENTER K5 82 --- ORIENTER one who helps another to adjust to surroundings [n]
Other moves: ORIENTER E6 66, ORIENTED 10A 63, TENORITE C7 60, WEINER 14A 40, WIENER 14A 40
On 9th draw, R(E)X 14D 53 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other moves: (E)X 14E 50, VAR(I)X L1 45, BORAX L1 43, BORAX G5 42, V(E)X G7 42
R(E)X 14D 53 sunshine12
On 10th draw, FORAMINA 8A 92 --- FORAMEN a small anatomical opening [n]
Other moves: RANIFORM 6E 67, FAN 12D 36, FIN 12D 36, FON 12D 36, FOAMIER D8 32
FON 12D 36 sunshine12
On 11th draw, CHAPE B10 51 --- CHAPE a part of a scabbard [n]
Other moves: BECHARM C3 40, CHAMBRE C3 40, HAG 12D 39, HAEM(S) N10 36, BEACH L1 35
HAG 12D 39 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 12th draw, TRANQ 6J 36 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QAID F6 34, QANAT 11E 30, D*G*DAGO 15C 24, QAID 7I 24, GONAD 7B 23
QAID F6 34 chunk88, BadBoyBen, sunshine12
On 13th draw, KENTIA L1 32 --- KENTIA a feather palm [n]
Other moves: ENOKI 7C 29, NERK D12 26, OKE 15C 26, IKON 7A 25, KENO 15C 25
KOAN L4 20 sunshine12
On 14th draw, HOB 12D 42 --- HOB to furnish with hobnails [v]
Other moves: HOBOING 3G 40, HOG 12D 39, HOOVING 3G 38, BOOHING 3G 34, OOH N8 33
OOH N8 33 sunshine12
On 15th draw, VILLIAGO D3 74 --- VILLIAGO a coward [n]
Other moves: KILL 1L 24, KILO 1L 24, LIVING 3H 22, LOVING 3H 22, VILIAGO D4 22
KILO 1L 24 sunshine12
On 16th draw, STEGODON G1 62 --- STEGODON an extinct elephant-like mammal [n]
Other moves: GODETS O1 42, DOOKETS 1I 36, STOOKED 1H 36, KEDS 1L 27, KEGS 1L 27
STOOKED 1H 36 sunshine12
On 17th draw, TWIGSOME 1C 104 --- TWIGSOME composed of many twigs [adj]
Other moves: WEEM(S) N10 36, EGOISM 1C 33, EGOTISM 1B 33, MEWSING M9 32, WEET(S) N10 32
On 18th draw, ZED 10F 33 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other tops: KYLE 1L 33
Other moves: ZEL 6B 32, LUVVY 3A 28, LYE M2 26, ZEL 11J 25, YULE F3 24
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