Game on October 26, 2024 at 01:33, 5 players
1. 95 pts sunshine12
2. 26 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 26 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 66 66
2. 15B 107 173
3. 11D 82 255
4. B10 60 315
5. 13F 72 387
6. 12L 29 416
7. O8 167 583
8. 12B 26 609
9. G7 26 635
10. 14E 29 664
11. C6 20 684
12. B2 49 733
13. 8A 27 760
14. 4B 74 834
15. K4 76 910
16. L1 34 944
17. 2J 76 1020
18. H1 45 1065
19. 13A 42 1107
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7210 sunshine12 1 3:06 -1012 95 1.7210 sunshine12 1 3:06 -1012 95
2.7352 GLOBEMAN 0 1:17 -1081 26 2.7352 GLOBEMAN 0 1:17 -1081 26
3.7287 roocatcher 0 1:48 -1081 26 3.7287 roocatcher 0 1:48 -1081 26
4. - BadBoyBen 0 1:35 -1084 23 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 0:14 -1095 12 1. - BadBoyBen 0 1:35 -1084 23
2. - chunk88 0 0:14 -1095 12
On 1st draw, AILETTE H8 66 --- AILETTE a plate of armour for the shoulder [n]
Other tops: AILETTE H2 66, AILETTE H3 66, AILETTE H4 66, AILETTE H6 66, AILETTE H7 66
Other moves: AILETTE H5 64, ATILT H4 12, ATILT H8 12, ELATE H4 12, ELATE H8 12
On 2nd draw, THRENES 15B 107 --- THRENE an ode for the dead [n]
Other moves: THRENES G3 68, THRENES I3 68, THRENES I2 67, THERES 15C 63, THREES 15C 63
On 3rd draw, OILSEED(S) 11D 82 --- OILSEED a seed from which oil is pressed out [n]
Other tops: OIL(S)EEDS 11D 82
Other moves: AS(S)OILED 8H 77, A(S)SOILED 8H 77, DOIL(I)ES I8 75, DO(I)LIES I8 75, DO(O)LIES I8 75
On 4th draw, JAC(E)NT B10 60 --- JACENT sluggish [adj]
Other moves: JAC(A)NA 14A 50, JICA(M)A 14A 50, J(A)CANA 14A 49, JA(R)INA 12A 48, JACAN(A) 14A 44
JIN 10B 28 sunshine12
On 5th draw, ASTEROID 13F 72 --- ASTEROID a rocky object found in orbits [n]
Other moves: SOREDIA C4 69, ROADIES G3 66, ROADIES I3 66, ROADSIDE J8 66, SIDEROAD J4 66
ACIDS 12A 26 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
REDO C7 17 sunshine12
On 6th draw, MEED 12L 29 --- MEED a deserved reward [n]
Other tops: DEEM 12L 29, DERM 12L 29, DORM 12L 29, DOUM 12L 29
Other moves: MODE 12L 27, COUDE 12B 26, CRUDE 12B 26, DEME 12L 25, DEMO 12L 25
MOD 12L 23 BadBoyBen
D(E)RM 13A 12 chunk88
On 7th draw, RINGDOVE O8 167 --- RINGDOVE a European pigeon [n]
Other moves: INGROOVE D6 78, OVERING G3 72, OVERING I2 69, VIROGENE N5 66, GROVED O7 33
DERV O12 24 sunshine12
On 8th draw, COY 12B 26 --- COY bashful [adj] --- COY to caress [v]
Other tops: CRY 12B 26
Other moves: CUM 12B 22, YO 12D 22, MINOR D8 20, MOONY D9 20, MOORY D9 20
COY 12B 26 sunshine12
On 9th draw, PEGASUS G7 26 --- PEGASUS a type of small fish [n]
Other moves: GAPES G7 24, GRAPE N6 24, GRAPES G6 24, UPRATE N5 24, PRATE N6 23
On 10th draw, AW 14E 29 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other moves: FRATI N6 26, F(E)W 13A 26, TURF I6 26, ARF I7 25, AUF I7 25
On 11th draw, AMINO C6 20 --- AMINO containing an amine united with a nonacid radical [adj]
Other tops: ALMAIN 10G 20, AMNIO C6 20, JAM 10B 20
Other moves: JILL 10B 19, JOLL 10B 19, LIMA C7 19, LIMO C7 19, LOMA C7 19
On 12th draw, REBUY B2 49 --- BUY to purchase [v] --- REBUY to buy again [v]
Other moves: YOB B6 37, BYE B5 33, OYE B5 31, RYE B5 31, BREY B3 30
On 13th draw, OTIC 8A 27 --- OTIC pertaining to the ear [adj]
Other tops: COB A1 27, CUB A1 27
Other moves: CUB I7 25, BUILT 8A 24, CLUB I6 24, OBIIT 8A 24, JOCO 10B 23
On 14th draw, BREADNUT 4B 74 --- BREADNUT a tropical fruit [n]
Other moves: DENATURE 3A 70, DAUNTER(S) K4 66, UNTREAD(S) K4 66, NATURED N3 65, UNRATED N3 65
On 15th draw, LAPWING(S) K4 76 --- LAPWING a shore bird [n]
Other moves: APING 1A 40, PAW A1 31, PAWING 5H 30, WAP A1 30, PAWING 1B 29
On 16th draw, KORAT L1 34 --- KORAT a cat having a silver-blue coat [n]
Other moves: KARO L1 30, KORA L1 30, KUTA L1 30, KRAUT H1 27, KARO L3 26
On 17th draw, QUOIFS 2J 76 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: QUOIF 2J 74, KIFS 1L 33, KUFI 1L 33, QUOIFED M7 31, QI N9 28
On 18th draw, ZOBU H1 45 --- ZOBU a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZOL F6 39, ZHO N6 37, ZO A1 35, ZO F6 35, BOH A1 31
On 19th draw, V(E)X 13A 42 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other tops: H(E)X 13A 42
Other moves: XI 5E 39, L(E)X 13A 36, OX C12 34, (E)X 13B 34, XI 5D 31
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