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Game on October 26, 2024 at 21:20, 10 players
1. 518 pts fatcat
2. 246 pts VVVVVV1112
3. 239 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aemnrsu   H7    74    74   surname
 2. beinrsv   H7    33   107   surnamers
 3. aehilor  15A    95   202   airholes
 4. abintvy  G11    29   231   bay
 5. aadeiot   F8    27   258   iodate
 6. alnortx  14A    38   296   ax
 7. ?innoqv  D12    30   326   qoph
 8. adeiilr   E3    70   396   irideal
 9. adiknor   D5    34   430   dark
10. ?cgituu   3B    20   450   ticing
11. deinott  11E    40   490   tabanid
12. aeelnos   L6    77   567   enolase
13. eimoptt   K4    30   597   optime
14. fgortuw   L1    38   635   frow
15. ehnotuu   2J    34   669   hornet
16. abegilz   8A    57   726   zaikai
17. eeinsuv   O1    39   765   steven
18. ceeintu   1E    29   794   entice
19. bggouwy   8K    36   830   moggy
20. bjlopuu  J10    28   858   jib
21. lopuuuv   J4    28   886   loup

Remaining tiles: fuuvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6386 Filefatcat      5 14:53  -368  518     1.7401 VVVVVV1112  3  3:06  -640  246 
  2.7401 FileVVVVVV1112  3  3:06  -640  246     2.7601 Mycophot    2  3:17  -741  145 
  3.5738 FileLongJump22  3  1:50  -647  239     3.7633 HollyIvy    2  4:19  -751  135 
  4.7601 FileMycophot    2  3:17  -741  145     4.7220 sunshine12  0  0:22  -866   20 
  5.7633 FileHollyIvy    2  4:19  -751  135            Group: intermediate
  6.5631 FileLLLLLL1112  2  5:37  -766  120     1.6386 fatcat      5 14:53  -368  518 
  7.5689 FileMMMMMM1112  1  2:17  -807   79            Group: novice
  8.5648 FileNNNNNN1112  1  2:46  -811   75     1.5738 LongJump22  3  1:50  -647  239 
  9.5553 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:35  -822   64     2.5631 LLLLLL1112  2  5:37  -766  120 
 10.7220 Filesunshine12  0  0:22  -866   20     3.5689 MMMMMM1112  1  2:17  -807   79 
                                             4.5648 NNNNNN1112  1  2:46  -811   75 
                                             5.5553 OOOOOO1112  1  1:35  -822   64 

On 1st draw, SURNAME H7 74 --- SURNAME to give the family name to [v]
Other tops: MANURES H4 74, MURENAS H4 74
Other moves: MANURES H2 70, MANURES H3 70, MANURES H6 70, MANURES H7 70, MANURES H8 70
MANURES H4 74 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 2nd draw, SURNAMERS H7 33 --- SURNAMER one that surnames [n]
Other moves: VEINERS 13G 30, VENIRES 13G 30, VERBS 14F 30, VERSINE 13G 30, BREVIS 14C 29
VERBS 14D 22 fatcat

On 3rd draw, AIRHOLES 15A 95 --- AIRHOLE a hole for the passage of air [n]
Other moves: SHOALIER 15H 86, SHOALIER 7H 66, AIRHOLE G1 65, AIRHOLES 7A 63, OLEARIA 11E 28
AIRHOLES 15A 95 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
HE G13 20 fatcat

On 4th draw, BAY G11 29 --- BAY to howl [v]
Other moves: MAYVIN 12H 28, NATIVE 13C 26, NAY G11 25, TAY G11 25, BANTY 10F 24
BAY G11 29 LLLLLL1112
NAVY 10H 18 fatcat

On 5th draw, IODATE F8 27 --- IODATE to treat with iodine [v]
Other moves: ADIT I10 26, DATE I11 26, DITE I11 26, EDIT I10 26, DATA F10 25
DATE I11 26 OOOOOO1112
BAITED 11G 18 fatcat

On 6th draw, AX 14A 38 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: LANX E5 31, OXLAND 10A 30, NOXAL 10H 28, NOXAL E5 28, TAXOL E5 28
AX 14A 38 fatcat, OOOOOO1112

On 7th draw, QO(P)H D12 30 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: Q(U)INO E4 28, Q(U)INO G3 27, Q(U)INO I3 27, QI E8 24, VIN(E)R C11 23
Q(U)INO E4 28 LLLLLL1112
QI E8 24 fatcat

On 8th draw, IRIDEAL E3 70 --- IRIDEAL belonging to the iris family [adj]
Other moves: DELIRIA E2 68, IRIDEAL E2 68, DELIRIA G1 63, ED I12 21, IRIDAL E4 18
IRIDEAL E3 70 LongJump22
RAILED E3 17 fatcat

On 9th draw, DARK D5 34 --- DARK having little or no light [adj] --- DARK to darken [v]
Other tops: DANK D5 34, DINK D5 34, DIRK D5 34, DORK D5 34, KADI D3 34
Other moves: DIKA D1 32, OINK D5 32, AKIN D4 31, DRANK 4D 30, DRINK 3C 30
DORK D5 34 fatcat

On 10th draw, TICI(N)G 3B 20 --- TICE to entice [v]
Other tops: CITI(N)G 3B 20, (A)UGITIC 3B 20
Other moves: ABACU(S) 11F 18, ABATI(N)G 11F 18, CUI(N)G 3C 18, ICI(N)G 3C 18, CABA 11E 16
CUI(N)G 3C 18 HollyIvy
NIC(E) 10H 11 fatcat

On 11th draw, TABANID 11E 40 --- TABANID a bloodsucking insect [n]
Other moves: INTOED B1 22, TITTED B1 22, TOTTED B1 22, ED I12 21, ED F5 20
INTOED B1 22 HollyIvy
ED I12 21 fatcat
ED F5 20 sunshine12

On 12th draw, ENOLASE L6 77 --- ENOLASE an enzyme [n]
Other moves: LANOSE L7 25, ENSEAL L9 23, LEASE L8 23, LENSE L8 23, SALON L11 23
ENOLASE L6 27 HollyIvy
SALE L11 19 fatcat

On 13th draw, OPTIME K4 30 --- OPTIME an honour student in mathematics at Cambridge University [n]
Other moves: OPTIME 4G 29, OPTIME M2 29, IMPOT K4 26, OPTIME K2 26, MEAT 10J 25
OPTIME K4 30 HollyIvy
MEAT 10J 25 fatcat

On 14th draw, FROW L1 38 --- FROW a cleaving tool [n]
Other moves: GOWF L1 36, GROW L1 30, GOWF M3 28, WOF L2 28, OFT M8 27
FROW L1 38 HollyIvy
GROW L1 30 fatcat

On 15th draw, HORNET 2J 34 --- HORNET a stinging insect [n]
Other moves: HENT M3 33, HERON 2J 32, FOHN 1L 30, HOUT J4 30, MONTH 8K 30
MONTH 8K 30 fatcat

On 16th draw, ZAIKAI 8A 57 --- ZAIKAI the business community of Japan [n]
Other moves: BLAIZE 1E 56, BAIZE 1F 53, BLAZE 1F 53, BIZE 1G 50, GLAZE 1F 50
BLAIZE 1E 56 Mycophot
BLAZE 1F 53 fatcat

On 17th draw, STEVEN O1 39 --- STEVEN a voice [n]
Other moves: NIEVES M2 37, STIVE O1 36, EMOVES 8J 33, TENSIVE O2 33, ENVIES 1E 32
STEVEN O1 39 Mycophot
MOVES 8K 30 fatcat

On 18th draw, ENTICE 1E 29 --- ENTICE to lead astray [v]
Other moves: TUNIC 1F 28, NIECE M2 27, CENTU 1F 26, CTENE 1F 26, CUTIE 1F 26
ENTICE 1E 29 Mycophot, fatcat

On 19th draw, MOGGY 8K 36 --- MOGGY a cat [n]
Other moves: WIGGY J10 29, BIGGY J10 26, YOU J4 26, NOB 10H 23, NUB 10H 23
MOGGY 8K 36 fatcat
YUG 2A 21 Mycophot

On 20th draw, JIB J10 28 --- JIB to refuse to proceed further [v]
Other tops: LOUP J4 28
Other moves: JO J4 26, NOB 10H 23, NUB 10H 23, BIJOU J10 22, PUB 2A 22
JIB J10 28 fatcat, NNNNNN1112

On 21th draw, LOUP J4 28 --- LOUP to leap [v]
Other moves: OUP J5 21, LOU J4 20, POILU C6 19, OUP 2A 18, PO F5 18
OUP 2A 18 NNNNNN1112
GOV N8 15 fatcat

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