Game on October 27, 2024 at 00:33, 5 players
1. 284 pts sunshine12
2. 24 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 21 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 74 74
2. 6F 62 136
3. 4A 74 210
4. K5 114 324
5. 13J 29 353
6. M3 86 439
7. 12F 34 473
8. 14D 79 552
9. 15F 50 602
10. O8 43 645
11. O8 42 687
12. J4 36 723
13. A4 45 768
14. 15A 52 820
15. N12 33 853
16. N2 37 890
17. O1 46 936
18. B10 34 970
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7221 sunshine12 1 8:21 -686 284 1.7221 sunshine12 1 8:21 -686 284
2.7380 GLOBEMAN 0 1:29 -946 24 2.7380 GLOBEMAN 0 1:29 -946 24
3.7485 roocatcher 0 1:59 -949 21 3.7485 roocatcher 0 1:59 -949 21
4. - chunk88 0 0:21 -959 11 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:37 -960 10 1. - chunk88 0 0:21 -959 11
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:37 -960 10
On 1st draw, ACETOUS H3 74 --- ACETOUS tasting like vinegar [adj]
Other moves: ACETOUS H2 70, ACETOUS H4 70, ACETOUS H6 70, ACETOUS H7 70, ACETOUS H8 70
On 2nd draw, NITERIES 6F 62 --- NITERIE a nightclub [n]
Other tops: ERINITES 6C 62
Other moves: RESINISE 9B 61, RESINISE 9F 61, SIRENISE 9B 61, SIRENISE 9H 60, CERESIN 4H 18
CENSER 4H 16 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, DE(M)ONIAC 4A 74 --- DEMONIAC one regarded as possessed by a demon [n]
Other tops: CANO(P)IED 4H 74, CA(T)ENOID 4H 74, DAE(M)ONIC 4A 74, DE(C)ANOIC 4A 74
Other moves: CO(M)EDIAN 4H 72, AC(T)IONED 4G 70, AD(H)ESION M2 70, CODEINA(S) 4H 70, DECANOI(C) 4F 70
DEA(R)N 5K 20 sunshine12
On 4th draw, BIOT(O)XIN K5 114 --- BIOTOXIN poison made by a plant or animal [n]
Other tops: BI(O)TOXIN K5 114
Other moves: (P)AINTBOX 3G 85, B(I)OTOXIN D2 67, BIOTOX(I)N D2 66, (M)IXTION K5 52, BO(L)IX 3B 44
OX(Y) 5J 39 sunshine12
On 5th draw, USAGE 13J 29 --- USAGE a firmly established and generally accepted practice or procedure [n]
Other moves: AROUSE J5 28, ROUGES J6 28, SAGE 13K 27, SAGO 13K 27, SEGO 13K 27
EGOS J8 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
EGO J8 21 roocatcher
On 6th draw, PLASHETS M3 86 --- PLASHET a puddle [n]
Other moves: HEELTAPS B2 80, PLEASETH B2 80, PLEASETH N8 80, PLASHET 14D 70, HEELTAPS B3 67
AX 10J 11 chunk88
EH N13 10 BadBoyBen
On 7th draw, FLAVONE 12F 34 --- FLAVONE a pigment derived from plants such as primrose [n]
Other moves: FEODAL A1 30, FLOE L1 30, FOVEATE B1 30, FETAL 3B 29, LOFT 14L 29
On 8th draw, JACONET 14D 79 --- JACONET a cotton cloth [n]
Other moves: JACONETS 9A 71, CAJON H11 42, JANE 3G 37, JATO 3G 37, EJECTA B2 34
JEAN N2 30 sunshine12
On 9th draw, HOUF 15F 50 --- HOUF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: HOTEL N10 45, THEFT 8K 45, THELF 8K 45, FEH 15G 43, FOH 15G 43
FEH 15G 43 sunshine12
On 10th draw, MARVER O8 43 --- MARVER to roll glass on a marble slab [v]
Other moves: DEVA 15A 37, MARRED O10 37, DERMA O11 34, DRAM O12 34, VERA 15A 34
MARRED O10 37 sunshine12
On 11th draw, MARVERED O8 42 --- MARVER to roll glass on a marble slab [v]
Other moves: MILDEW A1 36, MIDDLER A1 33, MIDDLER A2 33, WIDDER A1 33, WIDDLE A1 33
MARVERED O8 42 sunshine12
On 12th draw, WARTIME J4 36 --- WARTIME a time of war [n]
Other tops: DIMWIT A4 36
Other moves: WETA 15A 34, META 15A 31, WAME 3B 31, DAWTIE A4 30, MEW N12 30
On 13th draw, DIZEN A4 45 --- DIZEN to dress in fine clothes [v]
Other moves: RIZA G1 44, ZA 3G 42, ZA G3 42, REZ 3B 39, WINZE 11B 39
On 14th draw, KYBO 15A 52 --- KYBO temporary lavatory (keep your bowels open) - scout slang [n]
Other moves: YEBO N12 34, BYKED B1 33, OKAY 3F 33, YOK 3B 33, KOJI D12 32
On 15th draw, WEY N12 33 --- WEY a measure or weight for dry goods [n]
Other tops: YEW N12 33
Other moves: YOW 3B 30, DEW N12 27, DEY N12 27, WYTED B1 27, YOWED B1 27
On 16th draw, QAID N2 37 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QADI 11C 33, DEDAL B3 27, QI 11E 27, QI N2 26, ARIDLY B10 24
QADI 11C 33 sunshine12
On 17th draw, GIRD O1 46 --- GIRD to surround [v]
Other tops: GILD O1 46
Other moves: DIRT O1 38, GILT O1 38, GIRT O1 38, GID O1 32, LID O1 29
On 18th draw, PORTLY B10 34 --- PORTLY rather heavy or fat [adj]
Other moves: POULTRY B9 28, NUR I8 24, NUT I8 24, TENOR B3 24, UPON 5C 24
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