Game on October 27, 2024 at 10:13, 7 players
1. 369 pts Chelsea
2. 309 pts LongJump22
3. 97 pts NNNNNN1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 74 74 


12F 72 146 


K8 74 220 


8K 27 247 


F6 65 312 


14J 68 380 


G9 30 410 


O1 98 508 


2J 48 556 


8A 81 637 


C7 34 671 


3D 65 736 


1G 33 769 


4A 26 795 


5B 48 843 


A1 45 888 


D11 29 917 


15A 33 950 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 9:25 -581 369 1.7068 Chelsea 2 9:25 -581 369
LongJump22 3 3:12 -641 309 Group: novice
NNNNNN1112 1 4:34 -853 97 1.5738 LongJump22 3 3:12 -641 309
4. -
LLLLLL1144 1 1:32 -869 81 2.5620 NNNNNN1112 1 4:34 -853 97
LLLLLL1112 0 2:21 -899 51 3.5684 LLLLLL1112 0 2:21 -899 51
MMMMMM1112 0 1:27 -915 35 4.5672 MMMMMM1112 0 1:27 -915 35
OOOOOO1112 1 1:06 -916 34 5.5542 OOOOOO1112 1 1:06 -916 34
Group: not rated
1. - LLLLLL1144 1 1:32 -869 81
On 1st draw, ISLEMAN H8 74 --- ISLEMAN an islander [n]
Other tops: MALINES H4 74, MENIALS H4 74, SEMINAL H2 74
Other moves: ISLEMAN H2 70, ISLEMAN H3 70, ISLEMAN H4 70, ISLEMAN H6 70, ISLEMAN H7 70
On 2nd draw, ARMLOADS 12F 72 --- ARMLOAD an armful [n]
Other moves: ORDEALS 11E 32, ALOD I10 20, ARMLOAD 12F 20, ORAD I10 20, SADO I11 20
On 3rd draw, CORDAGES K8 74 --- CORDAGE the amount of wood in an area [n]
Other moves: CORDAGES F8 66, SCROOGED J8 66, CODGERS G2 65, CODGERS I2 65, CROSSED M9 26
On 4th draw, CREED 8K 27 --- CREED a statement of belief [n]
Other tops: CADEE 8K 27, CADET 8K 27, CADRE 8K 27, CANED 8K 27, CARED 8K 27, CEDAR 8K 27, CEDER 8K 27, CERED 8K 27, ECARTE 8J 27, TASERED 15I 27
Other moves: CANER 8K 24, CARET 8K 24, CARTE 8K 24, CATER 8K 24, CERNE 8K 24
CARED 8K 27 Chelsea
On 5th draw, (G)REENWAY F6 65 --- GREENWAY corridor of undeveloped land in or near a city [n]
Other moves: SWEY(S) 15K 42, WEENY 14J 38, WEEN(S)Y 14J 38, YEWEN 14J 38, SWEER 15K 36
SWEER 15K 36 Chelsea
On 6th draw, ZENIT(H) 14J 68 --- ZENITH the highest point [n]
Other tops: ZE(A)TIN 14J 68
Other moves: ZEIN(S) 14J 66, B(L)INTZE M2 54, (C)ITIZEN M3 52, (U)NITIZE M2 50, BIZ(O)NE 8A 48
(R)ITZY 13B 32 Chelsea
On 7th draw, FIAR G9 30 --- FIAR the holder of a type of absolute ownership of land under Scottish law [n]
Other moves: FAA E9 29, FAA 15M 28, SATAI 15K 28, OPIATE 8A 27, PIA E9 26
FAA 15M 28 Chelsea
On 8th draw, WHITENED O1 98 --- WHITEN to make white [v]
Other moves: WHITENER L1 86, ETHENE 8A 30, THEINE 8A 30, WEENIE 8A 30, WHINEY 13A 30
WHITENED O1 98 LongJump22
WHINY 13B 28 Chelsea
On 9th draw, KIAUGH 2J 48 --- KIAUGH care or trouble [n]
Other moves: AKIN N2 36, KO(H)A O12 36, AUK N1 35, OAK N1 35, OUK N1 35
OUK N1 35 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
OKA N2 32 Chelsea
On 10th draw, CLOQUE 8A 81 --- CLOQUE a fabric with an embossed design [n]
Other moves: CALQUE L1 40, CLOQUE E2 37, CLOQUE 5J 34, COQUET 4J 34, FIQUE K1 34
CLOQUE 8A 81 LongJump22, LLLLLL1144
QUEY 13C 32 Chelsea
On 11th draw, VOLPINO C7 34 --- VOLPINO an Italian dog [n]
Other moves: OBI 9B 28, BAVIN L1 26, PAVIN L1 26, VOLPINO C2 26, BI 9C 25
VOLPINO C7 34 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112
PINY 13C 18 Chelsea
On 12th draw, STRETTA 3D 65 --- STRETTA a concluding musical passage played faster [n]
Other moves: TETRACTS A3 61, STATER 3H 28, TRATTS 3H 28, RATES 3I 26, TASER 3I 26
TETRACTS A3 61 LongJump22
SAN 14F 21 Chelsea
On 13th draw, FOUAT 1G 33 --- FOUAT a leek [n]
Other moves: FO(H)N O12 30, FOUAT D11 29, FOUNT D11 29, FANO 1G 28, OAF 1J 28
FONT D11 25 Chelsea
On 14th draw, BONIE 4A 26 --- BONIE pretty or healthy [adj]
Other tops: NAEVI D11 26, NAIVE D11 26, VINO 4A 26
Other moves: BASON 15I 24, ENVOI 4A 24, VISNE D1 24, VISON D1 24, BANI 4A 22
VINO 4A 26 Chelsea
On 15th draw, MOXA 5B 48 --- MOXA a Chinese plant [n]
Other moves: DUX D11 38, DOUX D11 33, DAM 15M 32, DOM 15M 32, AX D12 31
AX D12 31 Chelsea
On 16th draw, JIBB A1 45 --- JIBB to shift from side to side while sailing [v]
Other moves: BAJRI B11 43, JAB B13 33, JIB B13 33, JARVIE 5J 32, AJIVA L2 30
JAB B13 33 Chelsea
On 17th draw, DOPER D11 29 --- DOPER one that dopes [n]
Other moves: APED D12 26, APOD D12 26, DEPRAVE 5I 26, OPED D12 26, PERVADE 5I 26
On 18th draw, VAIRY 15A 33 --- VAIRY variegated with vair [adj]
Other tops: HAIRY 15A 33
Other moves: EASY 15I 31, VUGHY M1 30, AYGRE 15A 27, HEAVY N7 27, HYE 7M 27
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