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Game on October 27, 2024 at 23:01, 10 players
1. 199 pts LongJump22
2. 196 pts sunshine12
3. 159 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ahiostu   H4    26    26   hutias
 2. acdefnr   5G    78   104   furnaced
 3. aiknors   G7    31   135   kains
 4. eeilnop   L1    82   217   pliocene
 5. ehiqrtv  H11    41   258   hiver
 6. anostyz   3I    56   314   zayins
 7. fgimnuy  11E    52   366   mushing
 8. ?bfosux   D5    86   452   boxfuls
 9. degoort   C3    31   483   trode
10. biloprv   E4    38   521   lipo
11. aceiltt   M8    72   593   lattice
12. aelmoow   2J    29   622   male
13. ?aajrtw  14J    60   682   jawed
14. adeeorv  15A    89   771   overdear
15. enootwy   8J    36   807   owelty
16. bdeeotu  15M    30   837   deb
17. aegiior   1L    24   861   prig
18. aeioqtu   1F    47   908   quota
19. egilnor   2D    26   934   reign

Remaining tiles: elo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5927 FileLongJump22  3  4:37  -735  199     1.7243 sunshine12  0  6:04  -738  196 
  2.7243 Filesunshine12  0  6:04  -738  196     2.7429 GLOBEMAN    1  6:32  -775  159 
  3.7429 FileGLOBEMAN    1  6:32  -775  159     3.7522 roocatcher  1  5:59  -794  140 
  4.7522 Fileroocatcher  1  5:59  -794  140     4.7974 lazy.lion   0  0:14  -900   34 
  5.5572 FileOOOOOO1112  0  2:19  -879   55     5.7819 bumpkin     0  1:56  -911   23 
  6.5666 FileNNNNNN1112  1  2:03  -882   52            Group: novice
  7.7974 Filelazy.lion   0  0:14  -900   34     1.5927 LongJump22  3  4:37  -735  199 
  8.5643 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:54  -901   33     2.5572 OOOOOO1112  0  2:19  -879   55 
  9.5620 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:27  -904   30     3.5666 NNNNNN1112  1  2:03  -882   52 
 10.7819 Filebumpkin     0  1:56  -911   23     4.5643 LLLLLL1112  0  1:54  -901   33 
                                             5.5620 MMMMMM1112  1  1:27  -904   30 

On 1st draw, HUTIAS H4 26 --- HUTIA the hog-rat [n]
Other tops: HIATUS H4 26
Other moves: HOAST H4 24, HOIST H4 24, HOSTA H4 24, HOUTS H4 24, HUIAS H4 24

On 2nd draw, FURNACED 5G 78 --- FURNACE to subject to heat [v]
Other moves: CHAFED 4G 30, FARED I3 29, CHAFER 4G 28, FRENCH 4C 28, ACNED G3 27

On 3rd draw, KAINS G7 31 --- KAIN a tax paid in produce or livestock [n]
Other tops: KAONS G7 31, KNARS G7 31
Other moves: KAIN G7 30, KAIS G7 30, KAON G7 30, KNAR G7 30, KAI G7 29

On 4th draw, PLIOCENE L1 82 --- PLIOCENE of or pertaining to a certain geologic time period [adj]
Other moves: EPSILON 11E 36, OPINE H11 32, PINOCLE L1 28, POLICE L1 26, PICENE L3 22

On 5th draw, HIVER H11 41 --- HIVER someone who hives [n]
Other moves: THEIR H11 38, EITHER M1 35, THRIVE M8 34, THERE M3 32, VILER 2J 32

On 6th draw, ZAYINS 3I 56 --- ZAYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: ZAYIN 3I 54, ZESTY 8K 51, ZATIS 3I 48, SENZA 8K 42, ZETAS 8K 42
ZESTY 8K 51 sunshine12

On 7th draw, MUSHING 11E 52 --- MUSH to travel over snow with a dog sled [v]
Other moves: YUMPING 1I 45, YMPING 1J 42, MUNIFY M8 34, IMPUGN 1J 33, PUMY 1L 33
PUMY 1L 33 sunshine12

On 8th draw, BOXFU(L)S D5 86 --- BOXFUL as much as a box can hold [n]
Other moves: F(L)EXOS 8J 45, U(N)BOX 12K 45, FUBS(Y) D8 40, BE(A)UX 8K 39, SUBF(I)X M8 38
EX(E)S 8L 30 sunshine12

On 9th draw, TRODE C3 31 --- TREAD to walk on, over, or along [v] --- TRODE a path [n]
Other moves: TORPEDO 1I 30, TROOPED 1H 30, RODEO C4 29, OVERDOG 13G 28, DEPORT 1J 27
GOOF 8A 24 sunshine12

On 10th draw, LIPO E4 38 --- LIPO liposuction [n]
Other moves: BIRO E4 36, BLIP E3 32, PROB E3 32, BEVOR 8K 30, BOP E4 30
PROP 1L 24 sunshine12

On 11th draw, LATTICE M8 72 --- LATTICE to form a structure consisting of interlaced strips of material [v]
Other tops: TACTILE M8 72
Other moves: TRACTILE 15G 61, CAPLET 1J 30, TIPCAT 1J 30, EPACT 1K 27, ATELIC 6J 25

On 12th draw, MALE 2J 29 --- MALE an individual that begets young by fertilizing the female [n]
Other tops: MOLA 2J 29, MOLE 2J 29
Other moves: PAWL 1L 27, PLEW 1L 27, PLOW 1L 27, DWALM N5 26, MAL 2J 26

On 13th draw, JAWE(D) 14J 60 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: JA(G)ER 14J 54, JA(P)ER 14J 54, JAW(S) 1G 43, JARTA 1F 41, JARTA(S) 1E 40

On 14th draw, OVERDEAR 15A 89 --- OVERDEAR too dear; too costly [adj]
Other moves: OVERDARE 15E 80, OVERREAD 15D 75, OVERDARE 15B 63, AREDE 15J 36, ODEA 15L 36
OVERDEAR 15A 89 LongJump22
PROD 1L 24 roocatcher

On 15th draw, OWELTY 8J 36 --- OWELTY equality [n]
Other moves: TOEY 14C 35, WYE 14F 35, EYNE 14E 33, PYET 1L 33, PYNE 1L 33
TOEY 14C 35 roocatcher
PYOT 1L 33 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112

On 16th draw, DEB 15M 30 --- DEB a debutante [n]
Other tops: BEDE 15K 30, BODE 15K 30, DOB 15M 30
Other moves: BED 15K 28, BOD 15K 28, OBE 15J 25, DEE 15M 24, DOE 15M 24
BEDE 15K 30 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
BEE 14F 23 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, bumpkin

On 17th draw, PRIG 1L 24 --- PRIG to steal [v]
Other tops: PEAG 1L 24, PROG 1L 24
Other moves: ORGIA 1F 23, PEAR 1L 21, PERI 1L 21, PRAO 1L 21, PROA 1L 21
PRIG 1L 24 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 18th draw, QUOTA 1F 47 --- QUOTA a proportional part or share [n]
Other moves: QUA 1H 41, QUA F2 34, QUA 10I 32, QI 10I 28, QUA B2 28
QUOTA 1F 47 LongJump22
QUA F2 34 lazy.lion, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 19th draw, REIGN 2D 26 --- REIGN to exercise sovereign power [v]
Other moves: GIRN 2E 24, GIRO 2E 24, LINE 2E 23, LINO 2E 23, LIRE 2E 23
LIG 2E 22 NNNNNN1112
RIG 2E 22 OOOOOO1112

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