Game on October 28, 2024 at 02:10, 5 players
1. 278 pts sunshine12
2. 36 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 33 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 36 36
2. 4E 84 120
3. 9H 71 191
4. L6 72 263
5. 7C 66 329
6. 3I 45 374
7. 2G 41 415
8. 1D 47 462
9. 8K 42 504
10. D5 70 574
11. 6J 65 639
12. 5B 32 671
13. O1 95 766
14. 11A 70 836
15. A9 48 884
16. K11 31 915
17. 10A 50 965
18. 15H 36 1001
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7238 sunshine12 0 10:37 -723 278 1.7238 sunshine12 0 10:37 -723 278
2.7427 GLOBEMAN 0 1:50 -965 36 2.7427 GLOBEMAN 0 1:50 -965 36
3.7521 roocatcher 0 0:40 -968 33 3.7521 roocatcher 0 0:40 -968 33
4. - chunk88 0 1:53 -968 33 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:35 -986 15 1. - chunk88 0 1:53 -968 33
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:35 -986 15
On 1st draw, KHEDA H4 36 --- KHEDA an enclosure for elephants [n]
Other tops: KHADI H4 36
Other moves: HIKED H4 34, HIKED H8 30, KHADI H8 28, KHEDA H8 28, HIKED H5 26
On 2nd draw, L(A)CKEYED 4E 84 --- LACKEY to serve in a servile manner [v]
Other moves: YCLEE(P)ED 6B 73, YCLE(P)ED G8 71, YCLE(P)ED I8 71, YCLEE(P)ED 6E 69, DE(U)CEDLY 7C 68
On 3rd draw, (S)OLATIA 9H 71 --- SOLATIUM a compensation given for damage to the feelings [n]
Other moves: AILA(N)TO G6 66, AILA(N)TO I6 66, AILA(N)TO I7 65, OTAL(G)IA G7 65, OTAL(G)IA I7 65
On 4th draw, PLOTTIES L6 72 --- PLOTTIE a spiced hot drink [n] --- PLOTTY a hot, spiced beverage [n]
Other tops: PISTOLET L6 72, POLITIES M6 72
PELTS 8K 35 sunshine12
On 5th draw, PRERADIO 7C 66 --- PRERADIO preceding the development of radio [adj]
Other moves: PARORE 3I 39, PORIER 3I 39, PAREO 3I 37, PARER 3I 37, PORAE 3I 37
On 6th draw, WANED 3I 45 --- WANE to decrease in size or extent [v]
Other moves: DAWEN 3I 40, WIPED 6J 36, DEAW 6G 34, WAIDE K8 33, WADE 3I 32
WIPED 6J 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 7th draw, FIEF 2G 41 --- FIEF a feudal estate [n]
Other moves: AFFIES N9 40, FES 2J 38, OOF 2H 37, EF 2I 36, OF 2I 36
FE 2J 33 roocatcher, chunk88
On 8th draw, HAROS 1D 47 --- HARO a cry claiming legal redress [interj]
Other moves: NOH 1F 38, SOH 1F 38, OH 1G 35, HOONS 8K 33, NOAHS 8K 33
NOH 1F 38 sunshine12
HI H1 15 BadBoyBen
On 9th draw, BOGEY 8K 42 --- BOGEY a goblin [n] --- BOGEY to shoot in one stroke over par in golf [v]
Other moves: ELEGY 6F 41, BEIGY K11 34, BOGLE 8K 33, OBEY 8L 33, EELY 6G 32
YIPE 6J 30 sunshine12
On 10th draw, DORTOURS D5 70 --- DORTOUR a dormitory [n]
Other moves: DROPOUTS C4 62, OUTDOERS 12G 60, ODOURS 1J 34, OUTROS 1J 31, OTTOS 10J 27
BAUD K8 22 sunshine12
On 11th draw, ZIP 6J 65 --- ZIP to fasten with a metal fastener with teeth [v]
Other tops: ZAP 6J 65, ZEP 6J 65
Other moves: VIZSLA 13I 44, ZAG 2L 42, ZEAL 2L 42, ZIG 2L 42, ZILA 2L 42
On 12th draw, QADI 5B 32 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: OATEN 10J 27, NGAIO C9 24, QI 11K 22, ATONE 10K 21, AGONISE 13G 20
QI 11K 22 sunshine12
On 13th draw, NOVENARY O1 95 --- NOVENARY a set of nine things [n]
Other moves: NORTENA 10I 31, OVATE 8A 30, OATEN 10J 27, OATER 10J 27, VROT 8A 25
RAVE 2L 21 sunshine12
On 14th draw, TITRABLE 11A 70 --- TITRABLE capable of being titrated [adj]
Other moves: BATLET 14J 39, BATTEL 14J 39, BATTLE 14J 39, BETTA 14J 37, BITTE 14J 37
TAB N4 25 sunshine12
On 15th draw, JETTING A9 48 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other tops: JETTING A8 48
Other moves: EEJIT H11 39, JET 14J 37, TWINE A11 36, TWINGE B9 36, TWITE A11 36
JA 6N 25 sunshine12
On 16th draw, GWINE K11 31 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: NEWING 14A 28, WINO 2L 24, PEW C7 23, WICE 2A 23, CUNEI 2A 21
WINO 2L 24 sunshine12
On 17th draw, EX 10A 50 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: XI B10 50
Other moves: COMMUNE 15E 39, OX 12G 36, MUX M13 34, XU 12H 34, MOMI B8 33
On 18th draw, COVENS 15H 36 --- COVEN a group of witches [n]
Other moves: COVEN 15H 33, COVES 15H 33, VOCES 15H 33, VENOUS 15J 30, COVE 15H 27
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