Game on October 28, 2024 at 03:38, 1 player
1. 246 pts Papa_Sloth
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H6 20 20
2. G9 72 92
3. 14D 72 164
4. 15K 43 207
5. I5 41 248
6. O8 80 328
7. N2 74 402
8. J6 40 442
9. 10C 76 518
10. E5 94 612
11. 15A 54 666
12. O1 28 694
13. 8A 42 736
14. 12A 48 784
15. 11J 27 811
16. 12K 24 835
17. B1 76 911
18. 1A 54 965
19. 15G 31 996
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6930 Papa_Sloth 0 11:30 -750 246 1.6930 Papa_Sloth 0 11:30 -750 246
On 1st draw, WAWE H6 20 --- WAWE a wave [n]
Other tops: WAWE H5 20, WAWE H7 20, WAWE H8 20
Other moves: WAW H6 18, WAW H7 18, WAW H8 18, WIPE H5 18, WIPE H6 18
On 2nd draw, BOULDER G9 72 --- BOULDER a large rock [n] --- BOULDER to climb up large rocks [v]
Other moves: BOULDER I1 70, DOUBLER I1 70, DOUBLER G9 68, DOUBLER I9 68, LABOURED 7G 66
On 3rd draw, SUPERCOP 14D 72 --- SUPERCOP a superior police officer [n]
Other moves: SCRORP 15C 39, SCUPPER 14B 38, CROUPES 14B 34, CROUPE 14B 32, SPRUCE 14B 32
On 4th draw, AMOVE 15K 43 --- AMOVE to remove [v]
Other moves: MAIRE H11 40, MOIRE H11 40, MARE 15E 32, MIRE 15E 32, MORE 15E 32
On 5th draw, CONEYS I5 41 --- CONEY a rabbit [n]
Other moves: CONEY I5 40, COSEY I5 40, NOSEY I5 38, NOYES I5 38, OYES I6 37
On 6th draw, RA(V)IGOTE O8 80 --- RAVIGOTE a spiced vinegar sauce [n]
Other moves: AGI(S)TORS D7 70, ORGA(N)IST D8 70, GOR(D)ITAS D7 68, ORGIA(S)TS D7 68, A(U)TOGIRO M8 66
GOR(E) 15E 22 Papa_Sloth
On 7th draw, BRANTLE N2 74 --- BRANTLE an old French dance [n]
Other moves: BRANTLES D7 72, NAB J6 26, NEB J6 26, TAB J6 26, ABET 15A 24
BRAT 15A 24 Papa_Sloth
On 8th draw, FAE J6 40 --- FAE from (Scots) [prep]
Other moves: HARE 15E 36, FELLAHS D8 34, FA J6 33, FE J6 33, FELLAH 4J 32
On 9th draw, INGROSSED 10C 76 --- INGROSS to completely absorb one's attention [v]
Other moves: GRINDERS 3H 72, GIED O1 35, NIED O1 32, DEISM L11 31, DERIG 15A 30
On 10th draw, GUIDAGES E5 94 --- GUIDAGE guidance [n]
Other moves: GUIDAGE E5 40, GAED O1 35, GIED O1 35, AGISM L11 31, DEISM L11 31
DIES O1 27 Papa_Sloth
On 11th draw, OKEH 15A 54 --- OKEH approval [n]
Other tops: JOKED 8A 54
Other moves: KOJI 15A 51, JINKER 3I 50, JOKIER 3I 50, JINKS 12A 48, JOKES 12A 48
JOE O1 36 Papa_Sloth
On 12th draw, TA(E)D O1 28 --- TAE to toe the line [v]
Other tops: TI(E)D O1 28
Other moves: DI(E)T O1 23, DIV N13 21, I(O)DID 8A 21, (G)ADID 8A 21, (M)ADID 8A 21
On 13th draw, JERID 8A 42 --- JERID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: FAYED 8A 39, JAY D4 34, FARED 8A 30, FIERY C9 30, FIRED 8A 30
RAJES 12A 26 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, ZATIS 12A 48 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other tops: ZETAS 12A 48, ZOEAS 12A 48
Other moves: HAZE 11J 43, ATHEIZE B2 42, HAZES 12A 42, HAZIER C3 38, ZITHER C3 38
ZAS 12C 24 Papa_Sloth
On 15th draw, FEM 11J 27 --- FEM a passive homosexual [n]
Other tops: FIQUE 6B 27
Other moves: MEDII K8 25, QANAT 7G 24, FET 11J 23, FIE 11J 23, FIT 11J 23
QI D7 22 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, LIANG 12K 24 --- LIANG a Chinese unit of weight [n]
Other moves: ALE 13A 23, ANE 13A 23, ANI 13A 23, NAIL M1 21, ILEA M3 20
ALE M3 16 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, INVOLUTE B1 76 --- INVOLUTE to roll or curl up [v]
Other moves: VOITUR(E) 3I 26, OUTLIVE B2 24, LOUT M1 21, NOIL M1 21, NOUL M1 21
On 18th draw, NIXY 1A 54 --- NIXY an undeliverable piece of mail [n]
Other moves: YEX A4 37, NIXE 1A 36, QI 1A 33, TINY 1A 33, OYE 13A 32
XI 1A 27 Papa_Sloth
On 19th draw, REH 15G 31 --- REH salt or Indian soil [n]
Other moves: OH F5 29, HO F6 28, HOO 13M 24, QANAT 7G 24, HEAT M10 23
QI D7 22 Papa_Sloth
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