Game on October 28, 2024 at 10:20, 7 players
1. 322 pts Chelsea
2. 139 pts LongJump22
3. 66 pts OOOOOO1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 76 76 


G8 67 143 


14A 124 267 


15G 66 333 


15A 44 377 


M12 36 413 


8A 104 517 


5E 44 561 


11J 31 592 


B1 72 664 


1B 39 703 


L11 36 739 


2F 41 780 


F5 47 827 


E11 38 865 


1J 46 911 


3J 25 936 


N12 29 965 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 8:39 -643 322 1.7108 Chelsea 2 8:39 -643 322
LongJump22 2 4:11 -826 139 Group: novice
OOOOOO1112 2 1:55 -899 66 1.5927 LongJump22 2 4:11 -826 139
4. -
LLLLLL1144 1 1:59 -919 46 2.5529 OOOOOO1112 2 1:55 -899 66
LLLLLL1112 1 1:34 -924 41 3.5648 LLLLLL1112 1 1:34 -924 41
MMMMMM1112 0 1:18 -935 30 4.5597 MMMMMM1112 0 1:18 -935 30
NNNNNN1112 0 1:42 -935 30 5.5654 NNNNNN1112 0 1:42 -935 30
Group: not rated
1. - LLLLLL1144 1 1:59 -919 46
On 1st draw, HIREA(G)E H4 76 --- HIREAGE the fee for hiring something [n]
Other tops: HEA(D)IER H4 76, HEA(P)IER H4 76, HEA(V)IER H4 76, HER(N)IAE H4 76
Other moves: HEA(D)IER H2 70, HEA(D)IER H3 70, HEA(D)IER H6 70, HEA(D)IER H7 70, HEA(D)IER H8 70
On 2nd draw, DARIOLE G8 67 --- DARIOLE a type of pastry filled with cream, custard, or jelly [n]
Other moves: DIALO(G)ER 9C 62, DARIOLE 5E 32, DELIRIA 5E 32, RELOAD G3 24, DERAIL I5 23
On 3rd draw, ER(O)TIZED 14A 124 --- EROTIZE to give a sexual meaning to [v]
Other moves: R(O)ZITED I1 92, ER(O)TIZED 14G 88, EROTIZ(E)D 12E 86, (E)ROTIZED 12E 86, ER(O)TIZED 7H 78
On 4th draw, SEXPOT 15G 66 --- SEXPOT a sexually attractive woman [n]
Other moves: POXIEST 5E 64, SEXTON 15G 60, SEXPOT I5 57, TOXINES 5E 56, EXPOS 15H 54
SEXTON 15G 60 Chelsea
On 5th draw, REBID 15A 44 --- BID to make a bid (an offer of a price) [v] --- REBID to bid again [v]
Other moves: BERAYED A9 42, BAYED 13A 41, BRAYED A10 39, BREYED A10 39, BAYED A11 36
BRAYED A10 39 Chelsea
On 6th draw, WAYS M12 36 --- WAY a method of doing something [n] --- WAY to journey [v]
Other tops: WEYS M12 36, WYES M12 36, YAWS M12 36, YEWS M12 36
Other moves: AYRES M11 32, EWERS M11 32, EYERS M11 32, EYEWASH 4B 32, EYRAS M11 32
WAYS M12 36 Chelsea
On 7th draw, ETHMOIDAL 8A 104 --- ETHMOIDAL [adj]
Other moves: HOMELIER A8 42, HEM 13A 37, HIM 13A 37, HOM 13A 37, HOME N11 37
HOME N11 37 Chelsea
On 8th draw, DEFIANT 5E 44 --- DEFIANT showing defiance [adj]
Other moves: FANTOD L8 41, FONDA L8 36, ANODE N10 34, FAD 13A 33, FED 13A 33
DOF L11 29 Chelsea
On 9th draw, VOWS 11J 31 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: VISONS 11F 28, SNOWS 11I 27, VOW 4D 26, NOWS 11J 25, OWNS 11J 25
VOW 4D 26 Chelsea
On 10th draw, TANGOIST B1 72 --- TANGOIST a tango dancer [n]
Other moves: TOASTING B4 63, TOASTING K1 59, GOWAN L9 30, NOWTS 12K 30, SLOGAN I7 30
SWAT L10 26 Chelsea
On 11th draw, TURFMAN 1B 39 --- TURFMAN a person who is devoted to horse racing [n]
Other tops: FARM 6F 39
Other moves: FUM 13A 37, MOWRA 12K 36, WOF L11 33, FAR 6F 32, MOWA 12K 32
TURFMAN 1B 39 LongJump22
WOF L11 33 Chelsea
On 12th draw, WOK L11 36 --- WOK a pan used in Chinese cookery [n]
Other moves: EBOOK 12D 32, BOW 12K 30, EWK 12L 30, KAYO 14K 30, PEG 13A 30
WOK L11 36 Chelsea
PEG 13A 30 MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
On 13th draw, YBORE 2F 41 --- BEAR to act like a bear, [v]
Other moves: AYRE 2E 39, EYRA 2E 39, EYRE 2E 39, EYE N12 38, AYE 2E 36
YBORE 2F 41 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
On 14th draw, EQUINIA F5 47 --- EQUINIA glanders, a contagious horse disease [n]
Other moves: MAQUI D8 32, QUINOA 12C 32, QUINO 12C 28, QUEAN A6 27, QUENA A6 27
QUINOA 12C 32 LongJump22
On 15th draw, JA E11 38 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: LEA N12 29, AGAVE 4A 23, AGAVE 4K 22, J(O)B C13 22, LAVAGE 3J 22
On 16th draw, PELVIC 1J 46 --- PELVIC a bone of the pelvis [n]
Other moves: PENCIL 1J 37, PEC 13A 34, PIC 13A 34, LIE N12 29, NIE N12 29
On 17th draw, CLUING 3J 25 --- CLUE to obtain guiding information [v]
Other moves: CLING 3J 23, CLUNG 3J 23, CUING 3J 23, CLINT 3J 21, CULTI 3J 21
On 18th draw, TEA N12 29 --- TEA a beverage made by infusing dried leaves in boiling water [n] --- TEA to drink a beverage made with tea leaves and boiling water [v]
Other tops: ETA N12 29
Other moves: GANGUE O3 27, GUANGO O3 27, EA N13 21, TA N13 21, TE N13 21
GANGUE O3 27 LongJump22
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