Game on October 28, 2024 at 23:50, 5 players
1. 270 pts sunshine12
2. 153 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 100 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 26 26
2. 7A 75 101
3. E5 36 137
4. 9H 73 210
5. A7 83 293
6. 8K 29 322
7. 15A 63 385
8. K5 40 425
9. 14A 37 462
10. 13C 98 560
11. D10 41 601
12. H12 42 643
13. F9 36 679
14. B2 40 719
15. L1 30 749
16. M2 34 783
17. 1G 30 813
18. F2 36 849
19. M7 28 877
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7234 sunshine12 4 8:20 -607 270 1.7234 sunshine12 4 8:20 -607 270
2.7427 GLOBEMAN 1 3:51 -724 153 2.7427 GLOBEMAN 1 3:51 -724 153
3.7639 roocatcher 0 6:56 -777 100 3.7639 roocatcher 0 6:56 -777 100
4. - BadBoyBen 0 1:46 -848 29 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 1:45 -858 19 1. - BadBoyBen 0 1:46 -848 29
2. - chunk88 0 1:45 -858 19
On 1st draw, WILGA H4 26 --- WILGA a small, white flowered tree [n]
Other moves: MILAGE H4 24, GLEAM H8 22, MILAGE H8 22, GIMEL H4 20, GLEAM H4 20
On 2nd draw, (B)EJADING 7A 75 --- BEJADE to tire out [v]
Other moves: JAW(L)INE 4F 32, J(O)LED 6F 32, JIL(T)ED 6F 31, JADE G3 30, JEDI I3 30
On 3rd draw, TIDDIER E5 36 --- TIDDY very small [adj]
Other moves: EDILE 6E 22, WEIRDIE 4H 22, (B)ETIDE A7 21, (B)IRDIE A7 21, (B)REDIE A7 21
On 4th draw, SURNAME 9H 73 --- SURNAME to give the family name to [v]
Other moves: MANURES I8 65, MURENAS I8 65, SURNAME I8 65, USERNAME 10C 64, USERNAME B5 64
On 5th draw, (B)U(C)KEROO A7 83 --- BUCKEROO a cowboy [n]
Other tops: OU(T)(B)ROKE A4 83
Other moves: EUROKOU(S) I8 64, KERO 8L 56, KORE 8L 56, KORO 8L 56, KORU 8L 56
On 6th draw, ENATE 8K 29 --- ENATE a relative in the mother's side [n]
Other tops: ATONE 8K 29
Other moves: EATEN 10J 25, AEON 8L 24, EOAN 8L 24, NEAT 8L 24, NETE 8L 24
On 7th draw, SEX 15A 63 --- SEX to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v]
Other tops: SOX 15A 63
Other moves: SLOB 15A 60, SLUB 15A 60, OXES F9 56, OX F9 52, XU 10N 51
SOX 15A 63 sunshine12
On 8th draw, OFTENER K5 40 --- OFTEN frequently [adv]
Other moves: FETED F10 36, FETOR F10 33, FEDEX C11 32, TERFE B11 32, DEFI F4 31
FETED F10 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 9th draw, OPERAS 14A 37 --- OPERA a form of musical drama [n]
Other moves: JASPERS C7 34, PIBALS 6D 32, SERAPES B2 32, OPERA 14A 31, PIBAL 6D 31
PRESS O6 17 roocatcher
On 10th draw, TULADIS 13C 98 --- TULADI a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: TULADIS 15F 79, TULADIS J1 74, DUALIST 13E 65, TULADIS 13E 65, DULIAS 13C 44
DIALS 15E 23 roocatcher
On 11th draw, YOGURT D10 41 --- YOGURT food made from fermented milk [n]
Other moves: LYING H11 39, TYING H11 39, RYOT J9 30, YURT D12 28, GOUTY L1 27
G*Y L4GOY L4 24 roocatcher
YAM M7 12 sunshine12
On 12th draw, HIVE H12 42 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other moves: AHIND H11 39, AHING H11 39, EHING H11 39, HAGDEN 15F 39, HANGED 15F 39
HE F10 33 sunshine12
On 13th draw, OWE F9 36 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other moves: WE F10 33, OW F9 32, BOWIE D1 28, BOWIE L1 28, BOWNE D1 28
OWE F9 36 sunshine12
On 14th draw, EVZONE B2 40 --- EVZONE a Greek soldier [n]
Other moves: GINZO J2 39, ZING J2 37, GINZO L1 36, ZEIN J2 35, ZIG 6D 35
On 15th draw, COMPO L1 30 --- COMPO compensation for industrial injuries [n]
Other tops: COMPO J2 30
Other moves: COMPED O4 27, EMPT 10K 27, COMPTED O3 26, COOMED O4 25, COOPED O4 25
P*M G3POM G3 19 chunk88
On 16th draw, FIAT M2 34 --- FIAT an authoritative order [n] --- FIAT to sanction [v]
Other moves: AFT 10M 33, FLOAT 2J 32, FLOTA 2J 32, IF 10M 32, TABLOID 2H 32
FIB 6D 29 BadBoyBen
On 17th draw, ABULIC 1G 30 --- ABULIA loss of will power [adj] --- ABULIC pertaining to loss of willpower [adj]
Other tops: ARABIC 1G 30, LUBRIC 1G 30
Other moves: IZAR 4A 28, BARIC 1H 27, RABIC 1H 27, RUBAI D4 26, ABULIA J2 25
ARABIC 1G 30 sunshine12
On 18th draw, QADI F2 36 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QI 2F 33, QADI D2 30, IZAR 4A 28, EGAD 10K 27, QADI F4 27
QADI F2 36 sunshine12
On 19th draw, RAMBLING M7 28 --- RAMBLE to wander [v] --- RAMBLING the act of rambling [n]
Other moves: EYING 10K 27, BY A1 26, BYLINER O3 26, LAMBING M7 26, ZIG 4B 26
AMBLING M8 24 sunshine12
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