Game on October 29, 2024 at 11:16, 11 players
1. 273 pts LongJump22
2. 148 pts NNNNNN1112
3. 132 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


11D 82 112 


I7 26 138 


J8 43 181 


D4 72 253 


5D 98 351 


12A 36 387 


L1 37 424 


13I 62 486 


2H 78 564 


B7 90 654 


F8 66 720 


1D 48 768 


O1 36 804 


A5 41 845 


2D 25 870 


L11 32 902 


15C 27 929 


C3 24 953 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
LongJump22 3 5:17 -680 273 1.7155 Chelsea 2 5:18 -821 132
NNNNNN1112 1 3:34 -805 148 2.7840 moonmonkey 0 0:19 -933 20
Chelsea 2 5:18 -821 132 3.7643 Mycophot 0 0:33 -933 20
LLLLLL1112 0 2:44 -853 100 4.7787 HollyIvy 0 0:47 -933 20
MMMMMM1112 0 3:09 -861 92 5.7698 sicilianc5 0 1:02 -933 20
6. -
KKKKKK1144 1 1:57 -905 48 Group: novice
OOOOOO1112 0 1:24 -906 47 1.5878 LongJump22 3 5:17 -680 273
moonmonkey 0 0:19 -933 20 2.5668 NNNNNN1112 1 3:34 -805 148
Mycophot 0 0:33 -933 20 3.5610 LLLLLL1112 0 2:44 -853 100
HollyIvy 0 0:47 -933 20 4.5617 MMMMMM1112 0 3:09 -861 92
sicilianc5 0 1:02 -933 20 5.5491 OOOOOO1112 0 1:24 -906 47
Group: not rated
1. - KKKKKK1144 1 1:57 -905 48
On 1st draw, BENDY H8 30 --- BENDY a tropical plant [n] --- BENDY full of bends [adj]
Other tops: BUNDY H8 30
Other moves: BEDYE H4 28, BENDY H4 28, BUNDY H4 28, DEBYE H4 26, NEEDY H8 26
On 2nd draw, S(O)LIDATE 11D 82 --- SOLIDATE to consolidate [v]
Other tops: LA(R)DIEST 11E 82, LEADI(E)ST 11E 82, L(E)ADIEST 11E 82, STEADIL(Y) 11D 82, (B)ALDIEST 11E 82, (C)ITADELS 11D 82, (G)LADIEST 11E 82, (M)ISDEALT 11E 82, (V)ALIDEST 11D 82
Other moves: BALIST(A)E 8H 80, BAL(D)IEST 8H 80, BAL(K)IEST 8H 80, BAL(M)IEST 8H 80, BASILE(C)T 8H 80
On 3rd draw, COTEAU I7 26 --- COTEAU the higher ground of a region [n]
Other moves: COATE 12A 25, COATI 12A 25, CUTIE 12A 25, CIAO 12A 22, CITO 12A 22
On 4th draw, HAFT J8 43 --- HAFT to supply with a handle [v]
Other moves: FAH G7 32, FASHING D9 32, FOH G7 32, AFT J9 31, FAGIN 12A 31
On 5th draw, SPOONIES D4 72 --- SPOONY a spoony person [n]
Other tops: OPSONISE D5 72
Other moves: POISON L8 31, OPINES 13C 30, PONIES 13C 30, POISE L8 29, SNOEP L11 29
On 6th draw, PERMEANT 5D 98 --- PERMEANT something that permeates [n] --- PERMEANT that permeates [adj]
Other tops: PETERMAN 5D 98
Other moves: MART 12A 40, MEAT 12A 40, MEET 12A 40, MENT 12A 40, ARETE 12A 35
PERMEANT 5D 98 LongJump22
On 7th draw, DINT 12A 36 --- DINT to dent [v]
Other tops: DANT 12A 36
Other moves: ADIT 12A 34, ANTI 12B 31, DIT 12B 30, AIT 12B 28, ANT 12B 28
DAINT L11 24 Chelsea
On 8th draw, YELLS L1 37 --- YELL to cry out loudly [v]
Other tops: YILLS L1 37
Other moves: SILLY L11 33, SLILY L11 33, SOILY L11 33, SOLIDLY A8 33, YELLS 6J 33
YELLS L1 37 Chelsea
YILLS L1 37 LongJump22
On 9th draw, XERO(X) 13I 62 --- XEROX to produce by a xerox copying machine [v]
Other moves: OX(T)ERED 2I 60, OX(H)IDE B9 58, DE(T)OX L11 50, DEOXY 1H 48, DE(S)OXY 1G 48
OX(T)ERED 2I 60 LongJump22
On 10th draw, TAIVERED 2H 78 --- TAIVER to wander aimlessly [v]
Other moves: DERIVATE 2E 66, EVIRATED 2F 66, TAIVERED 2F 66, REAVED H1 42, REIVED H1 42
TAIVERED 2H 78 LongJump22
On 11th draw, RAZEEING B7 90 --- RAZEE to make lower by removing the upper deck, as a ship [v]
Other moves: ZAIRE B10 68, GEEZ 1F 59, GRAZE 1D 57, GEEZ 12L 55, REZ 1G 53
ZEE 12L 47 NNNNNN1112
ZEA 12L 47 OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
On 12th draw, AMULETIC F8 66 --- AMULETIC of amulets [adj]
Other moves: ACETUM A3 53, AECIUM A3 47, ACMITE 1C 45, ACETUM 1D 43, AECIUM 1D 43
On 13th draw, KAURI 1D 48 --- KAURI a timber tree [n]
Other tops: KORAI 1D 48, KOURA 1D 48
Other moves: GOUK A5 47, GROK A5 47, ADUKI O1 45, ATOKE H1 42, AUK A6 41
On 14th draw, ADAW O1 36 --- ADAW to daunt [v]
Other moves: ADAGIO O1 30, WO 1N 29, AWA 12K 26, AWA 4G 25, WAG 12L 25
On 15th draw, SWOB A5 41 --- SWOB to swab [v]
Other moves: BLOWS 2B 39, GLOWS 2B 37, GLOB A5 35, GLOBS 2B 34, BLOGS 2B 33
On 16th draw, IGG 2D 25 --- IGG to ignore (slang), IGGED, IGGING, IGGS [v]
Other tops: VOID 2B 25
Other moves: GOLD 12L 23, VILD L8 22, VIOL 2B 22, VOID L8 22, CLOD 15F 21
On 17th draw, DROOP L11 32 --- DROOP to hang downward [v]
Other moves: CUPID 15F 30, CROUP 15F 27, DORP 12L 27, DOUP 12L 27, POOD 12L 27
POOD 12L 27 Chelsea
On 18th draw, ULICON 15C 27 --- ULICON the candlefish [n]
Other tops: UNCOIL 15D 27
Other moves: NICOL 15D 24, COLIN 15F 21, JUCO 15D 21, OCULI 15E 21, DOUN A12 20
JO C3 20 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Chelsea
On 19th draw, QI C3 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: OF 4G 22, OH 4G 22, QI 14E 22, QI E14 22, HO 3I 20
QI C3 24 Chelsea
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