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Game on October 29, 2024 at 19:39, 5 players
1. 201 pts sunshine12
2. 176 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 160 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aalosu   H7    64    64   arousal
 2. aeilrtt   8H    74   138   rattlier
 3. ?eiiprr  11D    86   224   prissier
 4. aefinov  12A    36   260   five
 5. deoopvy  10J    39   299   poovy
 6. adhinow   I5    38   337   dawah
 7. aceimnn  13G    82   419   clinamen
 8. eilossw  O11    40   459   wises
 9. adegikn   H1    42   501   kidge
10. eglnoru  15H    83   584   loungers
11. aagnorr   B8    72   656   rangiora
12. abejlux   8A    63   719   brux
13. cefhlmo  15A    48   767   mache
14. adestyz  14D    41   808   adz
15. efjnost   2F    31   839   joints
16. aeentty   J6    33   872   yet
17. aefilot   O1    86   958   floatier
18. eeinotu   3C    28   986   intoed

Remaining tiles: bdeqtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7239 Filesunshine12  0  6:17  -785  201     1.7239 sunshine12  0  6:17  -785  201 
  2.7463 FileGLOBEMAN    1  6:30  -810  176     2.7463 GLOBEMAN    1  6:30  -810  176 
  3.7619 Fileroocatcher  1  8:54  -826  160     3.7619 roocatcher  1  8:54  -826  160 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     1  1:50  -955   31            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:40  -975   11     1.  -  chunk88     1  1:50  -955   31 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:40  -975   11 

On 1st draw, A(R)OUSAL H7 64 --- AROUSAL the act of arousing [n]
Other tops: A(R)OUSAL H2 64, A(R)OUSAL H4 64, A(R)OUSAL H6 64, A(R)OUSAL H8 64
Other moves: A(R)OUSAL H3 62, A(R)OUSAL H5 62, ALA(M)OS H3 12, ALA(M)OS H4 12, ALA(M)OS H7 12

On 2nd draw, (R)ATTLIER 8H 74 --- RATTLY inclined to rattle [adj]
Other tops: RATTLIE(R) 8A 74
Other moves: TERTIALS 11A 66, TERTIAL G1 62, TERTIAL I1 62, LITERATO 9A 60, TERTIA I7 21

On 3rd draw, PRI(S)SIER 11D 86 --- PRISSY excessively or affectedly proper [adj]
Other tops: PRIS(S)IER 11E 86, PRI(M)SIER 11D 86, (C)RISPIER 11E 86
Other moves: (S)PIRIER 14H 76, I(M)PAIRER 12E 68, I(N)SPIRER 11F 68, PERRA(D)II 12D 68, PRAIRIE(D) 12F 68

On 4th draw, FIVE 12A 36 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other tops: FAVE 12A 36, FLAVINE 13G 36, FLAVONE 13G 36, FOVEA 10J 36
Other moves: FAINE 10J 33, FAVE 10J 33, FAIN 10J 30, FANE 10J 30, FANE 12A 30

On 5th draw, POOVY 10J 39 --- POOVY effeminate [adj]
Other moves: DOPEY 10J 32, POOED 10B 32, YOOP 10C 32, YOOP 10J 32, YAP I7 31

On 6th draw, DAWAH I5 38 --- DAWAH (Arabic) the practice of educating non-believers about the practice of Islam [n]
Other moves: HAW I7 35, NOAH 10C 35, ADHAN 12H 32, DONAH 12K 30, FAWN A12 30

On 7th draw, CLINAMEN 13G 82 --- CLINAMEN an inclination [n]
Other moves: AMICE H1 39, MINCE H1 39, ANIME H1 33, INFAME A10 33, N*NC* H1 33

On 8th draw, WISES O11 40 --- WISE to become aware or informed [v]
Other moves: WET J6 33, WEILS B10 32, LOSES O11 31, OWES 12L 31, SEW O13 31

On 9th draw, KIDGE H1 42 --- KIDGE brisk [adj]
Other moves: KAING B10 40, KINDA H1 39, KENAF A8 36, KNEAD J2 34, DEFANG A10 33
FINK A12 33 sunshine12

On 10th draw, LOUNGERS 15H 83 --- LOUNGER one that lounges [n]
Other moves: ENGULF A7 30, GONEF A8 27, GROUF A8 27, FLEG A12 24, FLOG A12 24
GROUF A8 27 sunshine12

On 11th draw, RANGIORA B8 72 --- RANGIORA an evergreen New Zealand shrub with large ovate leaves and small greenish-white flowers [n]
Other moves: ARROGANT K1 68, RANGIORA 2D 63, ARAR 12J 28, GANOF A8 27, FANG A12 24
FROG A12 24 sunshine12

On 12th draw, BRUX 8A 63 --- BRUX to grind teeth together [v]
Other moves: EAUX 15A 57, BAJU A7 56, AX 10E 52, EX 10E 52, JELAB A5 52
AX 10E 52 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 13th draw, MACHE 15A 48 --- MACHE a European herb [n]
Other tops: MACHO 15A 48
Other moves: ECHO 12J 46, OCHE 12J 46, MACH 15A 45, ECH 12J 42, HALF 15A 42
HET J6 33 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12

On 14th draw, ADZ 14D 41 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: SAZ 14D 39, SEZ 14D 39, DITZY 2G 38, ZEDS J2 38, ZEAS J2 37
ZIT F10 32 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN

On 15th draw, JOINTS 2F 31 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other tops: JETS J2 31, JOES J2 31, JOTS J2 31
Other moves: JOINS 2F 30, JOINT 2F 30, JOIST 2F 30, JONESED 5C 30, JESTED 5D 28
JOINTS 2F 31 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88

On 16th draw, YET J6 33 --- YET up to now [adv]
Other moves: YATE 7C 29, YEAN 7C 29, YETT 7C 29, YAE 7C 28, YEA 7C 28
YATE 7C 29 roocatcher

On 17th draw, FLOATIER O1 86 --- FLOATY tending to float [adj]
Other moves: ALEFT 1K 29, ALOFT 1K 29, FLOTA 3B 25, FOLIA 3B 25, FOLIATE N2 24
AID 3F 17 roocatcher

On 18th draw, INTOED 3C 28 --- INTOED having the toes pointed inwards [adj]
Other moves: ETUI 12L 20, EINE N2 18, TOED 3E 18, EEN N1 17, INTO 3C 17
TOED 3E 18 roocatcher
TOE N6 11 BadBoyBen

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