Game on October 29, 2024 at 20:23, 1 player
1. 178 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


7E 64 90 


M1 78 168 


E7 72 240 


1G 104 344 


K4 110 454 


8A 35 489 


J9 73 562 


A5 61 623 


15A 43 666 


6F 39 705 


F10 41 746 


B2 40 786 


2I 31 817 


L11 35 852 


15H 45 897 


13I 32 929 


12D 44 973 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
Pacific 0 4:37 -795 178 1. - Pacific 0 4:37 -795 178
On 1st draw, HARLOT H4 26 --- HARLOT a prostitute [n]
Other moves: HAULT H4 24, HORAL H4 24, LOATH H8 24, LOTAH H8 24, ROUTH H8 24
On 2nd draw, NOBLESSE 7E 64 --- NOBLESSE the nobility [n]
Other moves: BONESETS 9B 63, BONELESS 7D 62, BESES 10F 25, OBESE 10E 23, BOSS 10F 22
On 3rd draw, NUTLETS M1 78 --- NUTLET a small nut [n]
Other moves: NUTLETS 10B 71, LUNETTES L1 70, LUNETTES L4 68, UNSETTLE L4 68, BLUNTEST G7 67
On 4th draw, NAVIGA(T)E E7 72 --- NAVIGATE to plan and control the course of [v]
Other tops: VAGINA(T)E E3 72
Other moves: VAGI(N)ATE 9B 64, (D)IVAGATE 9B 64, (N)AVIGATE 9B 64, AGAVE(S) 8A 42, AGAVE 8A 41
On 5th draw, QUIETENS 1G 104 --- QUIETEN to make silent [v]
Other moves: EQUISETA 5A 84, QUIE(T)EST 13A 84, EQUITES G9 71, EQUITES I9 71, QUEUES 2J 70
On 6th draw, (G)IPSYDOM K4 110 --- GIPSYDOM the world of gypsies [n]
Other tops: MY(R)IAPOD 5D 110
Other moves: MY(R)IAPOD 12A 90, (L)YMPHOID 4D 86, GIP(S)YDOM 11E 82, O(L)YMPIAD 5B 80, SYMPODI(A) K7 80
On 7th draw, TEOPAN 8A 35 --- TEOPAN an Aztec temple [n]
Other tops: SNIPE J7 35
Other moves: FINE F10 34, FINO F10 34, FONE F10 34, PINOT 2F 34, PITON 2F 34
On 8th draw, IZARD J9 73 --- IZARD a type of ibex [n]
Other moves: IZAR J9 71, ZA J10 66, IZARD 15A 61, DARZI 15E 58, ZABRA 12A 52
ZA J10 66 Pacific
On 9th draw, NOCTURIA A5 61 --- NOCTURIA excessive urination at night time, a problem of old men [n]
Other moves: AURIC L10 31, CARN 6F 29, CARR 6F 29, CORN 6F 29, CANDOUR 13G 28
On 10th draw, WILED 15A 43 --- WILE to entice [v]
Other tops: LOWED 15A 43, OWLED 15A 43, WIELD 15A 43
Other moves: DOWEL 15E 40, DOWIE 15E 40, DOWLE 15E 40, DWILE 15E 40, GLOWED B1 39
On 11th draw, WARB 6F 39 --- WARB a dirty or insignificant person [n]
Other moves: RAINBOW C3 38, WARN 6F 35, LAWIN L10 33, BLAW B3 32, BRAW B3 32
On 12th draw, FOLIE F10 41 --- FOLIE folly [n]
Other moves: FOH F10 38, SMOILE N1 38, FILE F10 34, FILO F10 34, HEME 14B 34
On 13th draw, ADEEM B2 40 --- ADEEM to take away [v]
Other tops: DREAM B2 40
Other moves: GERMED B1 37, MERGED B1 37, GAMED B2 35, REAMED B1 35, REMEAD B1 35
MERGED B1 37 Pacific
On 14th draw, THO 2I 31 --- THO though [conj]
Other tops: THE 2I 31
Other moves: HORE C2 30, HOTE C2 30, HE 2J 28, HO 2J 28, OH 2I 28
On 15th draw, IVORY L11 35 --- IVORY a hard white substance found in elephant tusks [n]
Other moves: YORE C2 30, OYER C1 27, OYE A1 26, RYE A1 26, ZOOEY 10J 25
On 16th draw, FAKEY 15H 45 --- FAKEY not genuine; phony [adj]
Other moves: CAKEY 15H 42, FANCY 15H 39, YACK 15L 39, AN(T)ICKED 13C 36, KEA D10 34
FANCY 15H 39 Pacific
On 17th draw, ADJOURN 13I 32 --- ADJOURN to suspend until a later time [v]
Other moves: JA A1 29, JAR M9 24, JARUL C11 24, JUN M9 24, JURAL C11 24
On 18th draw, CALIX 12D 44 --- CALIX a cup [n]
Other moves: NIX C2 37, XI 2F 36, XI C2 33, NIX O13 30, COXING C7 27
XI 2F 36 Pacific
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