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Game on October 30, 2024 at 09:18, 6 players
1. 171 pts LongJump22
2. 126 pts Chelsea
3. 66 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eghnort   H3    28    28   throng
 2. aceirsu   5D    90   118   curarise
 3. adeloqv   L1    38   156   voled
 4. ?eenoqx   D1    42   198   xebec
 5. aeimnpu   1D    45   243   xenium
 6. aefiost   2J    34   277   footie
 7. ehlorrs   O1    39   316   reshoe
 8. abeimru   N4    35   351   umbrae
 9. aadelos   O8    35   386   salade
10. aabdenw  N11    32   418   bawd
11. acejnru  M10    35   453   race
12. eiklosu  15L    38   491   lisk
13. filnort   C2    21   512   fon
14. adgiloy   F3    67   579   gyroidal
15. ?eijotz   8A    75   654   toazed
16. aeiiptt   9B    23   677   pia
17. einpruv   D8    30   707   zanier
18. agijnpy   B7    48   755   popinjay
19. gioqttu   J5    34   789   squit
20. gnottvw  A13    25   814   now

Remaining tiles: gttv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5926 FileLongJump22  3  4:09  -643  171     1.7146 Chelsea     0  2:15  -688  126 
  2.7146 FileChelsea     0  2:15  -688  126     2.7620 queen66     1  2:14  -748   66 
  3.7620 Filequeen66     1  2:14  -748   66     3.7784 HollyIvy    2  2:14  -750   64 
  4.7784 FileHollyIvy    2  2:14  -750   64     4.7642 Mycophot    1  1:45  -784   30 
  5.7642 FileMycophot    1  1:45  -784   30     5.7864 moonmonkey  0  1:58  -812    2 
  6.7864 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:58  -812    2            Group: novice
                                             1.5926 LongJump22  3  4:09  -643  171 

On 1st draw, THRONG H3 28 --- THRONG to crowd into [v]
Other moves: HOGEN H4 26, HORNET H4 26, THRONE H3 26, GORHEN H4 24, HERON H4 24

On 2nd draw, CURARISE 5D 90 --- CURARISE to poison with curare [v]
Other moves: URICASE G1 78, EUCHARIS 4E 76, SURICATE 3B 74, URICASE 9C 73, SAUCIER 9H 72

On 3rd draw, VOLED L1 38 --- VOLE to win all the tricks in a card game [v]
Other moves: LAVED L1 32, LOVED L1 32, ALCOVED D3 28, VADE L3 28, VELD L2 28

On 4th draw, XE(B)EC D1 42 --- XEBEC a Mediterranean sailing vessel [n]
Other tops: XEN(I)C D1 42
Other moves: VEX(T) 1L 39, NOX M2 35, Q(U)ERN F2 35, (B)OX M2 32, (F)OX M2 32

On 5th draw, XENIUM 1D 45 --- XENIUM a present or offering [n]
Other moves: APEX 1A 39, IMPAVE 1H 39, MINX 1A 39, MAUVEIN 1I 36, MAUVINE 1I 36

On 6th draw, FOOTIE 2J 34 --- FOOTIE a flirting game played with the feet [n]
Other moves: FOOTS 2J 32, FAST 6B 31, FEST 6B 31, FIST 6B 31, EFTS 6A 29
FAST 6B 31 Chelsea

On 7th draw, RESHOE O1 39 --- RESHOE to shoe again [v] --- SHOE to provide with a covering for the foot [v]
Other moves: RESH O1 33, LOSH 6G 32, OH 1N 32, OOHS 6H 32, SH 1N 32
SH 1N 32 Chelsea

On 8th draw, UMBRAE N4 35 --- UMBRA a dark area [n]
Other moves: AMBER N4 34, EMBAR N4 34, UMBER N4 34, UMBRA N4 34, UMBRE N4 34
BREAM N6 31 Chelsea

On 9th draw, SALADE O8 35 --- SALADE a light helmet [n]
Other moves: ALDEAS O8 32, ALDOSE O8 32, ALOED O8 32, DALES O8 32, DEALS O8 32
DEALS O8 32 Chelsea

On 10th draw, BAWD N11 32 --- BAWD a female brothel-keeper [n]
Other moves: BAWN N11 30, NAWAB N11 30, DAWEN N11 29, DEWAN N11 29, DAWN N11 27

On 11th draw, RACE M10 35 --- RACE to compete in a contest of speed [v]
Other moves: A(B)JECT 3C 34, ACE M11 33, CARE M10 33, NARE M10 29, ARE M11 27

On 12th draw, LISK 15L 38 --- LISK the groin [n]
Other tops: LUSK 15L 38
Other moves: OKES 6A 32, UKES 6A 32, KIS 6B 31, KOS 6B 31, LOUSE 15K 29
LISK 15L 38 LongJump22

On 13th draw, FON C2 21 --- FON foehn [n] --- FON to fool [v]
Other tops: FOR C2 21
Other moves: LOFT 6G 20, LIEF 2B 19, NIEF 2B 19, ROLF K12 19, TREF 2B 19

On 14th draw, GYROIDAL F3 67 --- GYROIDAL spiral in arrangement [adj]
Other moves: YO 2F 28, DIALOG K10 26, YOGA I7 26, YOGI I7 26, Y*D I7 25
YO 2F 28 LongJump22

On 15th draw, TO(A)ZED 8A 75 --- TOAZE to tease out [v]
Other tops: TO(U)ZED 8A 75, TO(W)ZED 8A 75
Other moves: JE(E)Z B3 51, J(E)EZ B3 50, JE(E)Z E9 49, J(E)EZ E9 48, (A)ZOTED 8A 48
TO(U)ZED 8A 75 LongJump22

On 16th draw, PIA 9B 23 --- PIA a membrane of the brain [n]
Other tops: PEA 9B 23
Other moves: ATAP 9D 22, (A)PATITE C8 22, ETA 9B 19, ITA 9B 19, ETAPE E8 18

On 17th draw, ZANIER D8 30 --- ZANY ludicrously comical [adj]
Other moves: ZAIRE D8 28, PULVER 10D 25, PULIER 10D 22, PILER 10D 21, PULER 10D 21
ZANIER D8 30 LongJump22, queen66, HollyIvy, Mycophot
ER 10L 2 moonmonkey

On 18th draw, POPINJAY B7 48 --- POPINJAY a vain person [n]
Other moves: JAPING K10 42, JARPING 13B 36, PAYING K10 34, PRAYING 13C 32, GRAPY 13C 30
JARPING 13B 36 queen66

On 19th draw, SQUIT J5 34 --- SQUIT a contemptible person [n]
Other moves: QI A10 24, OI C12 20, TOG A13 19, QUOTAS 8J 16, TOT A13 16
SQUIT J5 34 HollyIvy

On 20th draw, NOW A13 25 --- NOW the present time [n]
Other tops: TOW A13 25
Other moves: AWRONG 13B 24, W*G G9 22, WONT G9 22, WON G9 21, WOT G9 21

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