Game on October 30, 2024 at 21:24, 13 players
1. 420 pts Inkey
2. 333 pts fatcat
3. 286 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 72 72 


1B 116 188 


6D 67 255 


F3 63 318 


K5 60 378 


L1 29 407 


E8 78 485 


2J 66 551 


8K 45 596 


14A 38 634 


N8 42 676 


5E 39 715 


15K 32 747 


15A 37 784 


A8 48 832 


15F 35 867 


O11 43 910 


B3 64 974 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Inkey 2 14:32 -554 420 1.7872 Inkey 2 14:32 -554 420
fatcat 0 8:19 -641 333 2.7336 VVVVVV1112 2 1:38 -786 188
LongJump22 2 3:08 -688 286 3.7763 sicilianc5 0 4:50 -835 139
VVVVVV1112 2 1:38 -786 188 Group: intermediate
Javelin22 0 4:33 -814 160 1.6412 fatcat 0 8:19 -641 333
Discus22 0 4:42 -814 160 2.6493 Javelin22 0 4:33 -814 160
Hammer22 0 4:46 -814 160 3.6655 Discus22 0 4:42 -814 160
ShotPut22 0 5:00 -814 160 4.6478 Hammer22 0 4:46 -814 160
sicilianc5 0 4:50 -835 139 5.6513 ShotPut22 0 5:00 -814 160
LLLLLL1112 0 1:56 -911 63 Group: novice
NNNNNN1112 0 0:45 -938 36 1.5790 LongJump22 2 3:08 -688 286
OOOOOO1112 0 1:11 -938 36 2.5617 LLLLLL1112 0 1:56 -911 63
MMMMMM1112 0 1:45 -938 36 3.5679 NNNNNN1112 0 0:45 -938 36
4.5572 OOOOOO1112 0 1:11 -938 36
5.5694 MMMMMM1112 0 1:45 -938 36
On 1st draw, NIGGLER H2 72 --- NIGGLER one that niggles [n]
Other moves: NIGGLER H3 70, NIGGLER H4 70, NIGGLER H6 70, NIGGLER H7 70, NIGGLER H8 70
NIGGLER H2 72 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 2nd draw, DIRDAMS 1B 116 --- DIRDAM dirdum [n]
Other moves: DIRDAMS 9B 75, DISARMED 7B 68, MISDREAD 7C 67, MAIDS 1D 63, DIRAMS 1C 60
DIRDAMS 1B 116 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
MAIDS 1D 63 sicilianc5, LLLLLL1112
On 3rd draw, WARPLANE 6D 67 --- WARPLANE an aeroplane armed for combat [n]
Other moves: WANNER 2F 36, WANNA 2F 35, WANE 2F 32, WENA 2F 32, ANEAR 2B 31
WANNER 2F 36 LongJump22, sicilianc5, MMMMMM1112
On 4th draw, FLORUITS F3 63 --- FLORUIT a period of flourishing [n] --- FLORUIT to flourish in deeds and works [v]
Other moves: FLORUITS 8E 62, FLOUTS L1 40, GLIFTS 5H 34, FUSIL L4 32, GLIFT 5H 32
FLORUITS 8E 62 LongJump22
FLOUTS L1 40 sicilianc5
On 5th draw, JETTIED K5 60 --- JETTY to jut out [v]
Other moves: JA E5 36, JO 5E 36, DJIN 5K 30, JETTIED K1 30, JEDIS 10B 29
JA E5 36 NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
On 6th draw, PAREO L1 29 --- PAREO a Polynesian skirt [n]
Other moves: OPERA J9 28, PAREO J10 28, PORAE J10 28, APER J9 27, APE J9 26
TOPER 8K 24 Inkey
On 7th draw, MEI(O)TIC E8 78 --- MEIOSIS a type of cell division [adj] --- MEIOTIC pertaining to meiosis [adj]
Other tops: ENI(G)MATIC 2G 78
Other moves: MEI(O)TIC J9 75, MEI(O)TIC M4 75, DIMET(R)IC B1 74, TI(T)MICE M5 71, (T)ITMICE M5 71
METIC J10 34 Inkey
On 8th draw, Z(E)ALS 2J 66 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: (B)OZO 5C 51, (M)OZO 5C 51, L(A)ZO 5C 50, Z(E)K D11 48, (A)ZO 5D 48
(A)ZO 5D 48 Inkey
ZA E5 44 fatcat
On 9th draw, THOFT 8K 45 --- THOFT a rowing-bench [n]
Other moves: FANTOD J10 36, NATCH 14B 36, NOTCH 14B 36, FONDA J10 35, HONDA J10 35
FOHN J10 34 Javelin22, Discus22, Hammer22, Inkey, ShotPut22
FOH J10 33 fatcat
On 10th draw, EUNUCH 14A 38 --- EUNUCH a castrated man [n]
Other tops: ANOUGH 5D 38, NAUTCH 14A 38
Other moves: NATCH 14B 36, NAUCH 14B 36, TEACH 14B 36, TENCH 14B 36, TEUCH 14B 36
TEACH 14B 36 fatcat, Inkey
HAUNT J10 34 ShotPut22, Hammer22, Discus22, Javelin22
On 11th draw, FOVEOLA N8 42 --- FOVEOLA a small fovea [n]
Other moves: VLEI A12 33, ILEAL M1 30, ALIVE 15F 29, OLIVE 15F 29, OVOLI 15F 29
OLIVE 15F 29 fatcat, Inkey
ALIVE 15F 29 Javelin22, Discus22, Hammer22, ShotPut22
On 12th draw, BOOGY 5E 39 --- BOOGY to dance to rock music [v]
Other moves: BOYO 5C 33, WAY J10 33, YAW J10 33, YOW J10 33, BY J9 32
WAY J10 33 Inkey
WAY O12 29 ShotPut22, Hammer22, Discus22
YAW O12 29 Javelin22
BAY J10 27 fatcat
On 13th draw, AINEE 15K 32 --- AINEE elder (feminine form) [adj]
Other moves: ANON 15A 28, AERO 3J 24, AINEE 2A 23, ANION 13C 23, EEN 15M 23
ANON 15A 28 Inkey
NONE O12 22 Javelin22, Discus22
NINE O12 22 fatcat, Hammer22, ShotPut22
On 14th draw, DRY 15A 37 --- DRY a prohibitionist [n] --- DRY having no moisture [adj] --- DRY to remove the moisture from [v]
Other tops: YEARD J10 37
Other moves: YEED A12 36, DYER J9 35, QADIS 10B 35, DYE J9 34, OYER J9 33
DRY 15A 37 Inkey
REED A12 18 fatcat
QIS 10D 12 ShotPut22, Hammer22, Discus22, Javelin22
On 15th draw, NICKERED A8 48 --- NICKER to neigh [v]
Other tops: CANKERED A8 48
Other moves: CANIER 13B 42, ANTICKE 12C 36, ANTICK 12C 34, PAIK 1L 34, PEAK 1L 34
PEAK 1L 34 fatcat
AKE 15F 26 Inkey
On 16th draw, AVOW 15F 35 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: AWETO J9 34, WAVE J10 34, WOVE J10 34, TWAE J9 33, AWE J9 32
AVOW 15F 35 Inkey
WOVE J10 34 fatcat
On 17th draw, AXONE O11 43 --- AXONE axon [n]
Other moves: EXO O11 39, AX O11 36, EX O11 36, QUA B6 34, AXE 14I 33
QUA B6 34 Inkey, fatcat
On 18th draw, AUGITES B3 64 --- AUGITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: AGIST 13C 35, TEGUS D11 31, SAGE 7A 28, LEATS M2 26, SATE 7A 26
PEAT 1L 22 fatcat
PAREOS L1 22 Inkey
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