Game on October 30, 2024 at 22:52, 12 players
1. 272 pts sunshine12
2. 161 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 106 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 30 30
2. 8A 80 110
3. A8 107 217
4. E5 64 281
5. F10 42 323
6. B12 32 355
7. 14D 63 418
8. 13I 87 505
9. O8 140 645
10. 4H 106 751
11. 15G 45 796
12. 6H 66 862
13. C8 32 894
14. 3I 30 924
15. 3M 52 976
16. M8 66 1042
17. O1 30 1072
18. J2 23 1095
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7202 sunshine12 2 8:42 -823 272 1.7202 sunshine12 2 8:42 -823 272
2.7459 GLOBEMAN 1 6:48 -934 161 2.7459 GLOBEMAN 1 6:48 -934 161
3.5790 LongJump22 1 2:25 -989 106 3.7466 roocatcher 1 3:43 -1010 85
4.7466 roocatcher 1 3:43 -1010 85 4.7819 bumpkin 0 0:36 -1081 14
5.5460 OOOOOO1112 0 1:51 -1049 46 5.7974 lazy.lion 0 1:20 -1086 9
6.5672 NNNNNN1112 0 3:31 -1053 42 Group: novice
7.5525 LLLLLL1112 1 1:27 -1065 30 1.5790 LongJump22 1 2:25 -989 106
8. - chunk88 1 1:37 -1065 30 2.5460 OOOOOO1112 0 1:51 -1049 46
9.5690 MMMMMM1112 0 1:30 -1065 30 3.5672 NNNNNN1112 0 3:31 -1053 42
10. - BadBoyBen 0 0:19 -1075 20 4.5525 LLLLLL1112 1 1:27 -1065 30
11.7819 bumpkin 0 0:36 -1081 14 5.5690 MMMMMM1112 0 1:30 -1065 30
12.7974 lazy.lion 0 1:20 -1086 9 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 1 1:37 -1065 30
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:19 -1075 20
On 1st draw, HUMINT H4 30 --- HUMINT human intelligence [n]
Other moves: MIRTH H8 28, MIRTH H4 26, THRUM H8 26, HUMINT H3 24, HUMINT H7 24
On 2nd draw, I(N)FUSI(O)N 8A 80 --- INFUSION the act of infusing [n]
Other moves: FI(D)I(B)US 10B 78, FUSI(L)(L)I 10F 78, HU(M)IFI(E)S 4H 76, U(N)IFI(E)S 10B 74, (Z)IF(F)IUS 10B 72
On 3rd draw, IDEALIZE A8 107 --- IDEALIZE to regard as perfect [v]
Other moves: IDEALIZE F8 90, IDEALIZE F3 72, IDEALIZE 7H 71, IDEALIZE A3 70, AZIDE 7F 49
On 4th draw, WAESUCK E5 64 --- WAESUCK waesucks [interj]
Other moves: ZACK 14A 38, THWACK 4G 36, TAE B13 32, WACKEST E3 32, ZEK 14A 32
On 5th draw, HALVE F10 42 --- HALVE to divide into two equal parts [v]
Other tops: HAVEN F10 42, HOVEA F10 42, HOVEL F10 42, HOVEN F10 42
Other moves: NAH B13 41, NOH B13 41, INHALE F8 40, HALON F10 39, H**L*HAOLE F10 39
On 6th draw, ONO B12 32 --- ONO a large mackerel [n]
Other tops: NAE B13 32, OON B13 32
Other moves: ZOOEAE 14A 30, AE B14 28, AN B14 28, NA B13 28, NO B13 28
ONO B12 32 sunshine12
On 7th draw, TREEWARE 14D 63 --- TREEWARE printed materials as opposed to electronic text [n]
Other moves: WARRE 15D 48, WEARER 15C 42, REWEAR 15F 39, RAWER 15F 36, REWET 15F 36
WEARER 15C 42 sunshine12
On 8th draw, PORTING 13I 87 --- PORT to shift to the left side [v]
Other moves: POWN H12 36, PORING 13I 35, POTING 13I 35, FRIPON C8 33, NOG 15G 32
POWN H12 36 sunshine12
On 9th draw, STRONGER O8 140 --- STRONG having great strength [adj]
Other moves: SNORTER 15F 114, REFRONTS C6 85, TORRENTS L7 80, SNORTER 10H 73, RENFORST C5 66
STONE 15F 52 sunshine12
On 10th draw, HEXAPODY 4H 106 --- HEXAPODY a line of verse with six feet [n]
Other moves: PODEX F2 67, DEX 15G 63, APEX F3 59, YEX F4 59, POX F4 58
OX(O) G6 38 sunshine12
On 11th draw, AESC 15G 45 --- AESC a rune [n]
Other tops: SECT 15G 45, TECS 15G 45
Other moves: SEC 15G 39, TEC 15G 39, ETAS 15H 38, SAE 15F 38, SETA 15G 37
TECS 15G 45 sunshine12
On 12th draw, MALEMUTE 6H 66 --- MALEMUTE an Alaskan sled dog [n]
Other moves: AEMULE 3I 45, EMULE 3J 38, ULEMA 5J 38, ALUM 3J 35, MUTULE 5G 35
MATY O1 27 sunshine12
On 13th draw, FARADS C8 32 --- FARAD a unit of electrical capacitance [n]
Other moves: INDARTS L8 30, ARAYSE O1 27, DRANTS L9 26, IDANTS L9 26, ADITS L10 24
On 14th draw, FEN 3I 30 --- FEN a marsh [n]
Other tops: FLEY O1 30
Other moves: BOEUF M3 28, BLEY O1 27, FE 3I 27, INBY O1 27, NEF 3M 27
FEN 3I 30 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88
On 15th draw, JIB 3M 52 --- JIB to refuse to proceed further [v]
Other tops: JOB 3M 52
Other moves: JIB 7G 46, JIG 7G 42, JO 3M 39, JOB D4 33, JOB F4 33
JIB 7G 46 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112
JOT L11 20 BadBoyBen
On 16th draw, BOODYING M8 66 --- BOODY to sulk [v]
Other moves: BONY N11 34, BOY F4 34, DOY F4 33, G*YGOY F4 33, NOY F4 32
BOY F4 34 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
GOBY O1 30 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
On 17th draw, GOBY O1 30 --- GOBY a small fish [n]
Other moves: TOBY O1 27, VEXIL J2 23, VEX J2 21, VIOL D3 21, VOLTI F4 21
GOBY O1 30 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112
QAT 6D 14 bumpkin
G(O) G7 9 lazy.lion
On 18th draw, VEXIL J2 23 --- VEXIL the web or vane of a feather [n]
Other moves: VEX J2 21, LIVID 11I 18, VITAL 6B 18, IT G10 17, LIVRE K10 16
VEX J2 21 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
TEX J2 12 NNNNNN1112
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