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Game on October 31, 2024 at 01:48, 5 players
1. 112 pts sunshine12
2. 97 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 45 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eilnruv   H8    26    26   unlive
 2. ?aeegim   G3    70    96   mileage
 3. hnopssu   H1    37   133   phon
 4. ?bcehit  14B   101   234   bitched
 5. ailmort   3E    78   312   immolator
 6. aefprtu   2J    42   354   petar
 7. adefglu   O1    44   398   fadge
 8. deinors   8G    89   487   gueridons
 9. aeglouu   4J    24   511   lag
10. eeijnsy   5D    41   552   jeely
11. aacertz  15A    51   603   zeta
12. deioqsy  13A    32   635   yode
13. elostuu   O8    77   712   setulous
14. adinnrt   M8    70   782   ordinant
15. acinorw   A8    42   824   riancy
16. aioorsw  12A    45   869   craws
17. fikoosv  L11    35   904   kif
18. biooqsv   K6    36   940   ovibos

Remaining tiles: ioquwx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7150 Filesunshine12  1  5:22  -828  112     1.7150 sunshine12  1  5:22  -828  112 
  2.7467 FileGLOBEMAN    1  3:01  -843   97     2.7467 GLOBEMAN    1  3:01  -843   97 
  3.7641 Fileroocatcher  1  1:18  -895   45     3.7641 roocatcher  1  1:18  -895   45 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:48  -911   29            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:13  -932    8     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:48  -911   29 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:13  -932    8 

On 1st draw, UNLIVE H8 26 --- UNLIVE to live so as to make amends for [v]
Other moves: VILER H4 24, VINER H4 24, ERUVIN H3 20, ERUVIN H4 20, ERUVIN H7 20

On 2nd draw, MI(L)EAGE G3 70 --- MILEAGE the total distance expressed in miles [n]
Other tops: MI(L)EAGE I3 70
Other moves: MILEAGE(S) 10F 68, (R)EIMAGE G3 67, (R)EIMAGE I3 67, GAMELI(K)E 10D 66, GEL(S)EMIA 10F 66

On 3rd draw, PHON H1 37 --- PHON a unit of loudness [n]
Other tops: PHOS H1 37
Other moves: SHUN H1 31, SIPHONS 4F 30, SONSHIP 4B 30, UNSHIPS 4C 30, HUSOS 14F 28

On 4th draw, BITCHE(D) 14B 101 --- BITCH to complain [v]
Other tops: BITCHE(S) 14B 101
Other moves: BITCHIE(R) 11C 78, BITCHIE(R) 11G 78, BI(O)ETHIC 11B 78, BI(O)ETHIC 11G 78, BE(W)ITCH F9 76

On 5th draw, IMMOLATOR 3E 78 --- IMMOLATOR [n]
Other moves: TRINOMIAL 4E 72, MENTORIAL 9F 63, MILITAR 11E 36, MOTI 15A 30, HALIMOT 2H 28

On 6th draw, PETAR 2J 42 --- PETAR an explosive device [n]
Other tops: PATER 2J 42
Other moves: FEATURE 13G 39, FAP 2J 35, FATE 2J 34, FETA 2J 34, FRAPE 2B 34

On 7th draw, FADGE O1 44 --- FADGE to succeed [v]
Other moves: FEAGUED 13G 43, LAUF O1 41, FAULD O1 38, FADE 15A 37, DEAF 4L 35

On 8th draw, GUERIDONS 8G 89 --- GUERIDON a small ornate stand or table [n]
Other moves: DERISION 11E 86, IRONISED 11D 86, RESINOID 11E 86, ROSINED 6I 74, DINEROS 6I 73

On 9th draw, LAG 4J 24 --- LAG to stay or fall behind [v]
Other moves: AGE 4K 22, LOGE 13A 22, AGE 13B 20, GALE 13A 20, GOLE 13A 20
LAG 4J 24 sunshine12

On 10th draw, JEE(L)Y 5D 41 --- JEELY to make into a jelly [v]
Other tops: (L)YNES 5G 41
Other moves: JEE 7M 39, JENNY N6 39, EYNE 15A 36, JIN 15A 36, SYNE 15A 36
JIN 15A 36 sunshine12

On 11th draw, ZETA 15A 51 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ZEA 7M 47, ZA 7M 44, TEAZE 5K 41, ZEA 6B 41, LAZARET 10H 38

On 12th draw, YODE 13A 32 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v] --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: QIS 7K 30, EYE F5 29, YODE 7I 29, EYED 13F 28, SYED 13F 28

On 13th draw, SETULOUS O8 77 --- SETULOUS covered with seta [adj]
Other moves: LUTEOUS 6I 72, OLES 12A 35, TOLSEY A8 30, LEST 12B 27, LES 12B 25

On 14th draw, ORDINANT M8 70 --- ORDINANT one who ordains [n]
Other moves: DAINTY A8 33, TRANNY A8 30, DJINN D4 28, DETRAIN 13G 27, DJIN D4 24

On 15th draw, RIANCY A8 42 --- RIANCY merriment [n]
Other moves: RAWIN 12B 41, RAWN 12B 39, RAW 12B 37, CAIRNY A8 36, AWN 12C 31
WAR 12D 26 sunshine12

On 16th draw, CRAWS 12A 45 --- CRAW the stomach of an animal [n]
Other moves: CRAW 12A 43, AW 12C 29, OW B9 28, WO B10 28, SWEAR 13F 27
CRAWS 12A 45 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
AW 12C 29 chunk88

On 17th draw, KIF L11 35 --- KIF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: KIFS 6L 30, OIKS 6L 29, FISK 2B 28, SKIO 6A 27, EF F5 26
OS 11E 8 BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, OVIBOS K6 36 --- OVIBOS the musk ox [n]
Other moves: IBIS K8 26, OVIBOS 6J 26, VIBS 6L 26, QI 7K 25, QIS 6M 25
IBIS K8 26 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

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