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Game on October 31, 2024 at 04:46, 5 players
1. 324 pts sunshine12
2. 273 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 239 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. befoort   H4    26    26   footer
 2. aimorvw   6F    25    51   moorva
 3. aiklosw   L2    36    87   lawks
 4. abdefiy   M3    38   125   bey
 5. adghnou   2J    41   166   halon
 6. ?eeilnw   N4    32   198   newie
 7. ?eemsux   O8   131   329   murexes
 8. delnnsu   O1    40   369   used
 9. adinotu   9F    62   431   duration
10. ?aanrtv  14H    86   517   tavernas
11. aaeginu  15D    35   552   guinea
12. eeijors   1F    41   593   rojis
13. aehorrt  12J    32   625   thorax
14. beenpty  11I    32   657   beep
15. acegipy   4D    32   689   pacify
16. egilnot   C3    33   722   toling
17. cefgilr   7E    29   751   rifte
18. cdeillt   5A    22   773   tiled
19. cdgillz   8A    39   812   zig

Remaining tiles: cdgllq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7146 Filesunshine12  2 13:25  -488  324     1.7146 sunshine12  2 13:25  -488  324 
  2.7500 FileGLOBEMAN    2 11:22  -539  273     2.7500 GLOBEMAN    2 11:22  -539  273 
  3.7677 Fileroocatcher  2  9:30  -573  239     3.7677 roocatcher  2  9:30  -573  239 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:14  -791   21            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:57  -798   14     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:14  -791   21 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:57  -798   14 

On 1st draw, FOOTER H4 26 --- FOOTER one that walks [n] --- FOOTER to potter around aimlessly [v]
Other tops: FOETOR H4 26
Other moves: FETOR H4 24, FORTE H4 24, FOETOR H3 20, FOETOR H7 20, FOETOR H8 20

On 2nd draw, MOORVA 6F 25 --- MOORVA a bowstring hemp [n]
Other moves: AVOW G2 24, MAWR I3 24, MIAOW G6 24, VROOM 6F 24, WARM I3 24

On 3rd draw, LAWKS L2 36 --- LAWKS expressing surprise [interj]
Other tops: WALKS L2 36
Other moves: KAWS 5K 34, KAWS L3 34, KOWS 5K 34, KOWS L3 34, WOKS L3 34

On 4th draw, BEY M3 38 --- BEY a Turkish governor [n]
Other moves: BELADY 2J 36, BAYE M1 35, BALDY 2J 34, DEY M3 34, FELID 2J 34

On 5th draw, HALON 2J 41 --- HALON a chemical used in fire extinguishers [n]
Other moves: DUH N4 32, HADRON I3 28, ANOUGH 5A 27, DOUGH 5B 27, UNLOAD 2J 27

On 6th draw, NEWIE N4 32 --- NEWIE something new [n]
Other tops: NEWEL N4 32, NEWEL(L) N4 32, NEWEL(S) N4 32, NEWE(L)L N4 32, NEWIE(S) N4 32, NEW(B)IE N4 32, NEW(S)IE N4 32
Other moves: NEWEL 1G 31, NEWE(D) N4 31, NEWE(L) N4 31, NEWE(R) N4 31, NEWI(E) N4 31
(S)WINE 1F 26 sunshine12

On 7th draw, MU(R)EXES O8 131 --- MUREX a marine mollusc [n]
Other moves: EX(H)UMES O8 110, MU(R)EXES 1D 109, EX(H)UMES 1D 103, EX(H)UMES M8 98, MU(R)EXES 10B 97
(O)XES O7 58 sunshine12

On 8th draw, USED O1 40 --- USE to put into service [v]
Other moves: SUNNED 1F 29, EDS O3 27, UDS O3 27, SLUED 1G 26, UNLED 1G 26
USED O1 40 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 9th draw, DURATION 9F 62 --- DURATION continuance in time [n]
Other moves: DANIO N11 30, DONUT N11 30, DATO N11 28, DONA N11 28, NODI N11 28
DANIO N11 30 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12

On 10th draw, TAV(E)RNAS 14H 86 --- TAVERNA a cafe in Greece [n]
Other moves: TAV(E)RNA 1D 85, VAR(I)ANTS 14H 74, VA(G)RANTS 14H 70, AVAT(A)RS 14I 34, AVA(U)NTS 14I 34
RATAN N11 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 11th draw, GUINEA 15D 35 --- GUINEA a former British coin [n]
Other moves: IGUANA 15C 33, GENUA 15D 30, GUANA 15D 30, GUINEA 15C 30, GUINEA 1F 28
AGAIN 15E 26 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 12th draw, ROJIS 1F 41 --- ROJI a Japanese garden design [n]
Other tops: JEERS 1F 41
Other moves: SJOE 1H 40, JEES 1G 38, JOES 1G 38, JORS 1G 38, SIJO 1G 38
SJOE 5C 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 13th draw, THORAX 12J 32 --- THORAX the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen [n]
Other moves: AROHA N10 29, HOAX 12L 28, OH 14E 28, RATHER 2B 28, ROTHER 2B 28
OH 14E 28 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 14th draw, BEEP 11I 32 --- BEEP to honk a horn [v]
Other moves: EYE 11K 29, NEEP 11I 28, TEPEFY 4D 28, BEEN 11I 26, BEET 11I 26
BY 8K 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 15th draw, PACIFY 4D 32 --- PACIFY to make peaceful [v]
Other moves: CAPO 5E 24, IGAPO 5D 24, PAC 13G 24, PACEY 2C 23, CAGEY 2C 22

On 16th draw, TOLING C3 33 --- TOLE to allure [v] --- TOLING the use of toll-bait [n]
Other tops: ELOIGN C2 33, TOEING C3 33, TOING C3 33
Other moves: LIONET C2 31, LOGIE C3 31, LOGIN C3 31, LONGE C3 31, TINGLE 8A 30
INGOT 5A 20 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 17th draw, RIFTE 7E 29 --- RIVE to tear apart [v]
Other moves: FE 3I 27, LIGGE 8A 27, FLEG 5B 26, GIFT 7E 25, CLEG 5B 24
FIG 8A 21 roocatcher, chunk88
FIE B1 14 BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, TILED 5A 22 --- TILE to cover with tiles (thin slabs of baked clay) [v]
Other moves: CELLI 10B 20, CIG 8A 18, LED 5C 18, LID 5C 18, TIGE 8A 18
TILED 5A 22 roocatcher

On 19th draw, ZIG 8A 39 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZIG 10E 23, ZITE H12 23, DIG 6B 22, ZO L8 21, CLIPED D1 19
ZIG 8A 39 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

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