Game on October 31, 2024 at 20:53, 2 players
1. 166 pts Pacific
2. 109 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 24 24
2. G2 66 90
3. 3G 78 168
4. 5B 76 244
5. 11F 72 316
6. D5 84 400
7. 12K 26 426
8. O5 86 512
9. 13J 39 551
10. 2J 34 585
11. 1K 30 615
12. 14L 20 635
13. 8A 45 680
14. B8 60 740
15. 15N 22 762
16. C13 38 800
17. 10J 23 823
18. B1 22 845
19. A1 68 913
20. 4L 30 943
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.9876 Pacific 2 4:11 -777 166 1.9876 Pacific 2 4:11 -777 166
2.7059 ArcticFox 1 5:12 -834 109 Group: advanced
1.7059 ArcticFox 1 5:12 -834 109
On 1st draw, DROOME H8 24 --- DROOME a drum [n]
Other tops: DOOMED H4 24, DOOMED H7 24, MOORED H4 24
Other moves: DOMED H4 22, DOMED H8 22, DOOMED H3 22, DOOMED H8 22, DROOME H4 22
MOORED H4 24 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, TRITOMA G2 66 --- TRITOMA an African herb [n]
Other tops: TRITOMA I2 66
Other moves: AMORETTI 13D 62, ROAM I10 24, TOMIA G11 23, MOTTIER 13C 22, OMITTER 13C 22
ROAM I10 24 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, REVE(R)ENT 3G 78 --- REVERENT deeply respectful [adj]
Other tops: REVE(H)ENT 3G 78
Other moves: VE(H)EMENT 12D 74, VENER(A)TE 3C 72, (R)EVERENT 3C 72, EVENE(S)T 14C 70, EVENTER(S) 3A 70
VE(S)T 14F 23 ArcticFox
On 4th draw, SECANTLY 5B 76 --- SECANTLY in an intersecting manner [adv]
Other moves: LATENCY 5E 48, YALES F6 39, AYES F5 38, EYAS F5 38, LATENCY N1 36
AYES F5 38 ArcticFox
On 5th draw, GROUNDED 11F 72 --- GROUND to place on a foundation [v]
Other tops: UNDERDOG 11B 72, UNDERGOD 11B 72
Other moves: GROUNDED 10F 67, UNDERDOG 10B 65, UNDERGOD 10B 65, UNGRADED E1 61, REDOUND 11E 36
On 6th draw, COALFISH D5 84 --- COALFISH a blackish fish [n]
Other moves: OAFISH 12J 50, OAFISH 2J 44, FASH 12L 41, FISH 12L 41, HALF 12L 41
On 7th draw, AROID 12K 26 --- AROID a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: DOUAR C10 22, DOURA C10 22, DUAR 4L 22, RAID 4L 22, ROAD 4L 22
On 8th draw, (S)KITTLED O5 86 --- SKITTLE to knock down [v]
Other moves: KITTEL(S) 14B 83, KITTLE(S) 14B 83, (S)KITTLE 14H 83, TE(N)TLIKE L2 82, KITTLE(S)T N1 76
(S)KITTLED O5 86 Pacific
On 9th draw, CLEW 13J 39 --- CLEW to roll into a ball [v]
Other moves: LEW 13K 33, CLEG 13J 31, WOE 2J 30, GROWL G10 29, GREW G10 28
On 10th draw, WAB 2J 34 --- WAB a web [n]
Other tops: WEB 2J 34
Other moves: BOW 2J 30, BRAW G10 30, BREW G10 30, BROW G10 30, WAE 2J 30
On 11th draw, GONER 1K 30 --- GONER one who is in a hopeless situation [n]
Other moves: NEG 4J 28, ANGER F4 27, AREG 1H 24, EGO 4K 24, GAE 4L 24
On 12th draw, SNAR 14L 20 --- SNAR to slither like a snake [v]
Other moves: NAOS C7 19, ISNA N12 18, NOUS F5 18, OUS 10J 18, ROUSANT 2A 18
On 13th draw, JHALA 8A 45 --- JHALA a section of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other moves: JAI C7 44, AJIVA 6I 36, JA C7 36, JAIL 8A 33, HAJIS B1 30
On 14th draw, HAFIZES B8 60 --- HAFIZ a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart [n]
Other moves: FEAZES 14C 48, FAZES 14D 47, FEZES 14D 47, ZA 7C 42, ZA C7 42
ZA C7 42 Pacific
On 15th draw, BE 15N 22 --- BE to have actuality [v]
Other moves: BET A13 21, BOT A13 21, BUT A13 21, REBUT G11 21, BEVUE C1 20
On 16th draw, XI C13 38 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EXING 6I 34, NIX A13 34, TEX A13 34, TIX A13 34, EXIT 6I 32
XI C13 38 Pacific
On 17th draw, OUP 10J 23 --- OUP to bind with thread [v]
Other tops: OOP 10J 23
Other moves: VEEP C3 22, P**V*POOVE C1 20, REPO G11 20, ROPE G11 20, VEE H1 20
On 18th draw, INVEST B1 22 --- INVEST to commit something of value for future profit [v]
Other moves: GIVEN C2 20, VEE H1 20, VIE H1 20, GA(R)VIE K1 18, GIVES B1 18
On 19th draw, QI A1 68 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: PIOY 1A 39, QI 1A 33, QUIP(S) 5K 30, QUOP(S) 5K 30, YO 4L 30
On 20th draw, YU 4L 30 --- YU a precious jade [n]
Other tops: YO 4L 30
Other moves: ONY F4 29, NY F5 26, YO 6F 26, YAP 7C 25, PAY 7C 23
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