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Game on October 31, 2024 at 21:42, 5 players
1. 172 pts sunshine12
2. 120 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 98 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deprruv   H4    24    24   purred
 2. ?cdegiu   8A    89   113   cudgerie
 3. adegorr   4H    76   189   prograde
 4. aenootv   O1    27   216   voteen
 5. aaelmns   K4    94   310   gamelans
 6. ilnoqst   7M    32   342   qis
 7. eisswxy   I8    31   373   sexy
 8. ehinrrt   N2    30   403   hide
 9. ?aboopt   M3    34   437   talaq
10. ejosttu   3B    90   527   outjets
11. bilooru   A6    63   590   bicolour
12. adinory   F7    71   661   ordinary
13. abilmtw  H11    41   702   ambit
14. aehilov   4C    34   736   heal
15. aceinow   5D    39   775   aw
16. efgilnt  E10    27   802   life
17. aeikpvz   2F    65   867   za
18. eeginow   1G    42   909   weeing
19. ciknotv  13A    24   933   rocker
20. finoptv   2A    28   961   fop

Remaining tiles: inntv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7124 Filesunshine12  1  5:26  -789  172     1.7124 sunshine12  1  5:26  -789  172 
  2.7463 FileGLOBEMAN    1  4:10  -841  120     2.7463 GLOBEMAN    1  4:10  -841  120 
  3.7672 Fileroocatcher  1  3:49  -863   98     3.7672 roocatcher  1  3:49  -863   98 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:48  -940   21            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:16  -955    6     1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:48  -940   21 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  0:16  -955    6 

On 1st draw, PURRED H4 24 --- PURR to utter a low, vibrant sound [v]
Other moves: PERDU H4 22, PRUDE H4 22, PURED H4 22, PURRED H7 22, DRUPE H4 20

On 2nd draw, CUDGE(R)IE 8A 89 --- CUDGERIE (Australia) a large tropical tree with pink wood [n]
Other moves: DEUCI(N)G G8 68, DEUCI(N)G I8 68, CUDG(E)RIE 6C 67, CUDGERI(E) 7C 66, DEDUCI(N)G 9F 66

On 3rd draw, PROGRADE 4H 76 --- PROGRADE pertaining to the orbital motion of a body [adj] --- PROGRADE to accumulate sediment and hence advance seaward [v]
Other moves: DRAGROPE 4B 74, ROGERED E5 36, DODGER C8 20, DRAGGER D4 20, EARDROP 4B 20

On 4th draw, VOTEEN O1 27 --- VOTEEN a devotee [n]
Other moves: EVENT O4 24, NOVATED C2 24, OVATED C3 22, EAVE O1 21, EVOE O1 21

On 5th draw, GAMELANS K4 94 --- GAMELAN a type of orchestra [n]

On 6th draw, QIS 7M 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QATS M3 26, QAT M3 24, QIS 3F 23, SILO I8 21, SILT I8 21

On 7th draw, SEXY I8 31 --- SEXY arousing sexual desire [adj]
Other moves: WEXES E5 30, WEXES E7 30, WIDE N2 30, YEXES E5 30, YEXES E7 30
EXO 2M 20 sunshine12

On 8th draw, HIDE N2 30 --- HIDE to conceal [v] --- HIDE to flog [v]
Other tops: HE J6 30
Other moves: THRONE J1 27, HID N2 26, HET 3M 25, HIT 3M 25, HEIR L9 23
HIDE N2 30 sunshine12

On 9th draw, TA(L)AQ M3 34 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: ABOO(N) H11 32, ABO(R)T H11 32, ABO(U)T H11 32, AB(B)OT H11 32, APOO(P) H11 32
OBIT 3L 22 sunshine12

On 10th draw, OUTJETS 3B 90 --- OUTJET a projection [n]
Other moves: JOUSTED C2 32, JOUSTER 6B 32, JOUSTE(R) F2 31, GJETOST D8 30, JETTY 11E 30
JETTY 11E 30 sunshine12

On 11th draw, BICOLOUR A6 63 --- BICOLOUR something having two colors [n]
Other moves: BUROO 4A 37, BROOL 4B 35, OBOLI H11 35, BRIO 4B 31, BROIL H11 31
BOI 2B 22 sunshine12

On 12th draw, O(R)DINARY F7 71 --- ORDINARY of a kind to be expected in the normal order of events [adj] --- ORDINARY quite usual [adj] --- ORDINARY something that is ordinary [n] --- ORDINARY something quite usual [n]
Other moves: INROAD 4A 36, YOUR B6 34, YOU B6 31, JOINDER E3 30, OARY B3 30
AY B5 28 sunshine12

On 13th draw, AMBIT H11 41 --- AMBIT the external boundary of something [n]
Other moves: BIMA 4A 32, BALTI H11 31, BIMA E10 30, JAMB E3 30, BAM E10 26

On 14th draw, HEAL 4C 34 --- HEAL to make sound or whole [v]
Other tops: OHIA 4B 34
Other moves: HOOVE B2 32, HOVEA B2 32, HA J6 30, HAO 4C 30, HE J6 30

On 15th draw, AW 5D 39 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other moves: AI 5D 27, COW B2 27, JAW E3 26, ANOW B1 25, ENOW B1 25

On 16th draw, LIFE E10 27 --- LIFE the quality that distinguishes animals and plants from inanimate matter [n]
Other moves: BEGIFT 13H 26, FLOTE J2 26, GIF E10 26, GONEF J3 24, INTEL B10 24

On 17th draw, ZA 2F 65 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZIP 2A 40, ZEL F2 32, KIP 2A 30, PEAK B12 26, ADZE C7 25
ZA 2F 65 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 18th draw, WEEING 1G 42 --- WEE to urinate [v]
Other moves: WIGEON 1G 39, WENGE 1G 33, WINGE 1G 33, WONGI 1G 33, GWINE 1G 31
WINGE 1G 33 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
WO 1G 21 BadBoyBen
WIN 11D 6 chunk88

On 19th draw, ROCKER 13A 24 --- ROCKER a rocking chair [n]
Other tops: RICKER 13A 24, YOICK 14F 24
Other moves: BOCK 6A 22, ONTIC L11 22, TICK L11 22, TOCK L11 22, TOKO J3 22

On 20th draw, FOP 2A 28 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other moves: NIP 2A 22, P**F B12 22, TIP 2A 22, TOP 2A 22, OP 2B 20
OP 2B 20 sunshine12

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