Game on October 31, 2024 at 23:58, 5 players
1. 218 pts sunshine12
2. 137 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 122 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 42 42
2. G8 73 115
3. G3 29 144
4. 10F 32 176
5. 8A 27 203
6. B4 65 268
7. 5E 86 354
8. 11G 76 430
9. A1 45 475
10. A11 38 513
11. I3 36 549
12. 4L 35 584
13. J2 34 618
14. L8 22 640
15. 15H 45 685
16. O1 149 834
17. C1 36 870
18. F14 35 905
19. C11 41 946
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7137 sunshine12 1 6:51 -728 218 1.7137 sunshine12 1 6:51 -728 218
2.7535 GLOBEMAN 0 4:43 -809 137 2.7535 GLOBEMAN 0 4:43 -809 137
3.7657 roocatcher 0 5:48 -824 122 3.7657 roocatcher 0 5:48 -824 122
4. - BadBoyBen 0 0:53 -928 18 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 0:21 -932 14 1. - BadBoyBen 0 0:53 -928 18
2. - chunk88 0 0:21 -932 14
On 1st draw, AXIONS H3 42 --- AXION a hypothetical subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: AXIONS H4 28, AXIONS H7 28, AXIONS H8 28, HOAX H5 28, HOAX H6 28
HOAX H5 28 sunshine12
On 2nd draw, EPAR(C)HY G8 73 --- EPARCHY a district of modern Greece [n]
Other tops: PYO(R)RHEA 6F 73
Other moves: (T)HERAPY I8 72, PYOR(R)HEA 6F 71, E(U)PHRASY 8B 68, PHARY(N)X 4B 42, RHAP(H)E G2 41
YAH(S) G3 37 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, PELT G3 29 --- PELT to strike repeatedly with blows or missiles [v]
Other tops: PAAL G3 29, PEAL G3 29, PEAT G3 29
Other moves: APETALY 14A 28, TEPAL G1 28, HEELTAP 13G 26, LEAPT G2 26, PAL G3 26
PAT G3 26 sunshine12
On 4th draw, QAT 10F 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: EXARATE 4G 28, TARAIRE 11E 28, HETAIRA 13G 22, EAR H13 19, EAT H13 19
QAT 10F 32 sunshine12
On 5th draw, AUREOLES 8A 27 --- AUREOLE to surround with a halo [v]
Other moves: EXILER 4G 26, ALOE I2 24, LUREX 4D 24, AIRER 11E 23, ROE I3 23
On 6th draw, ENRAUNGE B4 65 --- ENRAUNGE to arrange [v]
Other moves: ANERGY 14B 28, ENERGY 14B 28, REANNEX 4B 28, ANNEXE 4D 26, ANNEX 4D 24
On 7th draw, ELLI(P)SOID 5E 86 --- ELLIPSOID [n]
Other moves: (K)ELOIDS 2A 79, (M)ELOIDS 2A 79, (P)ELOIDS 2A 79, S(C)OLE(C)ID 12B 76, (P)OLISHED 13B 76
On 8th draw, REDRIVEN 11G 76 --- REDRIVE to drive again [v]
Other moves: ENDIVE 4J 35, VEND A1 35, VERD A1 35, VIED A1 35, DEEV 4L 33
On 9th draw, DEAF A1 45 --- DEAF lacking the sense of hearing [adj]
Other tops: DEIF A1 45
Other moves: SEIF A1 42, EFS F13 35, FADES A11 35, FADOS A11 35, FEOD A1 35
FA F14 29 sunshine12
On 10th draw, FORBS A11 38 --- FORB any herb which is not grass [n]
Other moves: OFT F13 35, OF F13 34, FOOTS A11 32, FORTS A11 32, FROST A11 32
OFT F13 35 sunshine12
On 11th draw, CO(P)RA I3 36 --- COPRA dried coconut meat [n]
Other moves: COUVADE L8 32, CO(P)E I3 31, ACNODE N9 30, ADDUCER M3 30, CARVED L8 30
CO(P)E I3 31 sunshine12
On 12th draw, GAJO 4L 35 --- GAJO a non-gypsy [n]
Other tops: G*DJ*GADJO C11 35
Other moves: JA J2 33, JAGG C1 33, JO J2 33, GAJO C11 31, JA 4K 31
On 13th draw, WANS J2 34 --- WAN to become wan [v]
Other tops: WONS J2 34
Other moves: BANS J2 31, ABLOW O1 30, *B*ABO F13 29, OBA F13 29, WAWL C11 29
WAWL C11 29 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 14th draw, OLIVINE L8 22 --- OLIVINE a mineral [n]
Other tops: HOTLINE 13G 22
Other moves: ETIOLIN O1 21, OLIVET L8 20, EON H13 19, INLET C10 19, INTEL C10 19
LENTO C1 18 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 15th draw, BEMIST 15H 45 --- BEMIST to envelop in a mist [v]
Other moves: BEMIST 1F 38, BITES 15H 36, EMITS 15H 36, ITEMS 15H 36, METIS 15H 36
STEM 15L 33 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 16th draw, AUTOCOID O1 149 --- AUTOCOID a hormone [n]
Other moves: OUTCHID 13C 30, CNIDA N10 28, DACOIT O1 27, DROIT C7 26, ODIC 12A 25
CAD M3 12 roocatcher
On 17th draw, THYME C1 36 --- THYME an aromatic herb [n]
Other moves: HUGY C2 34, MYTH C1 33, HM N6 32, MYTH C11 32, THY C3 32
EH 14I 30 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 18th draw, KI F14 35 --- KI the vital force in Chinese thought [n]
Other moves: KIWI 10K 28, TWINK 13I 26, WIG C11 23, TWIG C11 22, WINK 13J 22
KADI M3 18 BadBoyBen
WAD M3 14 chunk88
On 19th draw, ZIG C11 41 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: WIZ C11 39, ZIT C11 39, ZO 6N 31, BIZ 14A 28, ZING 13J 28
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