Game on November 1, 2024 at 03:02, 5 players
1. 193 pts sunshine12
2. 57 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 24 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 64 64
2. 13H 28 92
3. 14F 27 119
4. 12K 23 142
5. 8A 83 225
6. 11D 88 313
7. C2 82 395
8. 15A 54 449
9. 6B 68 517
10. D1 30 547
11. 1D 80 627
12. L1 38 665
13. 12A 36 701
14. 14B 49 750
15. 2I 37 787
16. B1 37 824
17. K5 23 847
18. A1 30 877
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7139 sunshine12 1 8:25 -684 193 1.7139 sunshine12 1 8:25 -684 193
2.7563 GLOBEMAN 0 4:04 -820 57 2.7563 GLOBEMAN 0 4:04 -820 57
3.7674 roocatcher 0 1:31 -853 24 3.7674 roocatcher 0 1:31 -853 24
4. - BadBoyBen 0 1:05 -862 15 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 0:07 -865 12 1. - BadBoyBen 0 1:05 -862 15
2. - chunk88 0 0:07 -865 12
On 1st draw, SAU(R)IAN H8 64 --- SAURIAN any of a suborder of reptiles [n]
Other tops: ANU(R)IAS H2 64, ANU(R)IAS H3 64, ANU(R)IAS H4 64, ANU(R)IAS H6 64, ANU(R)IAS H7 64, ANU(R)IAS H8 64, I(G)UANAS H2 64, I(G)UANAS H4 64, I(G)UANAS H6 64, I(G)UANAS H7 64, I(G)UANAS H8 64, SAU(R)IAN H2 64, SAU(R)IAN H3 64, SAU(R)IAN H4 64, SAU(R)IAN H6 64, SAU(R)IAN H7 64, U(R)ANIAS H2 64, U(R)ANIAS H4 64, U(R)ANIAS H6 64, U(R)ANIAS H7 64, U(R)ANIAS H8 64
Other moves: ANU(R)IAS H5 62, I(G)UANAS H3 62, I(G)UANAS H5 62, SAU(R)IAN H5 62, U(R)ANIAS H3 62
NAUS(E)A H4 12 sunshine12
On 2nd draw, AFEARD 13H 28 --- AFEARD afraid [adj]
Other moves: DEAF G6 24, DEF G7 24, AUF G7 22, FAD G13 22, FED G13 22
FAD G13 22 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, GONAD 14F 27 --- GONAD a sex gland [n]
Other moves: BODRAG L10 24, DOAB 12K 24, GRAV L12 24, BOAT 12K 23, OVATED J9 22
BOAT 12K 23 sunshine12
On 4th draw, PEEN 12K 23 --- PEEN to beat with the non-flat end of a hammerhead [v]
Other moves: EMUNGE G6 22, MEE 12J 22, MEU 12J 22, PEE 12J 22, PREM L12 22
PEEN 12K 23 sunshine12
On 5th draw, CINEREAS 8A 83 --- CINEREA the grey matter of the brain [n]
Other moves: CINEREA G3 69, CINEREA G2 63, INCREASE 8B 63, RESIANCE 8F 63, CANIER I5 17
On 6th draw, INST(R)ESS 11D 88 --- INSTRESS to create an inner nature [v]
Other moves: INSTRESS E4 82, SENSIST O7 82, SENSIST O9 82, SESTINES D2 66, SESTINES D7 66
On 7th draw, BODYLINE C2 82 --- BODYLINE in cricket, a fast bowl at the batsman's body [n]
Other moves: BIELDY D10 32, BODY 7D 32, DOBY 7D 32, BODY 12B 31, DYABLE 9F 31
BAY G7 24 roocatcher
On 8th draw, JOWARI 15A 54 --- JOWARI durra (Indian millet) [n]
Other moves: JIAO 12A 42, ROJI B1 42, JAW B1 39, JOW B1 39, RAJ B1 37
JAW B1 39 sunshine12
WAR 11M 15 BadBoyBen
JEDI M11 12 chunk88
On 9th draw, BLAGU(E)UR 6B 68 --- BLAGUEUR one who talks pretentious nonsense [n]
Other moves: B(L)AGUEURS F3 67, (S)UBURB 2A 30, BAGU(I)O B10 28, BURG(O)O B10 28, BRAG(S) O8 27
BRAG(S) O8 27 sunshine12
On 10th draw, CORE D1 30 --- CORE to remove the core (the central part) of [v]
Other tops: CERO D1 30, CIRE D1 30
Other moves: ROBOTIC 2A 26, COTE B1 25, CERO 12A 22, CERT 12A 22, CIDER 4A 22
CODER 4A 22 sunshine12
On 11th draw, CORELATE 1D 80 --- CORELATE to place into mutual or reciprocal relation [v]
Other moves: AREOLATE 9H 60, RATO B1 25, CARLOT 1D 24, CARTEL 1D 24, CERATE 1D 24
RATO B1 25 sunshine12
On 12th draw, DAWTIE L1 38 --- DAWTIE a small pet [n]
Other moves: DOWIE L1 36, DAWT L1 34, DEAW L1 34, DOWT L1 34, WADI B1 34
On 13th draw, MIXT 12A 36 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other moves: MAXING 9G 34, MOXA 2I 32, MAXI 9G 31, GOX K5 30, MAX 9G 30
On 14th draw, ZO 14B 49 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: KNIVE K5 38, ZINKE 5K 36, KNOWE 3I 34, ZOWIE 3J 34, KON 14B 33
On 15th draw, LEHAIM 2I 37 --- LEHAIM a traditional Jewish toast [n]
Other moves: HOMIE K5 32, HOM B1 31, HELM K5 30, HOLM K5 30, HOME K5 30
On 16th draw, TOKO B1 37 --- TOKO punishment [n]
Other moves: KOTO B1 33, GOV B1 30, KOTO K5 30, GOOK K5 26, GOUK K5 26
On 17th draw, TYIN K5 23 --- TYIN a small unit of money in Kyrgyzstan [n]
Other moves: BLINY B6 22, VINYL 5K 22, YU A4 21, TIVY 5K 20, VINY 5K 20
On 18th draw, UH A1 30 --- UH used to express hesitation [interj]
Other moves: UGH 5E 27, HAPU 9G 25, HAP 9G 24, HUP 14M 23, HUP 3G 23
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