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Game on November 1, 2024 at 03:46, 5 players
1. 219 pts sunshine12
2. 22 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 22 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeintuv   H4    78    78   vauntie
 2. ?adilpy  11F    84   162   pyralid
 3. afgilrv   L8    32   194   vifda
 4. aadehmt   8L    36   230   vehm
 5. ?ceelrr   5D    86   316   replacer
 6. ginosty  13F    76   392   toyings
 7. adenrst  14A    77   469   starned
 8. aikoors   B8    64   533   rooikats
 9. aaceiot   A4    36   569   coate
10. deiimsw   N7    96   665   whimsied
11. adeilqw  O12    40   705   deaw
12. binooru   C9    26   731   broo
13. eiloruu  15A    26   757   isle
14. aeioptu  15F    31   788   taupie
15. egglntu   D4    25   813   grunge
16. befnoux   B5    52   865   ox
17. aehnnoz   4J    39   904   haze
18. flnortu   N1    31   935   foul

Remaining tiles: bjnnqrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7125 Filesunshine12  2  9:19  -716  219     1.7125 sunshine12  2  9:19  -716  219 
  2.7563 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:04  -913   22     2.7563 GLOBEMAN    0  1:04  -913   22 
  3.7674 Fileroocatcher  0  1:34  -913   22     3.7674 roocatcher  0  1:34  -913   22 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:07  -925   10            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:41  -930    5     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:07  -925   10 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:41  -930    5 

On 1st draw, VAUNTIE H4 78 --- VAUNTIE boastful [adj]
Other moves: VAUNTIE H2 72, VAUNTIE H3 72, VAUNTIE H6 72, VAUNTIE H7 72, VAUNTIE H8 72

On 2nd draw, PY(R)ALID 11F 84 --- PYRALID a long-legged moth [n]
Other tops: (R)APIDLY 11H 84
Other moves: PY(R)ALID G9 78, LAPIDA(R)Y 5C 76, LAPIDA(R)Y 5G 76, PY(G)IDIAL 9C 69, LAPIDI(F)Y 9E 68

On 3rd draw, VIFDA L8 32 --- VIFDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other moves: FILAR 12K 29, ALIF 12L 28, FAG 12K 25, FAIL 12K 25, FAIR 12K 25

On 4th draw, VEHM 8L 36 --- VEHM a medieval German court [n]
Other moves: HAMATE 12A 34, AHEAD I5 29, HAYED G9 29, ATHAME 12A 28, HAED I6 26

On 5th draw, RE(P)LACER 5D 86 --- REPLACER one that replaces [n]
Other tops: CEL(L)ARER 5D 86, CE(L)LARER 5D 86, CLEARER(S) 5E 86, RECAL(L)ER 5E 86, RECA(L)LER 5E 86, (D)ECLARER 5D 86
Other moves: CLEVER(E)R 4E 74, CLEV(E)RER 4E 74, CL(E)VERER 4E 74, CERE(B)RAL 5B 68, LARCE(N)ER 5G 68

On 6th draw, TOYINGS 13F 76 --- TOYING the act of toying [n]
Other tops: ROYSTING D5 76, STORYING D2 76, STROYING D3 76
Other moves: STONYING 7B 66, YOGIS L1 36, YONIS L1 34, STOGY M11 33, GONYS L1 32

On 7th draw, STARNED 14A 77 --- STARN to row backwards [v]
Other moves: STANDER 14A 76, STRANDER D3 72, DETRAINS 9C 63, AREDES M6 33, AEDES M7 32

On 8th draw, ROOIKATS B8 64 --- ROOIKAT a South African lynx [n]
Other moves: ROOIKATS 8B 63, KISS A12 39, KOSS A12 39, KORAS L1 38, ASKOI 15F 34

On 9th draw, COATE A4 36 --- COATE to cite as evidence [v]
Other tops: COAITA A6 36
Other moves: ATOCIA A3 33, COAITA A3 33, ACETA 15E 32, ATOCIA 15G 31, COATI A6 31

On 10th draw, WHIMSIED N7 96 --- WHIMSIED in a whimsical manner [adj] --- WHIMSY gentle fantasy [adj]
Other moves: WEIDS 15F 37, WEMS 15F 37, WEIDS L1 36, WIDES L1 36, WEDS 15F 34

On 11th draw, DEAW O12 40 --- DEAW dew [n]
Other tops: WAILED 15F 40
Other moves: AWDL 15E 37, WAIDE 15F 37, WALED 15F 37, WEALD 15F 37, AWED 15E 36
WED 15F 31 sunshine12

On 12th draw, BROO C9 26 --- BROO the eyebrow [n]
Other moves: OBA C12 24, OB B5 22, BRUIN C7 21, ROBE 10E 21, RUBE 10E 21
OB B5 22 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 13th draw, ISLE 15A 26 --- ISLE to place on an isle (a small island) [v]
Other moves: IURE D12 24, RORE D12 24, RURU D12 24, CLOUR 4A 20, LEIR 15F 19
ROE D8 12 sunshine12
OR B5 10 chunk88
ARE 6A 5 BadBoyBen

On 14th draw, TAUPIE 15F 31 --- TAUPIE a clumsy girl [n]
Other moves: PARE D12 30, PERE D12 30, PORE D12 30, PURE D12 30, TAUPE 15F 28
TAPE 15F 25 sunshine12

On 15th draw, GRUNGE D4 25 --- GRUNGE dirt [n]
Other moves: NUGGET 4J 22, CULET 4A 20, LUNET 10E 20, GURGLE D3 18, GENU 4C 17
GEY G9 16 sunshine12

On 16th draw, OX B5 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: EX B5 52
Other moves: UNBOX 4K 46, NIXIE 9K 41, EX G8 36, BOXEN 4J 34, FOX 4J 33
OX B5 52 sunshine12

On 17th draw, HAZE 4J 39 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other moves: AZLON J9 34, ZONE J2 33, NAZE 4J 30, HEN 6J 29, ZOEA C1 29
HAZE 4J 39 sunshine12

On 18th draw, FOUL N1 31 --- FOUL offensive to the senses [adj] --- FOUL to make filthy [v]
Other tops: FLOR N1 31, FORT N2 31, FOUR N1 31, FURL N1 31, FURL N2 31, ROLF N2 31, TURF N2 31
Other moves: FOR N2 29, FUR N2 29, LORN N2 25, LOUR N1 25, NOUL N1 25
FOR 3M 22 sunshine12

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