Game on November 2, 2024 at 03:13, 5 players
1. 487 pts sunshine12
2. 251 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 229 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 100 100
2. 3C 30 130
3. 7C 72 202
4. 4A 28 230
5. K1 76 306
6. 1E 77 383
7. J7 64 447
8. 5C 40 487
9. K10 50 537
10. 12H 44 581
11. H12 45 626
12. 4H 30 656
13. D7 78 734
14. M2 90 824
15. A1 167 991
16. 10A 33 1024
17. 8L 48 1072
18. I11 33 1105
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7101 sunshine12 3 15:58 -618 487 1.7101 sunshine12 3 15:58 -618 487
2.7568 GLOBEMAN 2 10:01 -854 251 2.7568 GLOBEMAN 2 10:01 -854 251
3.7588 roocatcher 2 8:17 -876 229 3.7588 roocatcher 2 8:17 -876 229
4. - chunk88 0 1:28 -1079 26 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:58 -1098 7 1. - chunk88 0 1:28 -1079 26
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:58 -1098 7
On 1st draw, SQ(U)AILS H3 100 --- SQUAIL to pelt with sticks [v]
Other moves: SQ(U)AILS H4 82, SQ(U)AILS H6 82, SQ(U)AILS H7 82, SQ(U)AILS H8 82, SQ(U)AILS H2 80
SQ(U)AILS H3 50 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
Q(U)AILS H4 48 sunshine12
On 2nd draw, MATEYS 3C 30 --- MATEY a friend [n]
Other moves: AMYLASE 3C 28, TALAQ 4D 28, YEALMS 3C 28, AMYTALS 3B 26, MEALY G7 26
MEATY G7 26 sunshine12, chunk88
MI 7G 7 BadBoyBen
On 3rd draw, CODIFIER 7C 72 --- CODIFIER one that codifies [n]
Other moves: CODIFIER 7E 70, CREDO 4A 34, FEOD 4A 34, FOID 4A 34, CODER 2B 33
DEF 2D 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 4th draw, AGORAE 4A 28 --- AGORA a market-place in ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: AGAR 4C 24, AGER 4C 24, AGORA 4A 24, GOIER 4B 24, GEAR 6F 23
GEAR 6F 23 sunshine12
On 5th draw, NINNIE(S) K1 76 --- NINNY a fool [n]
Other moves: NINE(P)INS 9A 59, Q(U)ININE 4H 30, Q(U)INIE 4H 28, Q(U)ININ 4H 28, NI(S)EI 5A 26
NINE(S) 5A 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 6th draw, NOTTURNI 1E 77 --- NOTTURNO a musical composition [n]
Other moves: QUINO 4H 28, QUINT 4H 28, INTO 5B 25, UNTO 5B 25, OURN 2D 22
On 7th draw, RUBEOLAR J7 64 --- RUBEOLA a virus disease [adj] --- RUBEOLAR pertaining to rubeola [adj]
Other tops: RUBEOLAS 9A 64
Other moves: ABEAR 6E 33, BEAR 6F 29, BOAR 6F 29, QUENA 4H 28, REB 5C 28
On 8th draw, ODYL 5C 40 --- ODYL a mystical pervasive force [n]
Other tops: IDYL 5C 40, OLDY 5B 40
Other moves: DEY 5C 35, YODEL K11 35, YODE K11 33, YODEL 8D 33, DYE 5C 32
DELAY A1 27 sunshine12
On 9th draw, AXILE K10 50 --- AXILE pertaining to an axial [adj]
Other moves: AXIL K10 46, AXIS K10 46, XERASIA 13G 46, ALEXIAS A4 42, OXALIS D7 42
AXILE K10 50 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 10th draw, JOLING 12H 44 --- JOL to have a good time (S African Slang), JOLLED, JOLLING, JOLS [v] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: NOGS L10 34, SOJA A1 33, SNOG L9 31, NOES L10 30, NOSE L10 30
REJOIN 14J 26 roocatcher
On 11th draw, JOKE H12 45 --- JOKE to say something amusing [v]
Other tops: JERK H12 45
Other moves: JEED H12 36, TROAKED A1 36, KEDGER M9 34, DEKARE A1 33, JEER H12 33
JOKE H12 45 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 12th draw, QUENAS 4H 30 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other moves: QUENA 4H 28, RONES L10 24, CAESURA C7 20, CAROUSE C7 20, ONES L11 20
RONES L10 24 sunshine12
On 13th draw, OPERANDS D7 78 --- OPERAND a quantity on which a mathematical operation is performed [n]
Other moves: SPOD I10 31, ASPREAD A4 30, PANDARS A3 30, PANDERS A3 30, PARADES A1 30
SPOD I10 31 sunshine12
On 14th draw, BESTOWED M2 90 --- BESTOW to present as a gift [v]
Other moves: COWED C7 33, BOWSED 14A 32, WEET E11 31, BESTOW M2 30, BOWAT A1 30
WEET E11 31 sunshine12
On 15th draw, THEATRIC A1 167 --- THEATER a building for dramatic presentations [adj] --- THEATRIC pertaining to a theatre [adj]
Other moves: CHATTIER A2 89, CHATTER A2 36, RATCHET A3 36, HER N6 34, HET N6 34
HERE 8L 33 sunshine12
On 16th draw, IZAR 10A 33 --- IZAR an outer garment worn by Muslim women [n]
Other tops: RIZA 10D 33
Other moves: RIZ 10D 32, SAZ 14D 32, ZA N1 30, AVOWAL 13F 29, NAZI L12 29
ZA N1 30 sunshine12
On 17th draw, FEHM 8L 48 --- FEHM a medieval German criminal court [n]
Other moves: HAWM 11C 29, WAUGH 11C 29, HIM N1 28, IF N5 28, FAH C9 27
IF N5 28 sunshine12
On 18th draw, GOV I11 33 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other tops: W*PWOP I11 33
Other moves: UPGO I9 30, WAP C9 25, GAWP 11C 23, WAP 11C 21, WAG 11C 19
W*P I11WOP I11 33 sunshine12
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