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Game on November 2, 2024 at 03:57, 2 players
1. 37 pts sunshine12
2. 25 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aensty   H8    76    76   stanyel
 2. aefiiru   8A    86   162   aurifies
 3. abjnosw  13B    94   256   jawbones
 4. adinnop  11E    40   296   dipnoan
 5. aeorstu   K5    66   362   outearns
 6. ?adeggv  15D    63   425   vades
 7. gikorst  L11    43   468   stork
 8. dehinot  14A    37   505   doh
 9. cehnort   L2    85   590   chorten
10. aenrttu   3H    74   664   earthnut
11. abeinoq   2D    40   704   niqab
12. cdeeior   1G    42   746   doric
13. eelluvy   1A    36   782   yeve
14. eeglmpx   A5    78   860   megaplex
15. afillow  15A    37   897   ow
16. aefgilu  12C    37   934   fae
17. eiiilmu   O3    27   961   telium
18. ggiillz   3B    30   991   zig

Remaining tiles: giill

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7090 Filesunshine12  1  1:12  -954   37     1.7090 sunshine12  1  1:12  -954   37 
  2.7508 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:04  -966   25     2.7508 GLOBEMAN    0  1:04  -966   25 

On 1st draw, STANYE(L) H8 76 --- STANYEL the kestral [n]
Other tops: AST(H)ENY H6 76, A(M)NESTY H6 76, SYNA(P)TE H3 76, S(H)ANTEY H6 76, TA(W)NEYS H7 76
Other moves: AST(H)ENY H2 70, AST(H)ENY H3 70, AST(H)ENY H4 70, AST(H)ENY H7 70, AST(H)ENY H8 70

On 2nd draw, AURIFIES 8A 86 --- AURIFY to turn into gold [v]
Other moves: AUF I11 26, AERIFY 12C 24, AURIFY 12C 24, EF I12 23, FEAR G10 23

On 3rd draw, JAWBONES 13B 94 --- JAWBONE to attempt to convince [v]
Other moves: BANJOS 15C 78, JAWBONES G2 76, JAWS 15E 72, JOWS 15E 72, BAWNS 15D 69

On 4th draw, DIPNOAN 11E 40 --- DIPNOAN a lungfish [n]
Other moves: ADO 14B 34, PAD 14A 33, POD 14A 33, PAN 14A 30, POA 14A 30

On 5th draw, OUTEARNS K5 66 --- OUTEARN to surpass in earning [v]
Other tops: OUTRAISE D3 66, SAUTOIRE D3 66
Other moves: AROUSE 15D 51, OATERS 15C 51, ORATES 15C 51, OSETRA 15G 51, OUTERS 15C 51

On 6th draw, VADE(S) 15D 63 --- VADE to pass away [v]
Other tops: VEGA(S) 15D 63
Other moves: DEVA(S) 15D 57, (S)AVED 15H 57, GADGE(S) 15C 54, (S)AGGED 15H 54, DEGA(S) 15D 51

On 7th draw, STORK L11 43 --- STORK a wading bird [n]
Other tops: STIRK L11 43
Other moves: KOIS 12C 41, KOAS 10F 40, GROK 10C 38, KOA 10F 37, KOI 12C 36

On 8th draw, DOH 14A 37 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other moves: HORNED 14J 36, HINTED L3 35, HOD 14A 35, NOH 14A 35, HERIOT 14J 34
DOH 14A 37 sunshine12

On 9th draw, CHORTEN L2 85 --- CHORTEN a Tibetan shrine [n]
Other moves: NOTCHIER D3 76, CHOUNTER 6H 67, HECTOR 8J 42, TECHNO 8J 42, HOE 12C 37

On 10th draw, EARTHNUT 3H 74 --- EARTHNUT a European herb [n]
Other tops: TRUNCATE 2H 74
Other moves: NAE 12C 28, ANTE M3 26, AE 15A 25, AR 15A 25, AT 15A 25

On 11th draw, NIQAB 2D 40 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other tops: BEACON 2I 40
Other moves: NIQAB 10B 37, QAT O1 36, BOA 12C 34, BOI 12C 34, QUINOA N2 34

On 12th draw, DORIC 1G 42 --- DORIC rustic [adj]
Other moves: COKIER 15J 36, DOC 1G 36, DOREE 1G 36, ODIC 1H 36, CERED 1A 33

On 13th draw, YEVE 1A 36 --- YEVE to give [v]
Other moves: KYLE 15L 33, LEVEL 1A 32, LEVE 1A 27, LEVY 4E 27, UEY M13 27

On 14th draw, MEGAPLEX A5 78 --- MEGAPLEX a large building having many movie theaters [n]
Other moves: PLEX 10C 57, LEX 10D 54, EX 10E 53, EX 2A 41, EX M6 38

On 15th draw, OW 15A 37 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other tops: AW 15A 37
Other moves: WAIF B3 35, WOF B4 34, KAIF 15L 33, ALIF B3 32, FAW M5 32

On 16th draw, FAE 12C 37 --- FAE from (Scots) [prep]
Other moves: FATIGUE O1 36, FERIAL 14J 34, FERULA 14J 34, KAIF 15L 33, KIEF 15L 33

On 17th draw, TELIUM O3 27 --- TELIUM the cluster of spore cases of the rust fungi [n]
Other moves: MERIL 14J 26, LUM B4 25, CUM 2L 24, EM B5 24, MU J6 24

On 18th draw, ZIG 3B 30 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: KILL 15L 24, RIZ 14L 24, ZITE 7I 23, RIGG J3 22, CIG 2L 20

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