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Game on November 2, 2024 at 04:41, 5 players
1. 48 pts sunshine12
2. 17 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 17 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acinnrs   H4    22    22   cairns
 2. aehinou   I9    22    44   hinau
 3. adgloox  H13    36    80   gox
 4. aaeeemr   4H    22   102   camerae
 5. aailnqt   M3    48   150   talaq
 6. abdeilz   J3    91   241   imblazed
 7. adeeins   K7    36   277   eased
 8. ?iirtvw   N6    44   321   wiver
 9. ?aeerst   8A    74   395   refasten
10. eiosttu   E5    82   477   tousiest
11. einnovy   K1    38   515   veney
12. begmory  O10    50   565   embryo
13. aefglnt  14J    40   605   featly
14. dglnoop   F2    30   635   gloop
15. cdinoou   1J    36   671   ovonic
16. ghiknou   M9    39   710   hognut
17. defijpr   3C    36   746   fjeld
18. diknrtu  10B    24   770   kited
19. iinpruw  12A    20   790   print

Remaining tiles: iuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7095 Filesunshine12  0  2:20  -742   48     1.7095 sunshine12  0  2:20  -742   48 
  2.7498 FileGLOBEMAN    0  0:17  -773   17     2.7498 GLOBEMAN    0  0:17  -773   17 
  3.7541 Fileroocatcher  0  0:45  -773   17     3.7541 roocatcher  0  0:45  -773   17 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:43  -784    6            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:08  -787    3     1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:43  -784    6 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:08  -787    3 

On 1st draw, CAIRNS H4 22 --- CAIRN a mound of stones set up as a memorial [n]
Other moves: CAINS H4 20, CAIRN H4 20, CANNS H4 20, CARNS H4 20, CRANS H4 20

On 2nd draw, HINAU I9 22 --- HINAU (Maori) a New Zealand tree [n]
Other tops: CHAINE 4H 22, COHUNE 4H 22, HUIA G6 22, OHIA I8 22
Other moves: AHI I8 21, AH I8 20, CANEH 4H 20, CHAIN 4H 20, CHIAO 4H 20

On 3rd draw, GOX H13 36 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: OXO H13 32, GALAX 12H 30, AXOID 6E 29, COXAL 4H 28, DOOL H12 28

On 4th draw, CAMERAE 4H 22 --- CAMERA a judge's chamber [n]
Other moves: AMERCE 4D 20, CAMERA 4H 20, CAREME 4H 20, AMEER J11 19, EMEER J11 19

On 5th draw, TALAQ M3 48 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: QANAT J6 46, QANAT 5G 38, TALAQ 3K 38, QANAT 5E 30, QANAT J8 30

On 6th draw, IMBLAZED J3 91 --- IMBLAZE to set on fire [v]
Other moves: ZED 3I 51, ZEA 3I 49, ZA 3I 46, BEZ J12 42, BIZE N6 42

On 7th draw, EASED K7 36 --- EASE to free from pain or trouble [v]
Other moves: DIENES N6 31, ZEDS 8J 31, DIENE N6 30, DINES N6 30, ESNE 8L 30

On 8th draw, WIV(E)R N6 44 --- WIVER in heraldry, a dragon with wings, the tail of a snake and two legs [n]
Other moves: WIV(E) N6 41, WIR(E) N6 38, WIR(Y) N6 38, WIT N6 38, WIT(E) N6 38

On 9th draw, RE(F)ASTEN 8A 74 --- FASTEN to secure [v] --- REFASTEN to fasten again [v]
Other tops: REASTE(D) O9 74, RESEAT(S) O9 74, RESTA(G)E O9 74, RESTA(T)E O9 74, RETAS(T)E O9 74, RETA(K)ES O9 74, RETA(P)ES O9 74, RETA(X)ES O9 74, RETEA(M)S O9 74, RETEA(R)S O9 74, RE(B)ATES O9 74, RE(D)ATES O9 74, RE(H)EATS O9 74, RE(L)ATES O9 74, RE(M)ATES O9 74, RE(P)EATS O9 74, RE(S)EATS O9 74, RE(T)ASTE O9 74, SEARE(S)T O9 74, SEATER(S) O9 74, SE(C)RETA O9 74, SE(D)ATER O9 74, SE(R)RATE O9 74, TEARE(R)S O9 74, TEASER(S) O9 74, TE(S)SERA O9 74
Other moves: (A)ERATES O9 73, (D)EAREST O9 73, (D)ERATES O9 73, (F)EASTER O9 73, (H)EATERS O9 73

On 10th draw, TOUSIEST E5 82 --- TOUSY shaggy [adj]
Other moves: TOUSTIER A1 77, TOUSTIE M9 70, TOUSIEST E2 66, TOUTIEST F1 62, TOUTIEST F5 62

On 11th draw, VENEY K1 38 --- VENEY the chosen location for an event [n]
Other moves: ENVOY F2 36, YONNIE M9 36, ENVOY L11 33, ENVY D12 32, NOY F4 29

On 12th draw, EMBRYO O10 50 --- EMBRYO an organism in its early stages of development [n]
Other moves: OVERBY 1J 45, BOGEY F2 40, BOGEY M9 36, VOMER 1K 33, BREY F3 32

On 13th draw, FEATLY 14J 40 --- FEATLY gracefully [adj]
Other tops: FEALTY 14J 40
Other moves: FANGLE M9 39, GANEF F2 36, FETAL M9 35, AFT N13 32, EFT N13 32

On 14th draw, GLOOP F2 30 --- GLOOP to bubble slowly [v]
Other moves: GLOP F3 25, GOOP F3 25, DOP F4 24, LOOP F3 24, NOOP F3 24

On 15th draw, OVONIC 1J 36 --- OVONIC an electronic device [n]
Other moves: CONVO 1H 33, VODOU 1K 30, VODUN 1K 30, DOUCINE B2 24, DOUC D10 23

On 16th draw, HOGNUT M9 39 --- HOGNUT a hickory nut [n]
Other moves: HOING F10 38, HOIK F10 36, KIGHT 12A 36, HOIK D10 33, HOI F10 31

On 17th draw, FJELD 3C 36 --- FJELD a high, barren plateau [n]
Other moves: JA I3 35, JIN 3I 35, FIER F10 32, FIE F10 31, JEFE 10B 30
JA I3 35 sunshine12

On 18th draw, KITED 10B 24 --- KITE to obtain money or credit fraudulently [v]
Other moves: KA I3 23, KIN 3I 23, TINK F11 22, (F)URKID C8 22, KITER 10B 21
ERK B8 17 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
NAT L13 6 BadBoyBen
AN L14 3 chunk88

On 19th draw, PRINT 12A 20 --- PRINT to produce by pressed type on a surface [v]
Other tops: PRUNT 12A 20
Other moves: INWIT 12A 18, UNWIT 12A 18, IWI 2A 17, ZAP 8J 17, INPUT 12A 16
PI 2B 13 sunshine12

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