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Game on November 2, 2024 at 11:31, 2 players
1. 269 pts Pacific
2. 104 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ajlostu   H4    42    42   jouals
 2. ?acdegi   9F    67   109   discaged
 3. kmnortu   8L    49   158   monk
 4. ?eeiiqz   G7    45   203   zein
 5. abeiirr   4H    28   231   jiber
 6. emntuwy  10J    39   270   yum
 7. aeorstw   O1    98   368   seatwork
 8. deegnrt  11I    36   404   gerent
 9. adfiiot   2J    28   432   daftie
10. defilnv   1G    33   465   felid
11. abeilns   2B    79   544   lesbian
12. aelnoqr  N11    28   572   tranq
13. eginptt   D2    74   646   spetting
14. ahooprs  14H    65   711   harpoons
15. aadnouy  15E    44   755   dayan
16. cehloow  13F    41   796   owche
17. iloortu  15N    39   835   qi
18. eeilotv  14D    31   866   lev
19. eiotuuv   C8    26   892   outvie

Remaining tiles: iorux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9876 FilePacific     4  8:29  -623  269     1.9876 Pacific     4  8:29  -623  269 
  2.7066 FileArcticFox   1  3:21  -788  104            Group: advanced
                                             1.7066 ArcticFox   1  3:21  -788  104 

On 1st draw, JOUALS H4 42 --- JOUAL a dialect of Canadian French [n]
Other moves: JATOS H4 40, JOLTS H4 40, JOTAS H4 40, JOUAL H4 40, JOUST H4 40
JOUST H4 40 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, (D)ISCAGED 9F 67 --- DISCAGE to free from a cage [v]
Other tops: GUIDA(N)CE 6G 67
Other moves: I(N)CAGED G9 66, I(N)CAGED I9 66, DISCAGE(D) 9F 65, DISCAGE(S) 9F 65, DISG(R)ACE 9F 65

On 3rd draw, MONK 8L 49 --- MONK a man who is a member of a secluded religious order [n]
Other moves: MORN 8L 37, MORT 8L 37, MOTU 8L 37, MUTON 10J 33, NORK 8L 33
MONK 8L 49 Pacific

On 4th draw, ZEI(N) G7 45 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: QUIZ 6G 42, (S)QUIZ 6F 42, QU(I)Z 6G 41, (M)EZE 10L 40, l*Z 10L 39
QUIZ 6G 42 Pacific

On 5th draw, JIBER 4H 28 --- JIBER one that jibes [n]
Other moves: JIRRE 4H 24, BI 10J 23, REB 7K 22, REBAR I1 21, BERIME L4 20

On 6th draw, YUM 10J 39 --- YUM used to express pleasurable satisfaction [interj]
Other moves: MUTE 10J 34, MEYNT 5K 30, MUN 10J 29, MUT 10J 29, WEY 10L 29

On 7th draw, SEATWORK O1 98 --- SEATWORK work done at one's seat [n]
Other moves: SAWER 11G 43, SOWER 11G 43, AWETOS 11H 40, STOWER 11J 40, STOWRE 11J 40
WORST M1 31 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, GERENT 11I 36 --- GERENT a ruler or manager [n]
Other moves: DENET 11I 34, DETER 11I 34, GENET 11I 34, DENE 11I 32, DERE 11I 32

On 9th draw, DAFTIE 2J 28 --- DAFTIE someone who is silly [n]
Other moves: AFT N1 26, OFT N1 26, FIAT N3 25, IF 5J 24, OF 5J 24

On 10th draw, FELID 1G 33 --- FELID a member of the cat family [n]
Other tops: DIVE 3I 33, FILED 1G 33, FINED 1G 33, FIVE 1G 33, FLIED 1G 33, LIVED 1G 33, VINED 1G 33
Other moves: DEIF 1H 32, DEVIL 1G 32, FLED 1H 30, VIED 1H 30, VILDE 1F 30
LIVED 1G 33 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, LESBIAN 2B 79 --- LESBIAN a female homosexual [n]
Other moves: ISABEL O10 35, SABIN O11 32, SABLE O11 32, SAIL 12L 32, SAIN 12L 32

On 12th draw, TRANQ N11 28 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: AERO 1A 22, LANE 1A 22, LARE 1A 22, LENO 1A 22, NARE 1A 22

On 13th draw, SPETTING D2 74 --- SPET to spit [v]
Other moves: QI 15N 33, PIING I3 32, PITTEN 3A 30, PENI 1A 28, PETTING C1 24
SPETTING D2 74 Pacific

On 14th draw, HARPOONS 14H 65 --- HARPOON to strike with a barbed spear [v]
Other moves: APOOP 3C 45, PHAROS 11B 35, SOH N4 34, HARPS 11C 33, HOOPS 11C 33
HARPOONS 14H 65 Pacific

On 15th draw, DAYAN 15E 44 --- DAYAN (Hebrew) a senior rabbi, pl DAYANS or DAYANIM [n]
Other moves: DAY 15G 41, DOY 15G 41, YAD 15G 39, YOD 15G 39, NAY 15G 38

On 16th draw, OWCHE 13F 41 --- OWCHE a setting for a precious stone [n]
Other moves: WHAE 13L 37, WELCH 13E 36, ECHO 13G 34, HEW 1A 34, OCHE 13G 34

On 17th draw, QI 15N 39 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: SI O14 39
Other moves: OBOLI E1 24, BIRO E2 22, BITO E2 22, BOLO E2 22, LOO 3K 21
SI O14 39 Pacific

On 18th draw, LEV 14D 31 --- LEV a monetary unit of Bulgaria [n]
Other moves: VIOLET 12A 28, BELIE E2 26, EVENT 8A 24, OBELI E1 24, OVINE 8A 24

On 19th draw, OUTVIE C8 26 --- OUTVIE to surpass in a competition [v]
Other moves: OVINE 8A 24, BITE E2 22, BITO E2 22, VET 1A 22, OVEN 8A 21

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