Game on November 2, 2024 at 13:45, 4 players
1. 250 pts vendanges
2. 212 pts Inkey
3. 161 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 40 40 


5E 44 84 


6J 33 117 


M2 32 149 


E1 63 212 


7K 33 245 


I7 84 329 


1A 158 487 


A1 83 570 


N1 40 610 


11E 94 704 


H13 47 751 


M9 35 786 


G7 33 819 


12L 30 849 


O10 33 882 


15G 67 949 


14J 35 984 


O4 45 1029 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
vendanges 2 9:57 -779 250 1.9874 Pacific 2 4:04 -881 148
Inkey 3 6:27 -817 212 Group: advanced
ArcticFox 2 6:43 -868 161 1.7905 Inkey 3 6:27 -817 212
Pacific 2 4:04 -881 148 2.7056 ArcticFox 2 6:43 -868 161
Group: intermediate
1.6825 vendanges 2 9:57 -779 250
On 1st draw, JIAOS H4 40 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: JOINS H4 40
Other moves: JIAOS H8 26, JOINS H8 26, SIJOS H4 26, SIJOS H8 26, SOJAS H4 26
JOINS H4 40 Pacific, ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, CONIMAS 5E 44 --- CONIMA a type of resin [n]
Other tops: CAMIONS 5E 44, MANIOCS 5E 44
Other moves: AMNIONS 5E 36, CANNS I3 27, CANSO I3 27, CONNS I3 27, MONAS I3 27
CANSO I3 27 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, HILAR 6J 33 --- HILAR pertaining to a hilum [adj]
Other moves: AAH 6H 31, HILD 6J 31, HID 6J 30, HILA 6J 30, HILT 6J 30
HID 6J 30 ArcticFox
On 4th draw, QIBLA M2 32 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: JAB 4H 24, JOB 4H 24, LOBELIA L6 24, BAA 6F 23, BOA 6F 23
BAM I3 19 ArcticFox
On 5th draw, TRANCHET E1 63 --- TRANCHET a shoemaker's knife [n]
Other moves: HARTEN G7 25, HATTER G7 25, CHANTER E5 24, CHATTER E5 24, HATER G7 24
On 6th draw, FAS 7K 33 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other moves: SNARF 2B 32, SOFA D1 30, FANONS 4A 28, FAVORS 2A 28, NAS 7K 27
On 7th draw, WORDILY I7 84 --- WORDILY in a wordy manner [adv]
Other tops: WORDILY G7 84
Other moves: ROWDILY I7 78, ROWDILY F7 72, DOWRY 2B 40, LIDO N1 39, Y*DYID N1 39
On 8th draw, REVOTI(N)G 1A 158 --- REVOTE to vote again [v]
Other moves: VERTIGO(S) 1B 86, OVERGIR(D) 2B 80, OVERGIR(T) 2B 80, OVERGIL(D) 12C 74, OVERGIL(T) 12C 74
On 9th draw, ROGUEING A1 83 --- ROGUE to cheat or defraud [v]
Other moves: VOGUEING C1 78, GIN N1 32, GIO N1 32, GI N1 28, IN N2 28
On 10th draw, PINE N1 40 --- PINE to languish with longing [v]
Other moves: LINE N1 36, LINO N1 36, NINE N1 36, PENNI H11 36, PIN N1 34
On 11th draw, (S)PECIATE 11E 94 --- SPECIATE to undergo a type of evolutionary process [v]
Other moves: C(L)YPEATE 13G 84, CL(Y)PEATE 12H 80, PECTA(S)E D7 79, PECTA(T)E D7 79, PEC(T)ATE D7 79
On 12th draw, FIX H13 47 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other moves: FRUTEX 12B 46, EXIT B1 45, EXIT 12K 42, IBEX 4L 42, FIXT 12L 40
EXIT B1 45 Pacific
EXIT 12K 42 vendanges
On 13th draw, BUDAS M9 35 --- BUDA an insulting term for an old man (India) [n]
Other tops: BUDOS M9 35
Other moves: BASTO M9 32, AS O1 30, OS O1 30, DAUBS M11 29, DOABS M11 29
BASTO M9 32 vendanges
OS O1 30 Inkey
On 14th draw, VIEWER G7 33 --- VIEWER one that views [n]
Other moves: WIENER G7 30, NEVI G5 29, VIE G7 27, VIN G7 27, WIN G7 27
WIVE N12 27 Inkey
WO L3 26 vendanges
On 15th draw, TANK 12L 30 --- TANK to store in a tank (a container usually for liquids) [v]
Other tops: LANK 12L 30, TALK 12L 30
Other moves: KNELT 12A 29, EKE L11 28, NEK L10 28, KAM I3 23, PULKA F11 23
TANK 12L 30 Inkey
EKE L11 28 Pacific
KA D3 22 vendanges
On 16th draw, DEKARE O10 33 --- DEKARE a measure equal to ten ares [n]
Other moves: DROUK O8 30, EUREKA O8 30, KADE O12 27, KAED O12 27, KUDO O12 27
DROUK O8 30 vendanges
DOURA B6 24 Inkey
On 17th draw, EXTENUATE 15G 67 --- EXTENUATE [v]
Other moves: TAUNTER 12A 21, JUN 4H 20, TAPEN F9 20, TAPET F9 20, NAPE F9 19
TAUNTER 12A 21 Inkey
TAUNT B6 18 vendanges
On 18th draw, YOM 14J 35 --- YOM day [n]
Other tops: YUM 14J 35
Other moves: YOM F4 32, DOOM F3 31, MOY 14J 31, DYE 10I 30, VOLUMED C1 30
YUM 14J 35 Inkey
YOM 14J 35 Pacific, vendanges
On 19th draw, ZO O4 45 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZO L3 44, OOZE D1 43, OUZO D1 43, OOZED B8 38, OUZEL B8 37
ZO O4 45 Inkey, ArcticFox, vendanges
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