Game on November 2, 2024 at 23:33, 5 players
1. 242 pts sunshine12
2. 78 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 45 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 44 44
2. 4G 38 82
3. 8C 65 147
4. M2 76 223
5. E4 102 325
6. C2 96 421
7. J7 65 486
8. L8 83 569
9. 2J 34 603
10. O2 48 651
11. 5J 26 677
12. B1 43 720
13. D1 54 774
14. 1H 27 801
15. D11 48 849
16. C11 40 889
17. N9 30 919
18. O12 32 951
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7115 sunshine12 2 6:17 -709 242 1.7115 sunshine12 2 6:17 -709 242
2.7455 GLOBEMAN 0 2:33 -873 78 2.7455 GLOBEMAN 0 2:33 -873 78
3.7435 roocatcher 0 1:45 -906 45 3.7435 roocatcher 0 1:45 -906 45
4. - BadBoyBen 0 0:25 -915 36 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 1:47 -918 33 1. - BadBoyBen 0 0:25 -915 36
2. - chunk88 0 1:47 -918 33
On 1st draw, Q(U)A(R)E H4 44 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other tops: QO(R)(M)A H4 44, Q(U)A(K)E H4 44, Q(U)A(L)E H4 44, Q(U)A(T)E H4 44, Q(U)EA(N) H4 44, Q(U)E(N)A H4 44, Q(U)OA(D) H4 44, Q(U)O(T)A H4 44, Q(U)O(T)E H4 44
Other moves: JE(R)(B)OA H4 38, JA(B)O(T) H4 36, JA(D)E(D) H4 36, JA(D)E(S) H4 36, JA(G)E(R) H4 36
QO(R)(M)A H4 44 sunshine12
On 2nd draw, AQUIFER 4G 38 --- AQUIFER a water-bearing rock formation [n]
Other moves: QUOIF 4H 34, QUAIR 4H 28, QUARE 4H 28, QUIRE 4H 28, AFIRE I2 26
On 3rd draw, OVERLENT 8C 65 --- OVERLEND to lend too much [v]
Other moves: OVERLENT 8F 62, OVERLENT L2 62, VROT 9G 25, REVOLT 9H 24, LONER 3J 23
On 4th draw, MERIDIAN M2 76 --- MERIDIAN a circle around the earth passing through both poles [n]
Other moves: AMIDINE 3A 75, DIAMINE 3A 75, MERIDIAN F6 71, LIMNAEID G8 63, MAIDEN 3I 45
On 5th draw, ICEBERGS E4 102 --- ICEBERG a large floating body of ice [n]
Other moves: ICEBERGS E6 76, RIBCAGES 6D 71, GIES N1 40, GRIECES E5 40, ERS N2 36
On 6th draw, REAPHOOK C2 96 --- REAPHOOK an implement used in reaping [n]
Other moves: REAPHOOK C3 94, KAPH 8L 54, KAPH D1 46, KOPH D1 46, HAKA 8L 45
HARK 8L 45 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 7th draw, STRAWIER J7 65 --- STRAWY resembling straw [adj]
Other moves: WAES N1 44, WARS N1 44, REWARMS 2H 40, SWARMER 2I 40, AIRS N1 38
WARS 8L 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, chunk88
On 8th draw, DUALITY L8 83 --- DUALITY the state of being twofold [n]
Other moves: DUALITY N8 81, YAULD L8 37, YALD 8L 36, YAUD 8L 36, DRILY 2B 34
YALD 8L 36 BadBoyBen, sunshine12
On 9th draw, BAGMEN 2J 34 --- BAGMAN a travelling salesman [n]
Other tops: FARE F6 34
Other moves: FAR F6 31, FENI 5J 31, FER F6 31, PREFAB 2B 30, BEAN D1 28
FARE F6 34 sunshine12
On 10th draw, NOYSOME O2 48 --- NOYSOME noisome [adj]
Other moves: OYS 10A 32, OYS 3F 32, SOMY B1 31, NOISOME O2 30, EMS 10A 29
SOOM 1H 26 sunshine12
On 11th draw, TATIES 5J 26 --- TATIE a potato [n]
Other tops: (U)PTA 5H 26
Other moves: PIETA 1F 25, PITTA 1F 25, PATTE I10 24, PEAT 1H 24, PARTITE 2A 22
PEAT 1H 24 sunshine12
On 12th draw, LUTZ B1 43 --- LUTZ a jump in figure skating [n]
Other moves: YUTZ 14L 32, ZOL I10 30, ZO I10 27, GLOZE 13F 26, NAZI 4B 26
On 13th draw, WENT D1 54 --- GO to move along [v] --- WENT a path [n]
Other tops: VENT D1 54
Other moves: NEWT D1 51, EWT D2 47, NET D2 38, TE D4 37, TI D4 37
On 14th draw, VIAL 1H 27 --- VIAL to put in a vial (a small container for liquids) [v]
Other moves: ULVA 1G 25, PIAL 1H 24, ALP I11 22, LIPA 1G 22, PILA 1G 22
On 15th draw, INFIX D11 48 --- INFIX to implant [v]
Other moves: FOX I10 32, FIR F6 31, FOR F6 31, FOX I13 28, NOX I10 26
On 16th draw, HOOP C11 40 --- HOOP to fasten with a hoop (a circular band of metal) [v]
Other tops: POOH C11 40
Other moves: COOP C11 37, HOOD C11 37, OHO C13 36, POSHO I10 36, POOD C11 34
On 17th draw, SJOE N9 30 --- SJOE wow (S Africa) [interj]
Other moves: JOG I10 28, OOPING 14A 26, JAGAS 10I 25, JOLES G6 25, EPIGONS 14B 24
On 18th draw, DOUC O12 32 --- DOUC an Asian monkey [n]
Other moves: COPING 14A 30, DONG O12 29, DUNG O12 29, UNGOD O11 29, DOPING 14A 28
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