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Game on November 3, 2024 at 01:49, 5 players
1. 259 pts sunshine12
2. 30 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 30 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aelsuz   H4   100   100   zealous
 2. adenouv   4H    36   136   zouave
 3. ?aeemnt   G5    78   214   peatmen
 4. aeilnpr   K4    90   304   airplane
 5. diosvwx   N4    45   349   sox
 6. addiirt   O5    27   376   dita
 7. acdeiww   M1    27   403   cawed
 8. aghnorw   1J    36   439   rancho
 9. eghnnos  F10    36   475   hogens
10. denoorv  13D    64   539   overdone
11. aabiort   N8    74   613   airboat
12. eefgiot  O12    46   659   feet
13. bdegmop  15A    45   704   pombes
14. egginry  12A    32   736   yegg
15. cefqstu   E7    41   777   quest
16. ciijklr   A7    45   822   ickily
17. dijlrtu   J9    29   851   jud
18. iilnrty   E5    32   883   inquest
19. fiilrty  14I    34   917   fy
20. iilrrtw   L9    34   951   wili

Remaining tiles: irrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7098 Filesunshine12  2  9:08  -692  259     1.7098 sunshine12  2  9:08  -692  259 
  2.7455 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:25  -921   30     2.7455 GLOBEMAN    0  1:25  -921   30 
  3.7435 Fileroocatcher  0  1:55  -921   30     3.7435 roocatcher  0  1:55  -921   30 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:27  -933   18            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:59  -939   12     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:27  -933   18 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:59  -939   12 

On 1st draw, ZEAL(O)US H4 100 --- ZEALOUS filled with zeal [adj]
Other moves: ZEAL(O)US H2 82, ZEAL(O)US H3 82, ZEAL(O)US H6 82, ZEAL(O)US H7 82, (Q)UEZALS H2 82

On 2nd draw, ZOUAVE 4H 36 --- ZOUAVE a French infantry man [n]
Other moves: ZONDA 4H 30, ZONED 4H 30, VADE I3 28, ZONAE 4H 28, DEVON I1 26

On 3rd draw, (P)EATMEN G5 78 --- PEATMAN a peat seller [n]
Other tops: (M)EATMEN G5 78
Other moves: EA(S)EMENT 5C 72, EMEN(D)ATE M2 72, MEAT(M)EN G5 72, MANTEE(L) G9 71, MAN(A)TEE G9 71

On 4th draw, AIRPLANE K4 90 --- AIRPLANE a winged aircraft propelled by jet engines or propellers [n]
Other moves: PERINEAL M3 74, ENALAPRIL 7E 63, APER F9 30, APE F9 29, PALIER F10 29

On 5th draw, SOX N4 45 --- SOCK a knitted or woven covering for the foot [n]
Other tops: SIX N4 45, SOX I7 45
Other moves: OX I8 39, VOWS N1 39, XIS N2 39, OXIDS L10 37, WOX 3M 36

On 6th draw, DITA O5 27 --- DITA a Philippine tree [n]
Other tops: DIRT O5 27
Other moves: IRID O6 24, ADD I7 23, ARD I7 21, LAIRD 8K 21, LIARD 8K 21

On 7th draw, CAWED M1 27 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other moves: WADE L9 26, WADI L9 26, DEAW L9 23, AWED L8 22, AWED M2 21

On 8th draw, RANCHO 1J 36 --- RANCHO a ranch [n]
Other moves: HOGAN F10 35, HOGAN 2J 34, ANCHO 1K 33, HAW F10 33, HOW F10 33

On 9th draw, HOGENS F10 36 --- HOGEN strong liquor [n]
Other moves: HOGEN F10 35, HONGS F10 35, HONES F10 34, HOSEN F10 34, EH F9 32

On 10th draw, OVERDONE 13D 64 --- OVERDO to do to excess [v]
Other moves: DROVES 15A 42, DEVONS 15A 33, DOVENS 15A 33, DOVERS 15A 33, RONDES 15A 27
DOSER 15D 24 sunshine12

On 11th draw, AIRBOAT N8 74 --- AIRBOAT a boat used in swampy areas [n]
Other moves: ARABIS 15A 33, AROBAS 15A 33, BISTRO 15D 33, ABROSIA 15B 30, BARISTA 15B 30
BASTA 15D 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 12th draw, FEET O12 46 --- FOOT the terminal part of the leg on which the body stands and moves [n]
Other moves: FEG I7 33, FOG I7 33, FOGIES 15A 33, FET I7 29, FIGO 12A 28
FEET O12 46 sunshine12
SIF 15F 18 chunk88
SEG 15F 12 BadBoyBen

On 13th draw, POMBES 15A 45 --- POMBE an African alcoholic drink [n]
Other moves: BEAM 2K 36, BESOM 15D 36, BODGES 15A 36, DEMOBS 15A 36, EMBOGS 15A 36
POSED 15D 33 sunshine12

On 14th draw, YEGG 12A 32 --- YEGG a burglar [n]
Other moves: NYE 14I 31, RYE 14I 31, EDGY H12 30, EGGY 12A 30, GREY 12A 30
NYE 14I 31 sunshine12

On 15th draw, QUEST E7 41 --- QUEST to make a search [v]
Other moves: QUETHES 10B 39, FEST I7 37, FUSC E8 35, CUTESY A7 33, CUTEYS A8 33
COSTE I3 20 sunshine12

On 16th draw, ICKILY A7 45 --- ICKILY in a icky manner [adv] --- ICKY repulsive [adv]
Other tops: RICKLY A7 45
Other moves: ICK M7 31, ICILY A8 30, ICKIER B8 22, ICKLER B8 22, RICKLE B7 22
JO B14 18 sunshine12

On 17th draw, JUD J9 29 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other moves: JEAT 6F 27, JUT J9 27, AID 2M 21, ID B9 20, JOR I3 20
JUD J9 29 sunshine12

On 18th draw, INQUEST E5 32 --- INQUEST a legal inquiry [n]
Other moves: NY 14I 28, IDLY H12 27, IDYL H12 27, YIN L9 26, DRY H13 21
NY 14I 28 sunshine12

On 19th draw, FY 14I 34 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other tops: RIFT L9 34
Other moves: IF B9 32, FIER B10 30, FIE B10 29, FY I7 27, IDLY H12 27

On 20th draw, WILI L9 34 --- WILI the spirit of a maiden [n]
Other tops: WILT L9 34
Other moves: IWI L8 26, IWI L10 22, TWIRL D1 20, AIR 2M 18, WILI D3 18

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